emilyhyoyeon wrote: »Thankfully I intend to dye all of the trim gold on mine. I wouldn't be surprised if this were intended. Whether or not the undyeable gold section is intended, I think it should be changed to be dyeable.
Same with telvani master wizard cistume
Its looks like plastic.
ZOS if you're selling a costume in price of DLC, all its elements should be dyable!!!
I was waiting sooo long for this costume and now I don't know if I will buy it because once again you screwed dye panels... I hate yellow color and it won't match my character skin tone
cabbageub17_ESO wrote: »Every portion of every costume or armor should be dyable.
https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/393248/shrikes-nocturnal-cost#latestI'm honestly shocked at the price of this Costume... 2000 Crowns!?! That is obscene!!!
I've used this picture in another post before but In WHAT WORLD is this the same price as THIS!?!
I bought this costume from the Crown store for 2000 Crowns during one of these limited time sales and I would GLADLY do it again because it is basically 2 costumes in one so it is well WORTH the price and I get plenty of use out of it... Don't even try to tell me they are worth the same amount. I am beside myself in disbelief at how increasingly evident the Price Gouges are becoming...
Please, Someone, Anyone attempt to justify this for me...
Elven Hero
It does NOT COMPUTE!!! I had every intention of buying Nocturnal Frock until I saw the pricing. I have the crowns, I just can not do it ON PRINCIPLE. HOW CAN THIS COST AS MUCH AS A 2-in-1 Hero Costume!?!
Less Fabric = lower cost.
I do not understand.
i was surprised the texture quality was so bad. if you look at the glenmore coven robes (around half the price at 1200) it has FAR AND AWAY better texturing, details, fit, and dyes better.
I just don't get it, it was a single small robe, how do you screw it up so bad and charge the price of a full DLC for it?
It does NOT COMPUTE!!! I had every intention of buying Nocturnal Frock until I saw the pricing. I have the crowns, I just can not do it ON PRINCIPLE. HOW CAN THIS COST AS MUCH AS A 2-in-1 Hero Costume!?!
Less Fabric = lower cost.
I do not understand.