Why only vanilla dungeons have side/mini bosses?

what is tis and why?
lack of imaginations of designers of all DLCs started from IC?
or laziness?
  • JamuThatsWho
    Because most groups tend to ignore them in favour of faster runs for Pledges.

    Why put the time, effort and resources into something hardly anyone will fight? I prefer the more streamlined dungeons.
    @JamuThatsWho - PC EU - CP2100

    Vasiir-jo - Khajiit Magicka Necromancer, AD

    Sul-Mael Hlarothran - Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer, EP

    Ushaar-Ixaht - Argonian Magicka Nightblade, DC

    Rorbakh gro-Khraag - Orc Stamina Templar, AD

    Anduuroon - Altmer Magicka Warden, EP

    Travanius Braelia - Imperial Stamina Dragonknight, DC

    Daeralon - Bosmer Stamina Arcanist, AD
  • ClockworkCityBugs
    for immersion!
  • Sixty5
    Because I'd say most people here would take the loss of generic side bosses for having fun boss fights with interesting mechanics.
    Lord and Savior of the Association of Serious S***posters.

    I play a character called "Gives Me Wood Elf" because I am a mature and sensible person.
    Stam Sorc main in Battlegrounds
  • Linaleah
    Because most groups tend to ignore them in favour of faster runs for Pledges.

    Why put the time, effort and resources into something hardly anyone will fight? I prefer the more streamlined dungeons.

    unfortunately this. vast majority of people either skip side bosses on purpose, or aren't even aware of their existence. so just like with animation canceling, ZoS gave up and started designing with what players actualy do in mind. which kinda sucks for those of us who don't like skipping things when pugging, but at least an option to play with premade group that's on the same page is still there.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Silver_Strider
    I remember early on, pledges made those bosses REQUIRED to get gold keys.

    The memories of pugs that couldn't do Waywest 1 because the Rat Whisper destroyed so many groups that lacked AoE to kill adds before being overwhelmed.

    Nowadays, I doubt even half the player base are even aware of the numerous sub bosses they're skipping when running thru a dungeon.
    Argonian forever
  • Jhalin
    There really aren't that many skippable side bosses
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    You need to kill the side bosses if you are trying to get the speed run or no-death achievements. Otherwise the only reason is if you are hunting for set item loot drops, which all bosses may have a chance to drop.

    The original poster has a fair point though. And yes, it's probably just a matter of the developers not really having enough time to add in "bonus content".
  • zaria
    You need to kill the side bosses if you are trying to get the speed run or no-death achievements. Otherwise the only reason is if you are hunting for set item loot drops, which all bosses may have a chance to drop.

    The original poster has a fair point though. And yes, it's probably just a matter of the developers not really having enough time to add in "bonus content".
    That explains why I miss the wayrest achievements, ty :)
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • activesix554
    Soul Shriven
    Because dlc dungeons were designed so that bosses couldn't be skipped. That's why they are so much longer than vanilla dungeons. Plus the mechanics actually make them challenging.
  • Everstorm
    Apologies for the necro but does this also mean that all the bosses in dlc dungeons can drop armor for all body parts?
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