LEVELING REWARDS - full list by levels

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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  • ak_pvp
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Is this account wide or server wide? For instance if I make a new char on NA, will I get ALL rewards the first time? Even if levelled previously on EU?

    Its server wide.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • DMuehlhausen
    Varxent wrote: »
    Question. For the level 20 rewards, What would happen if I have all of those costumes already? Does it let you pick others or just those 3?

    I'm guessing it's only those 3. If you already have them you might be able to create a crystal since it's a crate item?
  • Loc2262
    DMBCML wrote: »

    This happened to me, but the screen went away, never came back, and I don't think I got any of the rewards I was supposed to get. Not a happy camper.

    If this works like other notifications, try pressing N to go to your notifications screen. It might still be there.
    Kind regards,
    PC-EU, 12 chars, 900+CP
  • Ilsabet
    DMBCML wrote: »

    This happened to me, but the screen went away, never came back, and I don't think I got any of the rewards I was supposed to get. Not a happy camper.

    Gina indicated here that you can claim missed rewards from the Level Up Advisor. So check there.
  • Mz_Jo
    Has this list been verified 'LIVE''?

    Thanks in advance

    Was PS4pro - 4k @ Launch / 2022 Xbox X started all over!
    / DC only / PVE, PvP, All Crafting, Housing
    Vampires Rule
    Fav Weapon - Blade of Woe and Thief of everything!
    ESO Live Watcher, Patch Note Reader, Console Launch

  • Mz_Jo
    Hunterka71 wrote: »
    As I'm waiting for my EU client to download the stuff I decided to post here our findings form PTS. Again great thanks to all those kind testers who helped creating this list.
    I bolded milestones rewards and significant rewards. According to testers if you choose one costume on a leveled character you can still chose another one if you level another character, the same with pets.
    Crown crates rewards are once per account, so no, you can't level 5 characters in a row and get 5 crates everytime one hits level 20 :wink:
    Also we don't know if the crates will change with crate seasons change.

    Level 3: Crown Fortifying Meal
    Level :4 Trifling Glyph of Health (green), Choose one: Homespun breaches, Rawhide guards, Iron legs (all green)
    Level 5: Two Green-quality Rings, part of a basic 2-piece Item Set that grants a Max Health bonus
    Level 6: 3 Soul gems, 1 Crown Experience Scroll
    Level 7: 500 gold, Bag Space Upgrade (apparently if you already bought some bag space upgrades on this char you do NOT get a free one)
    Level 8: Choose one : Tailor’s Crafting Box / Leatherworker’s Satchel / Blacksmith’s Crafting Crate (the crafting containers
    contain basic crafting mats of the selected type)
    Level 9: Choose one : Prophet’s Inferno Staff / Greatsword / Shield / Bow /Restoration Staff / Dagger (green quality)
    Level 10: Sorrel Horse (account wide)
    Level 11: 25 Gold Coast Swift Survivor Elixir
    Level 12: Crown Refreshing Drink
    Level 13: Recipe: Tarragon Chicken, Poultry, Seasoning
    Level 14: 10 Lockpick, 3 Counterfeit Pardon Edict
    Level 15: A choice of 6 blue-quality weapons (Prophet’s Inferno Staff / Greatsword / Shield / Bow /Restoration Staff /

    Level 16: Tailor’s Advanced Crafting Box / Leatherworker’s Advanced Satchel / Blacksmith’s Advanced Crafting Crate (the
    crafting containers contain basic crafting mats of the selected type) (+ 1 bank upgrade if it's your very first one- need confirmation).
    Level 17: Choose one : Slight Glyph of Hardening, Slight Glyph of Absorb Magicka, Slight Glyph of Weapon Damage (blue
    Level 18: Storage Coffer: Fortified, Choose one (furniture green): Imperial Brazier, Spiked / Imperial Bed, Single / Imperial
    Bookcase, Swirled. The “Storage Coffer, Fortified” collectible can only be obtained from the Level Up Advisor at level 18.
    Level 19: 2 Crown Repair Kit
    Level 20: A costume of choice and a Fire Atronach Crown Crate Choose one: Lion Guard Knight / Covenant Scout / Mages Guild Formal Robe
    Level 21: Choose one: 10 Embroidery / 10 dwarven oil / 10 Turpen
    Level 22: 25 Crown Tri Restoration potion
    Level 23: 3 Porade, 3 Jejota, Makko, Deni
    Level 24: Choose one (cosmetic pet): Alik’r Dune-Hound, Abecean Ratter Cat
    Level 25: A choice of 6 purple-quality weapons (Prophet’s Maul / Bow / Lightening Staff / Shield / Restoration Staff / Axe)
    Level 26: Minor Glyph of Shielding (purple)
    Level 27: Chose one: Treasure Map I ( Glenumbra / Stormhaven / Auridon / Grathwood / Stonefalls / Deshaan)
    Level 28: Choose one : Tailor’s Expert Crafting Box / Leatherworker’s Expert Satchel / Blacksmith’s Expert Crafting Crate
    Level 29: Choose one: Crown Lesson Riding : Speed / Stamina / Capacity
    Level 30: 4,000 gold and a Fire Atronach Crown Crate
    Level 31 Choose ten Woodworking mats - either Maple, Oak or Beech .
    Level 32 Choose 1 of 3 Dye Stamps. Holiday: Ivy-Berry Blend - Oblivious: Cheerful Cliff Racer - Darkening: Dark of the Moons.
    Level 33 Choose one Chest Armour Piece from Heavy, Medium or Light. Blue, one piece set.
    Level 34 Choose one: 80 Crown Lethal Poison, 80 Gold Coast Trapping Poison, 80 Gold Coast Draining Poison
    Level 35: A choice of 10 purple-quality crafting-improvement materials - for one of the 3 equipment craft.
    Level 36 Cyrodiil Assault crate - 10 Siege Repair, 2 Fire Pot Trebs, 2 Rams.
    Level 37 Three purple Crown Fortifying meals
    Level 38 Choose a Crafting Mats Crate for either cloth, leather, metal, or wood. Contains 10 of the level 36-44 mats plus one style mat.
    Level 39 Instant All Research Scroll. Shortens all on-going research by one day.
    Level 40: 6,000 gold, "Ragged Style Box" containing the Prisoner's Rags Outfit Style - apparently it's not a crafting motif, Also 1 Outfit Change Token.
    Level 41 Choose one weapon - same range as before but blue quality, one piece set.
    Level 42 Choose either 25 Spell caster's Elixir or 25 Warrior's Elixir.
    Level 43 One Attribute Respec Scroll and one Skill Respec Scroll.
    Level 44 Cyrodiil Defence crate - 10 Wall repair, 10 door repair, 2 Fire Ballistas, 2 Oil.
    Level 45: An Undaunted Key So, when you do your Undaunted invitation quest you end up with 2 keys.
    Level 46 5 Mimic Stones. Choose 20 level 46-50 crafting mats for either cloth, leather, metal or wood.
    Level 47 50 Transmute Crystals. Choose one blue ring, one piece set, either Healthy, Arcane or Robust.
    Level 48 Choose a pair of Purple Jewellery Glyphs from either 2 Stam Recovery, 2 Mag Recovery, 2 Phyisical Harm, or 2 Magical Harm Glyphs.
    Level 49 One Crown Experience scroll.
    Level 50: 10,000 gold and a Fire Atronach Crown Crate

    All this information is based on PTS testing, if anything doesn't mach live let me know asap. Thx :smile: and have fun leveling.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno, @ZOS_JessicaFolsom PLEASE CLARIFY FOR ALL

    ESO live we were presented with rewards for new characters every 5 levels..
    The above quote from PTS has rumors abound!

    What is the level rewards please,
    Thank you for your time

    Was PS4pro - 4k @ Launch / 2022 Xbox X started all over!
    / DC only / PVE, PvP, All Crafting, Housing
    Vampires Rule
    Fav Weapon - Blade of Woe and Thief of everything!
    ESO Live Watcher, Patch Note Reader, Console Launch

  • Aelthwyn
    So... One of my characters leveled up to 20 the other day and got all the rewards listed here. Today a second character reached level 20 and there were only two costume choices because I'd already chosen one of course, and there was no atronach crate. So either I experienced a glitch or you can only get a free one once for leveling up to 20.
  • Orticia
    Aelthwyn wrote: »
    So... One of my characters leveled up to 20 the other day and got all the rewards listed here. Today a second character reached level 20 and there were only two costume choices because I'd already chosen one of course, and there was no atronach crate. So either I experienced a glitch or you can only get a free one once for leveling up to 20.

    The crates are once per account, so a max of 3 crates.
  • Invincible
    Does this mean we can just keep rolling alts over and over for unlimited free crates?
  • Danikat
    Invincible wrote: »
    Does this mean we can just keep rolling alts over and over for unlimited free crates?

    From this thread (most recent post literally right above yours):
    Hunterka71 wrote: »
    Crown crates rewards are once per account, so no, you can't level 5 characters in a row and get 5 crates everytime one hits level 20 :wink:
    Hunterka71 wrote: »
    @Runefang - Nope, explicitly stated in many places by ZOS you can't. Also no info if the crates change with seasons.
    Orticia wrote: »

    The crates are once per account, so a max of 3 crates.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Invincible
    What about the boxes lol?

  • MasterLenman
    There was also this post for clarification: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/4875930#Comment_4875930
    ZOS_Edward wrote: »
    Hey @Hallothiel

    Generally speaking, all of the collectibles like pets, mounts, costumes, etc. are only earned once per account.

    Crown Crates and Transmute Crystals are also earned once per account.

    All other items are once per character.

    Also, just to clarify, the rewards for free upgrades on Bag/Bank space are only available if you haven't purchased an upgrade yet on that character as they only apply to your first upgrade.

    I hope this helps clear up how this brand new system works! If you run into anything in-game that doesn't seem to be working per these guidelines, let us know!

  • Hallothiel
    Think have been reading through this thread too often as still befuddled.

    As far as I can see Crown Crates & horse & transmutation crystals are one time only rewards.

    All other consumables repeatable.

    But the confusion is still there over pets & costumes - Zos say one time only but that is not what people have found in game.

    And still no comment as to whether crown crates will change to new ones (whenever they come in)

    Am I going insane over this or is that the state of play at the moment? !
  • Ep1kMalware
    Soooooo ima just roll a few levels 30s each week. 10 minutesea, 16 free crates? Okay!
  • Danikat
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Think have been reading through this thread too often as still befuddled.

    As far as I can see Crown Crates & horse & transmutation crystals are one time only rewards.

    All other consumables repeatable.

    But the confusion is still there over pets & costumes - Zos say one time only but that is not what people have found in game.

    And still no comment as to whether crown crates will change to new ones (whenever they come in)

    Am I going insane over this or is that the state of play at the moment? !

    There is no confusion over pets and costumes. You get each one once, just like ZOS said, but as there is more than one to choose from you can level another character and get a different one.

    With the pets for example the first time you reach that level you get to choose a dog or a cat. If you pick the dog then it's gone from the list forever - you cannot ever get another dog from level rewards. But you will still be able to choose the cat. The 3rd time you do it you will not get either because they are both already unlocked on your account.

    Only difference with costumes is there are 3 to choose from, so it will take 3 characters to get them all.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Hunterka71
    Just to make things clear:

    1. The compilation of rewards was tested on PTS , if enything is different on live than in the list testers have/ will point it out. So far all looks good. The original thread with reward screenshots (for unbelievers) is still there somewhere on PTS forums. We really didn't make it up.

    2. The bank and inventory upgrade works as 1st upgrade only, so if you have added any before getting the reward it doesn't work.

    3. The post above neatly explains about the costumes/ pets.

    4. The crates are ONCE PER ACCOUNT and it was stated in many posts , by ZOS also. No infinite crates supply by making new chars. :wink:

    5. My guess is we shall find out about the crates change with season really soon. I don't expect ZOS to answer that one.

    Judging from repeated posts asking the same questions again and again the reading comprehension must have beed truly nerfed at some point :wink:
  • Invincible
    Hunterka71 wrote: »
    Just to make things clear:

    What about the storage chests?

  • krachall
    Invincible wrote: »

    What about the storage chests?

    The storage chest is a collection item so it will behave just like the costumes and pets. You get it once per account. Each of the 8 chests (4 chests, 4 coffers) are unique collections and have unique names, so you can't buy or earn multiple copies.
  • LeagueTroll
    Ravingar wrote: »
    This is discrimination! I saved up for months to get 10k to buy that god damn sorrel horse. ZOS I demand my money back! :D

  • Nussi28
    What about the fortified storage CHEST? In game tool tip says: buyable for writs and tel'var and leveling reward. I don't see it in the list. I already got the fortified storage coffer for level 18.
  • Juju_beans
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Is this account wide or server wide? For instance if I make a new char on NA, will I get ALL rewards the first time? Even if levelled previously on EU?

    The items are either per account or per character. Costume and collectibles are per account.
  • JungleBoot
    Some of these awards should be retroactive for all accounts since players may be too invested to give up a character slot just to obtain the few notable rewards. I never purchased the sorrell horse.
    Edited by JungleBoot on March 2, 2018 12:09AM
    Platform: PS4
    CP 405
  • krachall
    JungleBoot wrote: »
    Some of these awards should be retroactive for all accounts since players may be too invested to give up a character slot just to obtain the few notable rewards. I never purchased the sorrell horse.

    I think that was the reasoning behind giving you another character slot. You don't have to delete an existing character.
  • Lunaryx
    Danikat wrote: »

    There is no confusion over pets and costumes. You get each one once, just like ZOS said, but as there is more than one to choose from you can level another character and get a different one.

    With the pets for example the first time you reach that level you get to choose a dog or a cat. If you pick the dog then it's gone from the list forever - you cannot ever get another dog from level rewards. But you will still be able to choose the cat. The 3rd time you do it you will not get either because they are both already unlocked on your account.

    Only difference with costumes is there are 3 to choose from, so it will take 3 characters to get them all.

    Hehe.. only took me one character to get all 3 costumes as I already had one of them from a crate and the other from the warrior armor set. Sadly, none of the costumes are anything I wear, so they just sit in the void.

    krachall wrote: »

    I think that was the reasoning behind giving you another character slot. You don't have to delete an existing character.

    The character slot wasn't given though, and has to be purchased, which might be what some people are angry over. I honestly don't mind paying for another slot. I just wish there was more than one added. So many character ideas and not enough slots.
  • MasterLenman
    Hunterka71 wrote: »
    Also we don't know if the crates will change with crate seasons change.

    There has been an update on that, in case someone missed it:
    We aren't planning to update the Flame Atronach Crown Crates you receive from the Level Up rewards when the Scalecaller crates are released. That's not to say we won't ever update them, but just not at this time.
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