In almost every single end-game PvE build I've come across, mainly Stamina builds the same thing is shared between them all. Nothing is spent in upping the build's Recovery. It sits anywhere between 500 and 900 at most, because the build opts to spend as much as it can getting that Weapon Damage number as high as it can, which is usually between 4,500 and 5,500 fully buffed.
Having an insanely high Damage number is great and all but with such low recovery and Stamina Heavy Attacks not refunding much either the build feels flawed. I understand that the Dragon Bones Update is bringing us increased Heavy Attack resource restore, (to which I'd like to ask you PC players the details behind that), however through my experience with my StamDK which I've tried playing as a Heavy Attack weaving build, having only 900 Stam Recovery makes prolonged fights very difficult, and the sustain granted from casting Ultimates happen few and far between from how long it takes to work up the 150 for Dawnbreaker or 250 for Standard. It keeps making me go back to considering switching to the Serpent to get that number up to at least 1,200 or 1,400.
For me, winning a battle doesn't mean having the highest damage output I can get. Most wipes come from a depleted Resource bar, unable to cast Vigor, panicking and then being swatted down. (Really, without using Bloodthirst, I have to constantly cast Vigor, which makes me wonder why Alcast Builds always forego a self heal..) Even if my damage is neutered, if I go into a fight knowing I can keep my Stamina bar from depleting then I know I can win, even if it takes longer due to lower dps.
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AvA One Star General -
Console Peasant -
The ClanQuest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!