Actually I'm serious. I don't think there's anything wrong with lack of perpetual vertical progression and taking time off from the game sometimes.
I am curious about the LotRO housing though. What's it like?
rophez_ESO wrote: »I was playing the new dungeons last night when I started to remember why I have left this game off and on since beta: Nothing is really new as far as my character's progression goes. I mean the dungeons have nice new art and they're fun to run a few times as you gain the achievements, but achievements don't really make my character any better. The sets in ever new DLC are interesting, but really lateral progression at best compared to old standbys.
In fact, my character hasn't gained in power at all since day 1. If you consider the nerfs that have come in to ulti gen, blocking, etc., he's arguably less powerful than release day, even if you take into account champion points. I think that was one of the reasons for my first departure around the 1 year anniversary - I remember realizing that they were nerfing the hell out of us and giving us the ability to slowly gain back some of our power via grinding champion points. Yes, if you're guessing, my main is a DK, but I have at least 1 of every class maxed out.
I'm not big on the trialss, so I don't do them over and over, but even the people who do, and get all gold trial gear, really can't say they are much more powerful than they were a year or two ago. I mean I don't have much in the way of raid sets and I can parse 40k solo on a dummy. VMA was kind of a fun challenge at first, but it's fairly trivial to me after completing it dozens of times. And, really, only a couple of items out of there are considered "BIS" anymore.
Sorry, I'm just rambling about end game content with regard to character progression, and it just doesn't seem like there is any. The content seems more geared toward adding new places with new stories. That's cool for some people, but really it doesn't compete with single player games with regard to immersion and story. My 4 man blasted through the new content last night, and I can't honestly say what the quests were even about. So if that's your thing, that's cool, but my hook into online RPGs, is character progression, not stories that really CAN'T effect the world, because it's multi player.
I know, I know, champion points - yeah, sorry, I've been at cap a few days after each update, and really, there's nothing exciting between around 300 and 720. Anyway, there's nothing on the market right now, that I'm aware of, to run off to, but I sure wish ZOS would add some new vertical progression for characters to work on.
Some ideas:
*Weapons (artifacts) that can gain levels and abilities
*Actual abilities that are unlocked by climbing certain trees in the champion constellations - maybe even requiring a combo of branches from multiple trees.
*Spell crafting (like was promised to be in development a couple years ago before some key devs got laid off)
*Long quests/groups of quests that unlock new skills/stat boosts
*Passive buffs granted for achievements, like after killing 1000 spiders maybe you get +3% damage vs spiders
Help me out here - give ZOS some ideas for end game vertical progression!
Vermintide wrote: »Honest question here, I'm not baiting or anything: How long do you expect this "progression" to go on? Do you just want it to be a perpetual treadmill? Because otherwise, you have to reach "the top" sometime, right?
The best I can see, other games that offer more PVE longevity are really just making you do the same thing over and over for artificially padded out rewards. The more new "progression" they add, the more you crave once you reach the end of that too.
All MMO's have a point where there is no more "end game progression".
You're literally saying "now that i've done all the things there are no more things".
It's true that this game doesn't artificially deliver "progression" every 12 months with an expansion which raises the level cap, making all your gear obsolete and keeping the "end game" gear list incredibly small, and it's a better game for it.
Narvuntien wrote: »Look I am one of those not really MMO players that just aren't interested in just grinding forever.
I like PVP
I like that trials give me more of a challenge and something to strive for, its great to have goals.
The thing is I have been wearing the same gear and using the same skills for half a year now I cannot improve my dps above 22K (solo buffed on a dummy). So I have no progression, I cannot get past this dps wall.
Just do maelstrom (over and over) or get trials gear.. but I am stuck at 22K dps I can't do that vet content, I don't have enough dps.
I have run into the limits of my skill and cannot progress..
Narvuntien wrote: »Look I am one of those not really MMO players that just aren't interested in just grinding forever.
I like PVP
I like that trials give me more of a challenge and something to strive for, its great to have goals.
The thing is I have been wearing the same gear and using the same skills for half a year now I cannot improve my dps above 22K (solo buffed on a dummy). So I have no progression, I cannot get past this dps wall.
Just do maelstrom (over and over) or get trials gear.. but I am stuck at 22K dps I can't do that vet content, I don't have enough dps.
I have run into the limits of my skill and cannot progress..
Honestly, 22k should get you through most content with any competent group, barring a few hardmodes, and maybe vet trials.
Narvuntien wrote: »Look I am one of those not really MMO players that just aren't interested in just grinding forever.
I like PVP
I like that trials give me more of a challenge and something to strive for, its great to have goals.
The thing is I have been wearing the same gear and using the same skills for half a year now I cannot improve my dps above 22K (solo buffed on a dummy). So I have no progression, I cannot get past this dps wall.
Just do maelstrom (over and over) or get trials gear.. but I am stuck at 22K dps I can't do that vet content, I don't have enough dps.
I have run into the limits of my skill and cannot progress..
Honestly, 22k should get you through most content with any competent group, barring a few hardmodes, and maybe vet trials.
Pretty much this 22k is still better than average and sufficient for non-dlc vet dungeons. It's low for vet trials though so you'll be carried a little to a lot if you do those.
SquareSausage wrote: »22k dps at max cp is a L2P issue and nothing really to do with progression tbh.
Narvuntien wrote: »SquareSausage wrote: »22k dps at max cp is a L2P issue and nothing really to do with progression tbh.
But there is no way to learn to play in game that is my point. I crafted and bought a pair of good sets, I use a nice buff drink and I progressed to max cp, at least I was a couple of days ago but the DLC pushed it away again.
If the game had a nice progression curve instead of slamming into a brick wall my dps would increase as I got better instead I am stuck without a way to improve.
There is this gap between the end of the skill you can reach and the skills you need to complete in end game vet content.
WOW is gear level based, you tend to have one or two relevant sets for class at the gear level you are at.Anotherone773 wrote: »I like the concept of One tamriel. Its a great starting point, but it also hinders progression severely. Instead of beating the dead horse of One Tamriel further into oblivion, they need to create a hybrid system. Leave One Tamriel for current content, switch CP back to levels, and all new content needs to be level based. When you enter One Tamriel zones you are leveled down to the max level of One Tamriel. Everywhere else, you are whatever level you are at.
Every game has progression, but this one. They tried to reinvent the wheel and made it oval. The wheel doesnt need reinventing, it just needs to be done right. Horizontal progression gets boring after awhile and achieves just dont cut it for most people. An achieve, in my opinion, is just something to stroke you ego with. Its like running on a treadmill and then patting yourself on the back because you didnt fall off. You expended a lot of energy running, but went no where.
ESO is basically farmville with combat. Its a social, RP game that you occasionally whack something to death in because it was standing on the flowers you want to pick for one of your 874 houses. Give it another 5 years and we can change the name to Extreme Housing Online because thats all there will be in the end game. Bosses will drop furniture because everyone stopped caring about another set of gear that isnt really any different than the set they got on. PVP will be known as the Deco Wars. Instead of fighting, it will be a contest to see who decorate a house properly the fastest. Trials will no longer be about killing mobs and raid style bosses. Instead, it will be a fashion show.Who can design the best spring costume with the trendiest color scheme?
I think a lot of this has to do with ZOS' attempt to appeal to everyone (e.g. One Tamriel, #playyourway, attempting to create a classless game, diverging away from MMO trinity (and failing), etc.)
rophez_ESO wrote: »I was playing the new dungeons last night when I started to remember why I have left this game off and on since beta: Nothing is really new as far as my character's progression goes. I mean the dungeons have nice new art and they're fun to run a few times as you gain the achievements, but achievements don't really make my character any better. The sets in ever new DLC are interesting, but really lateral progression at best compared to old standbys.
In fact, my character hasn't gained in power at all since day 1. If you consider the nerfs that have come in to ulti gen, blocking, etc., he's arguably less powerful than release day, even if you take into account champion points. I think that was one of the reasons for my first departure around the 1 year anniversary - I remember realizing that they were nerfing the hell out of us and giving us the ability to slowly gain back some of our power via grinding champion points. Yes, if you're guessing, my main is a DK, but I have at least 1 of every class maxed out.
I'm not big on the trialss, so I don't do them over and over, but even the people who do, and get all gold trial gear, really can't say they are much more powerful than they were a year or two ago. I mean I don't have much in the way of raid sets and I can parse 40k solo on a dummy. VMA was kind of a fun challenge at first, but it's fairly trivial to me after completing it dozens of times. And, really, only a couple of items out of there are considered "BIS" anymore.
Sorry, I'm just rambling about end game content with regard to character progression, and it just doesn't seem like there is any. The content seems more geared toward adding new places with new stories. That's cool for some people, but really it doesn't compete with single player games with regard to immersion and story. My 4 man blasted through the new content last night, and I can't honestly say what the quests were even about. So if that's your thing, that's cool, but my hook into online RPGs, is character progression, not stories that really CAN'T effect the world, because it's multi player.
I know, I know, champion points - yeah, sorry, I've been at cap a few days after each update, and really, there's nothing exciting between around 300 and 720. Anyway, there's nothing on the market right now, that I'm aware of, to run off to, but I sure wish ZOS would add some new vertical progression for characters to work on.
Some ideas:
*Weapons (artifacts) that can gain levels and abilities
*Actual abilities that are unlocked by climbing certain trees in the champion constellations - maybe even requiring a combo of branches from multiple trees.
*Spell crafting (like was promised to be in development a couple years ago before some key devs got laid off)
*Long quests/groups of quests that unlock new skills/stat boosts
*Passive buffs granted for achievements, like after killing 1000 spiders maybe you get +3% damage vs spiders
Help me out here - give ZOS some ideas for end game vertical progression!