I've got a level 31 character that I've run solo and done ok, but I wouldn't mind running in party for some of the tougher quests and dungeons. I've stepped into a few that I was horribly outmatched as its hard to tell what level you ought to be for quests and dungeons and some dungeons won't let you run them solo. Other than when someone sends out a text message to the zone I see no way to find guilds. I would appear that watching for those occasional recruiting announcements or starting up your own is the only way to get into one. Is that accurate? I don't consider myself a veteran player at this time and am still struggling with the differences between ESO and DDO. Some make sense, others a bit baffling LoL! But I'd like to join a guild that is more interested in everyone participating and having a good time than in a militaristic guild where you get yelled out if you didn't cast your spell in time.....
Thanks for any information.