Maintenance for the week of March 10:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

- End Games - Veteran Trials Guild Recruiting!

-End Games- veteran trials guild recruiting for all roles!

We are an active end games veteran trials guild looking to fill up our core rosters. We have a total of 4 core teams that run 5 days a week.

1.) Heavy Sacks - runs 9-12 pm est Mon-Wed. Currently recruiting dps. The team has finished all veteran hardmodes besides vAS +2.

2.) Crits & Cleavage - runs 8-11 pm est Thurs-Sat. Currently looking for 1 stam dps. This team has completed all veteran hardmodes including vAS +2 and hm vMoL. Will be working on scores for now until new update.

3.) Big D Deeps - runs 8-11 pm est Thurs, Fri, Sun. Currently full. This team is currently working on vAS!

4.) Down Under Plunder - late night aussie group that runs from 5:30-7:30 am est Thur, Sun. Currently completed hm vHoF!

As you can tell, we have many teams pushing for end game hard mode content, so please have adequate experience when requesting to join. Our main focus is committment and dedication to showing up on time and being an active, trustworthy member in the team you raid with. Second is your ability to perform well in the role you choose to play, ie raid awareness, dps. VMaw and vHoF completes and/or experience is instant invite.

If pushing leaderboard scores and having fun while doing it is your thing, then leave a reply with your class/role!
Edited by XiDiabolismiX on May 20, 2018 11:47PM
  • XiDiabolismiX
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    How exactly do you measure the dps?
    60k on stamina with no addons, so what is it on dummy etc.
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • XiDiabolismiX
    How exactly do you measure the dps?
    60k on stamina with no addons, so what is it on dummy etc.

    Those requirements are for full raid parses on a robust lambent target skeleton. There’s a disparity between stam classes on solo parses so I chose not to include them. But for reference on a solo parse with nothing but your own gear, stam dps should look like:

    Stamdk - 40k+
    Stamsorc - 36k+
    Stamplar - 36k+
    Stamblade - 45k+

    Those should be achieveable in complete raid setup (CP, Mundus, Food, etc...) but because it’s difficult to determine if someone has that set up correctly, we use raid parses for a determination.

    You won’t hit those raid requirements in a cheese build solo parse.

    Edited by XiDiabolismiX on March 13, 2018 12:33PM
  • XiDiabolismiX
  • LiquidPony

    Alpha Team is recruiting too, with multiple openings.
  • SupremeRissole
  • XiDiabolismiX
    Bump! Still recruiting!

    Get in while you can, spots wont last!
    Edited by XiDiabolismiX on March 28, 2018 5:36PM
  • CompM4s
    GT-CompM4s. Looking for the Delta late night. Currently run a Magsorc, have completed VAA, VSO, VDSA and VMA. Full on guilds but please send a message and ill make room.

    I run moondancer/ netches touch and llambris.
    Solid sustain with good dps.
  • XGCAlbatr0ss
    Looking to Join the Alpha team. I have experience in all trials with completes in all hardmode crag trials, vMoL complete on different roles (tank, dps) and made it to triplets in vHoF but no complete as of yet. I had taken a hiatus from the game after Horns of the Reach and came back dragon bones launch day. Havent done vAS yet but i hear its not too difficult. Anyways i have multiple toons, but my hardest hitters are my Stamplar (42k standard puncture) and StamDK (40k solo) I have the main stam sets (WM, Sunder, NMG,VO, Hundings, Acuity) . Also have a Argo Vamp DK tank with all sets. I can magplar and/or mag sorc as well but dont really run my magic classes as of late (not fun to me anymore). Anyways im just trying to fill my guild spots back up and get my raid guilds back. I am very flexible and disciplined, you guys sound like a great guild that id love to Join. Hope to hear from yall

    XB GT- xi AlbaTr0ss ix <
    (that is a zero and not an O)
  • Savage_Audacity
    This is a great guild guys. Lots of good players with no toxic attitudes. Join before you miss your chance!
  • PinkRhyno
    Interested in Charlie team, what's your GT so, I can send you my dummy results?
  • XiDiabolismiX
    Same as name on here, Ill send you a guild invite!
  • XiDiabolismiX
    Still recruiting for our Alpha and Charlie teams! Also, big congratulations to our Bravo team, Crits & Cleavage, for complete of vAS +2!
    Edited by XiDiabolismiX on April 7, 2018 6:34PM
  • Kinnahz
    Hey man, Looking to jjoin another trials guild. Im aussie so really hoping to get in some weeknight runs and weekend stuff.

    Solo DPS;
    Magblade 42k
    Stamblade 39k
    Magsorc 35-37k
    also have a tank that ive tanked the craglorns trial in

    My Gt is KINNAHZ

    edit; i've Completed vMoL many times, Haven't had a great deal of experiance in vHoF
    Edited by Kinnahz on April 9, 2018 6:35AM
    Xbox & PC Gamertag: KINNAHZ
    vHRC HM, vAA HM, vSO HM, vMoL HM, TTT, IR, vCR+3, GS, DB, Oax HM, Lyl & Tur HM, Yaseyla & Twelvane HM, Ryelaz/Zilyesset & Orphic HM, vDSA, Unchained, Flawless, Spirit Slayer
  • XiDiabolismiX
  • mudkipmate
    A very nice guild full of wonderful members who help each other. I wouldn't pass this up
  • SupremeRissole
  • Jaywics
    Winner of thr best PvE Guild NA 2017 award presented by GamePro Magazine!
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • XiDiabolismiX
    Still actively looking for recruits!
  • HungryMonkey007
    Do any of your teams run after 10 eastern besides the diwn under team?
  • XiDiabolismiX
    Do any of your teams run after 10 eastern besides the diwn under team?

    Unfortunately not. Heavy Sacks is the only one close to that time (9pm est)
  • hussein7861
    Can you inv me mayhem3750 I am very familiar with all trials completions in all hardmode craglorn trials vmaw completion and hardmode vmol exp and exp in both asylum and vhof 750 cp main magsorc and stamina templar but I am very fluent in all other dps classes
  • Sizzyy
    Please contact me on xbox GT: Sizzyy
    Not online right now but very interested in joining your guild and running with the Aussie guild. 50k 3 mil dummy parse magblade
    May I have invite gamer tag Eternal Parrish
    PC NA
  • i b Apathy
    I'm looking for a core group, not auzzie times though . Have all craglorn HM completes, vmol lunar phase, vas +1 and VCR to execute ( portal runner ) I'm looking to get completes on these harder trails and get a core group to play with .
    45k mag blade
    40k mag sorc .
    No cheese self buffed. Have parses saved .

    GT: i b apathy
  • montiferus
    U guys ever do VDSA?
  • XiDiabolismiX
    montiferus wrote: »
    U guys ever do VDSA?

    We have people in the guild that do other content like that, but we are mainly a trial focused guild.
  • RosenrotWolf
  • Darkdex
    Are you still recruiting in your HM cores?

    I'm an experienced raider but haven't found a group to clear the vtrials DLC HM, I've cleared vMoL, vHoF, vAS+1 (both bosses) and all the Craglorn HMs. I'm also the raid leader of a progression guild (i've cleared these with them, but the core group is broken right now and nobody wants to raid because people dont get online on time).

    Currently, my numbers are a little modest because i havent got the Advancing yokeda daggers and i have just 1 set of non-perfect relequeen and 1 siroria. Also, I dont have any bloodthirsty-traited jewels.

    All parses are on a 3 mill dummy, but i can try them in 6 mill if needed.
    • Stamblade: 47k (with Rele + Briartheart)
    • Stamblade: 41k (with WM + Briarheart)
    • Stamblade: 42k (with Rele + Briarheart) - Bow/Bow
    • Magblade: 40k-43k (with Zaan or Valkyn, MA + BSW)
    • Magsorc: 39k (Siroria + Willpower + Ilambris + Perfected destro)
    • MagDK: 37k (BSW+ moondancer without sinergies)
    • StamDK: Havent done a parse in a really long time since I have it as a tank right now.
    • Magplar: Havent done a parse in a really long time since I have it as a healer right now.
    • I think i can get more than 36k with both of them easily by swapping some gear.

    My GT is DRK Darkdex, hope there is room for me! Thanks!
    Edited by Darkdex on July 12, 2018 6:56PM
  • Saint314Louis1985
    Have 100k score run exp in vmol. Have many clears of vhof. Also have exp in vas+2 progression but no clear. Many clears of all craglorn hm also. Currently parsing 39k non pet mag sorc and 42k mag nb. Don’t have the new dlc yet so numbers could possibly get higher with new gear/skills. I also have a mag dk, stam dk, and Templar healer but gear/ parses not up to date.
    Currently not able to commit to a team due to work schedule but would be available 3-4 nights a week as a fill in when needed.
    GT is Saint 314 Louis. Hope to hear back. Thanks.
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