Yet doesn't fit in with any lore anywhere so it's a no from me.
Thevampirenight wrote: »
Oh yes it does they are most definitely part of the lore they have them in the Skyrim dragonborn dlc.
There is even books talking about the werebears of skyrim.
Lorewise skyrim is supposed to be teaming with Werebears. They are also the second most common Lycanthrope in Hircines Realm at least I think I've read that somewhere not seeing anything on that right now as I look for it.
They are having problem balancing werewolf, how would you think a werebear could be? Both from a design and a balance perspective.
But you see here, the difference is the year gap between ESO and Skyrim, it could have bloomed further along after the war ended but as current time period dictates, it's not part of the lore "yet".
But you see here, the difference is the year gap between ESO and Skyrim, it could have bloomed further along after the war ended but as current time period dictates, it's not part of the lore "yet".
But you see here, the difference is the year gap between ESO and Skyrim, it could have bloomed further along after the war ended but as current time period dictates, it's not part of the lore "yet".
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »There are werebears in the game and in the series. I would love to see more werebeasts in the game including some playable ones. I would also like to see anti-daedric Guilds/Orders/Knighthoods that are meant to specifically counter all the monstrosity.
But you see here, the difference is the year gap between ESO and Skyrim, it could have bloomed further along after the war ended but as current time period dictates, it's not part of the lore "yet".
Twenty0zTsunami wrote: »Why do you need a bear just to match? Wardens/Rangers/Druids aren't just adept at summoning/befriending/manipulating bears. They are the masters of nature and as such many beasts are bound to their whim.
Lycanthropy on the other hand specifically refers only to wolves. The prefix Lycan is based on the latin word for wolf (Canis Lupus-- more specficially the Lupus bit, as Canis refers to all canines) A werebear would be afflicted with Ursinthropy.
Doesnt have to meddle with balance. It can simply be a skin just like the grey bear of Wardens. Add in a sidequest to the Werewolf transformation story and you have your playable Werebear
But you see here, the difference is the year gap between ESO and Skyrim, it could have bloomed further along after the war ended but as current time period dictates, it's not part of the lore "yet".
Yes Please.
Maybe in a future update we can have different lycanthropes across tamriel?
Imagine running into a group of orcs and they transform into WereBoars
Redguard Pirates coming out of the water as WereSharks
A whole storyline revolving around a Nord tribe of WereBears
Sounds good to me
Would add more variety to the game for both Players and NPCs