WakeYourGhost wrote: »I am for real...
And you are jumping to assumptions without looking in to it at all.
generalmyrick wrote: »i have to pay do dye my armor too?
im sure this has been brought up...but i have to pay to dye my armor too...even its not an outfit? stupid...*** you zos.
Select armor, and you can dye for free. Also, was that last sentence really necessary?
Are you sure you are for real?
Are you sure you are for real?
Air pollution is crazy. Clean air is actually quite expensive.
Are you sure you are for real?
Hmm, okay I guess I missed the fact that you're a goat. I guess everything in life is free, then.
If you get a drink for free, it's free to you, but it's not free to the person who gave it to you.
When certain things are not owned by anyone and they don't require anyone to deliver them to you, they might be considered free in a limited understanding. But like I said it's not free to breathe in polluted air, because it comes at a cost to your health, and if you want clean air, that requires you living in a more expensive place.
If you get a drink for free, it's free to you, but it's not free to the person who gave it to you.
When certain things are not owned by anyone and they don't require anyone to deliver them to you, they might be considered free in a limited understanding. But like I said it's not free to breathe in polluted air, because it comes at a cost to your health, and if you want clean air, that requires you living in a more expensive place.
DieAlteHexe wrote: »
Not necessarily true. Where I live (southern Germany) clean air, very low cost of living, nice and peaceful. Same when I lived in the Rockies (CO).
There is always a cost. It's not always money. It can be time or quality of life. Maybe you have to travel more or have access to less things of convenience to live in a nice, peaceful place. I can't know your circumstances, but I do know everything has its advantages and drawbacks.
WakeYourGhost wrote: »
You are going through Olympic level mental gymnastics to really fog out the issue.
If you are going to draw it so thin, of course you will be able to make any mindset seem like the only right answer.
The main point - Some things are free for "ME". Some things are free for "Other People", too.
Cost is irrelevant if it doesn't directly apply to or impact you~!
If someone gives you something for free, it likely costed them something - It didn't cost you anything. Free.
Even the most pure of air is still "toxic" in truth. If you are counting "cost" by the damage it does to your health, than every breath you take is costing you time.
If you look hard enough, you can fabricate a "cost" for anything just by obfuscating what counts as a reasonable "currency".
I've seen people use this argument before on ESO for why No one should give out Werewolf and Vampire Bites. In truth, the mindset isn't actually that "nothing is free", it's more "nothing should be free" - That mindset seems to be sourced from a much more selfish core ideology.
DieAlteHexe wrote: »
From your POV, perhaps but not mine. I've given up nothing and gained quite a bit. This was in response to polluted air so let's not be moving the goalposts.
Well... What if I give you a link that shows you your south Germany air is not clean right now as we speak? Look up PM2.5 if you don't know what it is.
Anyway, I don't even remember what the original topic was about but it feels like we might be derailing the thread.
Select armor, and you can dye for free. Also, was that last sentence really necessary?