Carbonised wrote: »The Morrowind update brought a TON of these knick knacks, tools, trinkets and various objects. The purple, blue and gold recipes already give us the majority of these ones, and the ones that aren't still in game I have compiled in a personal master wish list compilation of items I hope to see in game eventually.
It's still being updated, I'm not even half through the items I'd like to see, and most of them are Morrowind/Vvardenfell items.
If you like the Hlaalu gaming table, I'm sure you'll love the pellet maker that I just included in the most recent post as well
Carbonised wrote: »The Morrowind update brought a TON of these knick knacks, tools, trinkets and various objects. The purple, blue and gold recipes already give us the majority of these ones, and the ones that aren't still in game I have compiled in a personal master wish list compilation of items I hope to see in game eventually.
It's still being updated, I'm not even half through the items I'd like to see, and most of them are Morrowind/Vvardenfell items.
If you like the Hlaalu gaming table, I'm sure you'll love the pellet maker that I just included in the most recent post as well
Awesome thread, thx for the link. I see in there some things I have indeed noticed in game and was wondering if they'll ever release them, like that Dres Candles variant or the knitted plaid and water lilies.
In your thread I see that nice gold and blue apparatus, never noticed, hope will be available and the scrolls in the same pic, also the coffer is gorgeous. Awesome finds.