Hello i noticed there are alot of bar swap delayed problems since patch but yesterday i had a bug 100 times worse.
I was playing my character and somehow it bugged out and i cannot bar swap at all it says *cannot swap in current state* so i tried to fix it. *on my other chars that i dont play bar swap works*
Equiped unequiped gear, reloaded ui, reloged, logged other chars and back, removed all the addons and even folder, reloaded key binds removed all gear with skills tried different weapons and removed outfits. Nothing works for 2nd DAY my DK plays with 1 bar and cannot swap at all. I sent tickets to zos but ofc no answer. Meanwhile this is unplayable... 4k hours spent on my character and i cannot play it cuz i got some weird bug that i cannot fix only they can debug it. I donno wtf is this is not beta or alpha. I spent over 1 thousand euros on a game that i cannot even play..
Anyone here ever had such bug? And is there a possible way to fix it without waiting for zenimax response? I wonder if they give me my eso plus days im wasting fixing their game.