I am unable to log into the support website.
I can log into the ESO game without problems.
I can log into the ESO account website without problems (
However when I click the support link from the accounts page I get sent to this URL (
https://help.elderscrollsonline.com/app/home?region=US) and I have to log in again. However when I type the same username/password that I successfully use for the game/account website, I get a login failed error.
I tried resetting my password and was able to use the new password to log into the game and the account website but was still unable to log into the support website using those same credentials.
I am a steam user and changed my ESO username a few months back so I do not know if that is causing the problem.
When I log into my account on the ESO account website using my current ESO username I notice that my old username ESO username still listed in my linked accounts. I am not sure if this is related to my problem or not but I changed the username a month ago.
I opened a support case for this issue via the in game support option and was instructed to create a forum post here in order to have my issue resolved.
Can you please help me with my support website login issues?
Thank you for your help.