It's Sky Haven Temple, an Akaviri fortress built by the Dragonguard. You can't access it in ESO but you can enter it in TES V: Skyrim.Against the backdrop of Rebels Retreat in The Reach. The last picture because the mystery mansion on the mountain irks me to no end, don't know what it is and haven't been able to reach it yet. The view is awesome though.
Sylvermynx wrote: »Lal, I LOVE you! Great pics, clever ditty.... Thanks and more power to you! *goes off for wine, laughing heartily* (I really needed a good-natured, happy feels laugh today....)
/idle3 with swashbuckler personality using the block bug.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
Like you just press block while doing that emote?
ArchangelIsraphel wrote: »@Broken23 he's absolutely stunning! Not only is his costume amazing but you've done so well with his body porportions and face! I adore him!
What motifs did you use for his outfit? It looks so accurate!