I am quickly approaching CP500, and I am looking for new friends to enjoy the game with.
I would prefer a social guild with a sense of humor that does some regular events and has a helpful community.
I mostly PVE (PVP still kind of scares me - but I want caltrops!) and I have characters in EP and AD.
I have over 2000 hours in the game (possibly because I've left my launcher up - oops), but I am still learning and could use some help in getting my dps up to where it needs to be on a consistent basis. Currently, my main tends to be somewhere between 20-30k dps, but I have not yet gotten the hang of animation canceling or weaving (please, send help! lol), and I would like to not be a potato or constantly surprised by my combat metrics. I am not looking for an elitist guild that requires me to be BiS or make a race I don't want to play to be "the best." I just want to have fun with a silly bunch of people and improve my game play in hopes of actually being able to run veteran trials without wanting to run away screaming or feeling like I'm being carried through.
I am already in 2 social guilds, a crafting guild, and a trading guild. My fifth slot has been sort of a revolving door, and I'm hoping to find somewhere that is a good fit and where I want to stay long-term. I have no preference on size, as long as the guild is fairly active and is good company. I'm willing to help out with events (ie. skyshard hunting, dolmen and world boss destruction, questing, hide & seek, Cards Against Humanity, delve running, thievery & murder, auctions, etc), if needed.
I am in ET, but my online times are fairly random (I am usually on in the later evenings, though). If I sound like I might be a good fit in your guild, please message me or send a mail in-game to
Thank you!