GeorgeBlack wrote: »So to deal with this class you need to bring One friend.
Whereas other classes post videos of experienced 1v5.
And you make fun of people complaining about the destruction of the class?
I dont even main mDK
GeorgeBlack wrote: »You just said all you need to do to beat a mDK is bring One friend. That's all it takes if the mDK is skilled.
GeorgeBlack wrote: »You just said all you need to do to beat a mDK is bring One friend. That's all it takes if the mDK is skilled.
And what does that say about the class when one of the best forms of counterplay is to outnumber them?
VaranisArano wrote: »GeorgeBlack wrote: »You just said all you need to do to beat a mDK is bring One friend. That's all it takes if the mDK is skilled.
And what does that say about the class when one of the best forms of counterplay is to outnumber them?
To be entirely fair, having a friend is a pretty good counter to any class. And in Cyrodiil, you can always call a friend.
It sounds to me like the OP is having issues in two areas. One, the OP is taking a lot of DOT damage and thus having to Purge it. Two, that puts the OP into a bind once the MagDK lines up their burst.
I'd be interested in other ideas for dealing with those problems. I'm inclined to recommend using line of sight to try to avoid being hit with DOTs whenever possible and staying mobile, where the DK skillset is lacking. Does anyone know a good way to quickly escape the fossilize. thus escaping the incoming burst combo?
Another idea is to practice dueling MagDKs, leanring how to counter them and keep up the pressure.
VaranisArano wrote: »GeorgeBlack wrote: »You just said all you need to do to beat a mDK is bring One friend. That's all it takes if the mDK is skilled.
And what does that say about the class when one of the best forms of counterplay is to outnumber them?
To be entirely fair, having a friend is a pretty good counter to any class. And in Cyrodiil, you can always call a friend.
It sounds to me like the OP is having issues in two areas. One, the OP is taking a lot of DOT damage and thus having to Purge it. Two, that puts the OP into a bind once the MagDK lines up their burst.
I'd be interested in other ideas for dealing with those problems. I'm inclined to recommend using line of sight to try to avoid being hit with DOTs whenever possible and staying mobile, where the DK skillset is lacking. Does anyone know a good way to quickly escape the fossilize. thus escaping the incoming burst combo?
Another idea is to practice dueling MagDKs, leanring how to counter them and keep up the pressure.
The reason I say bringing a friend is effective VS a Mag DK is more effective is that compared to something like a Stam Warden who can Sub+Dawnbreaker+Reverse Slice multiple people at once, a Mag DK can only really burn down one target at a time (Discounting Take Flight cheese)
Personally, I am a Stam Sorc player, so I can only really speak from that perspective, when fighting a DK.
The first thing I try to do when facing a DK is to create distance so I am out of Talons range, given that when you are trapped in talons, you are working at either getting out of them, or simply staying alive, meaning the DK has no pressure on them, and is free to apply Dots, buffs or whip you.
Secondly, you need to gain a pressure advantage in the fight. When you force a DK to play defensively, they don't have the time to control your movement to the same degree, and keep damage up on you. I find either an Immovable potion or use of an ult to be the best tool for the job here, as they give you a couple of seconds to really put the pressure on.
From there, you can either try for the kill onto the DK, or go back to creating distance and kiting. Mag DK lacks mobility skills outside of Chains (bad) and Leap (Ultimate), so once you are outside of the 8 meter range where they can CC you with no counterplay, then you can start planning the rest of the fight.
If I am up against a 30k+ Hp DK, the it is usually at this point that I will say screw it, and move on. I can't kill them on my own in a reasonable amount of time, and if any other enemy shows up, I die. So I will either run away like the little girl I am, or I will continue to kite and look for some assistance.
DK's, and especially Mag DK's are still the class that gives me the most trouble to fight myself, as they are extremely good at turning any fight into a drawn out one where they have the advantage. Running a more brawly setup with Heroic Slash and Reverb Bash has helped somewhat, but I still find that you don't want to spend extended periods of time next to a DK, especially if they have Zaan.
VaranisArano wrote: »GeorgeBlack wrote: »You just said all you need to do to beat a mDK is bring One friend. That's all it takes if the mDK is skilled.
And what does that say about the class when one of the best forms of counterplay is to outnumber them?
To be entirely fair, having a friend is a pretty good counter to any class. And in Cyrodiil, you can always call a friend.
It sounds to me like the OP is having issues in two areas. One, the OP is taking a lot of DOT damage and thus having to Purge it. Two, that puts the OP into a bind once the MagDK lines up their burst.
I'd be interested in other ideas for dealing with those problems. I'm inclined to recommend using line of sight to try to avoid being hit with DOTs whenever possible and staying mobile, where the DK skillset is lacking. Does anyone know a good way to quickly escape the fossilize. thus escaping the incoming burst combo?
Another idea is to practice dueling MagDKs, leanring how to counter them and keep up the pressure.
The reason I say bringing a friend is effective VS a Mag DK is more effective is that compared to something like a Stam Warden who can Sub+Dawnbreaker+Reverse Slice multiple people at once, a Mag DK can only really burn down one target at a time (Discounting Take Flight cheese)
Personally, I am a Stam Sorc player, so I can only really speak from that perspective, when fighting a DK.
The first thing I try to do when facing a DK is to create distance so I am out of Talons range, given that when you are trapped in talons, you are working at either getting out of them, or simply staying alive, meaning the DK has no pressure on them, and is free to apply Dots, buffs or whip you.
Secondly, you need to gain a pressure advantage in the fight. When you force a DK to play defensively, they don't have the time to control your movement to the same degree, and keep damage up on you. I find either an Immovable potion or use of an ult to be the best tool for the job here, as they give you a couple of seconds to really put the pressure on.
From there, you can either try for the kill onto the DK, or go back to creating distance and kiting. Mag DK lacks mobility skills outside of Chains (bad) and Leap (Ultimate), so once you are outside of the 8 meter range where they can CC you with no counterplay, then you can start planning the rest of the fight.
If I am up against a 30k+ Hp DK, the it is usually at this point that I will say screw it, and move on. I can't kill them on my own in a reasonable amount of time, and if any other enemy shows up, I die. So I will either run away like the little girl I am, or I will continue to kite and look for some assistance.
DK's, and especially Mag DK's are still the class that gives me the most trouble to fight myself, as they are extremely good at turning any fight into a drawn out one where they have the advantage. Running a more brawly setup with Heroic Slash and Reverb Bash has helped somewhat, but I still find that you don't want to spend extended periods of time next to a DK, especially if they have Zaan.
Not wrong generally. Distance and mobility can help against talons/foss/ember usage, which is a DK clutch in duels. But IMO zaan is trash. It breaks way too easily in any real setting, and if 1vXing is almost useless since gg sticking to a target for long enough when being beaten on. DK also does have potential multi target pressure. Engulfing+deep breath+talons+leap worked well in the past. Though not so much now since god damn is it expensive and talons will probably be immune in the stam meta.
RighteousBacon wrote: »Alright I’m a stamina Templar on Xbox NA and I struggle killing some of the mag dk’s o run into. I have good magicka sustain for a stamplar so I cleanse their dots a lot. I have shuffle to give a little bit of snare immunity, but when they fossilize me and line up a burst especially with v scoria I just have to use so many resources to recover. Any tips even though this is likely just an l2p issue