Add that he is level 33 so only the easier normal dungeons.Fairly new back to ESO, tonight when I joined a Dungeon I was told to take off my style or be kicked. I tried to ask what they meant but they were being jerks. Can someone tell me what this means and why I would remove it please.
They were probably talking about an outfit/costume that covers your armor. They wanted to see if you were wearing the "right" type for your role. No one should be asking you to do this now.
A rather useless reason to demand someone remove their costume if you ask me. Seeing what their armor looks like tells you pretty much nothing about them, even if they do happen to be wearing the current FotM BiS. I've been in many groups where someone was wearing the absolute best gear with the best build and best rotations etc. etc. and he was hands down the absolute worst performer on the team.