An Ode to Zerg Bads

An Ode to Zerg Bads, in C minor:


Zerglings streaming even here on Shor,
Thank you zerg bads.
Zerglings streaming even here on Shor,
Thank you zerg bads.

ZOS done gone and buffed the blob,
Thank you zerg bads.
ZOS done gone and buffed the blob,
Thank you zerg bads.

Ping is high and the frames are low,
Thank you zerg bads.
Ping is high and the frames are low,
Thank you zerg bads.

Zerglings' cries for nerfs are cold,
Thank you zerg bads.
They chill the body but not the soul,
Thank you zerg bads.

It has been one hell of a ride,
Thank you zerg bads.
It has been one hell of a ride,
Thank you zerg bads.

There's milk and honey on the other side,
C U zerg bads.
There's milk and honey on the other side,
C U zerg bads.


Now that you know the words, old timers grab your banjos and sing along with Pete Seeger:

For the millennials, grab your avocado toast, roast some vegan marshmallows and join Peter Griffin:

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