Sadly you're losing out only having Bound Armaments on 1 bar buddy. You gotta have it on both bars for it to function properly. I would setup my bars something like
1 DW- TwinSlash/ShroudedDagger/SteelTornado/Hurricane/Bound Armaments.
2 Bow- PoisonInjection/EndlessHail/RazorCaltrops/RearmingTrap/BoundArmaments
Edit. Just read about your concers regarding crit Surge Shrouded DaggersIf all else use Steel Tornado instead of Shrouded daggers on bar 1. #Spin2Win. OR you can put rearming trap instead of Shrouded daggers on bar1 and put crit surge where I put Rearming trap on bar 2.
Thanks for the explanations oreyn. I'm going to go ahead and use shrouded daggers now I guess, but it does feel off having two major brutality abilities slotted (I really don't want to give up crit surge healing).