Warden PVP Healer

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Hi All,

I have started a new toon and wanted to go pvp healing / a bit of DPS so far the build i was looking at based on how the spells work on paper is as follows:

Front Bar - Resto staff
  1. Enchanted Growth
  2. Budding Seeds
  3. Efficient Purge
  4. Blue Betty
  5. Deceptive Predator
  6. Enchanted Forest

Second Bar - Lighting Destro Staff
  1. Screaming Cliff Racer
  2. Destructive Reach
  3. Winter's Revenge
  4. Lotus Blossom
  5. Ice Fortress
  6. Nothern Storm

And im not sure on what sets to go for, the ones i have seen the most are:

any help with this would be great

  • Hutch679
    In my opinion, it would be more efficient to run sets like wizard riposte, light armor fortified brass, 2 piece earthgore, 2 piece chokethorn... Also skill wise, corrupting pollen, living trellis, healing thicket, harness magicka, shimmering shield, nature's embrace, deep fissure, permafrost, ice fortress, and gripping shards are practically must use skills. I would run sword and shield main bar, resto back bar.
  • Norivar1
    Thanks for the response Hutch, ill see about adding them into the build i have now.
    In regards to the armour then should i be running 7L or should be something like 5L 2H?, are shields really that powerful then to use 2 slots just to shield?

    Also is there any point to using a resto staff if i am not using any resto skills?
  • Hutch679
    Norivar1 wrote: »
    Thanks for the response Hutch, ill see about adding them into the build i have now.
    In regards to the armour then should i be running 7L or should be something like 5L 2H?, are shields really that powerful then to use 2 slots just to shield?

    Also is there any point to using a resto staff if i am not using any resto skills?

    Resto staff heavy attacks help regen magicka. I would run 5L/1H/1M. The 2 shields sync well. 1) they both restore magicka when you get hit making your sustain amazing. 2) they shield you from damage and protect you from snipe spam, overload, and in general... sorcs. 3) shimmering shield grants major heroism. Uh major heroism is insanity. Definitely worth the 2 slots.
  • Hutch679
    The other thing to consider is having a generous amount of stamina. 14k ish. Allows you to consistently break free from stuns and dodge roll when needed.
  • Nutshotz
    My warden healer build and skills set up are like this:

    Riposte/sanctuary or transmutation/earthgore resto front bar / s&b back bar : vamp

    Healing springs, mutagen, pollen, growth, inner light / storm : for 8% more Magicka

    Purge, shimmering shield, blue Betty, mist form, revenge / trees

    I'm 5L 1M 1H

    Some ppl may disagree with this set up cuz sanctuary is a pve set, oh well. You have to decide what is gonna benefit the group you run with and go from there.

    Here are a list of sets that you may like

    Healers habit, worms reiment, transmutation, riposte, seducer, brass, reactive, meritorious service, spell power cure, lich, alteration mastery.

    Monster sets : troll king, earthgore, bloodspawn,
    Cholethorn, engine guardian, Lord warden, mighty chudan

    As for the CP that I can't tell you off of my head.

    Enjoy and happy healing ^_^
  • Norivar1
    Thanks for your help, iv looked at both your suggestions and going to make a build from that, looks like i defo be going s/b on one of the bars but thinking more to go Destro rather then Resto.

    Front bar - S/B
    1. Enchanted Growth
    2. Corrupting Pollen
    3. Living Trellis
    4. Harness Magicka
    5. Healing Thicket

    Back bar - Destro
    • Force Pluse
    • Destructive Reach
    • Deceptive Predator
    • Cleanse
    • Ice Fortress
    • Nothern storm

    Tempted to replace 1 & 2 on the back bar for Healing Ward and Illustrious Healing

    Going to wait till i get the build sorted before i try and dip my head into CP lol

    Thank you PeaNutShotz for the armour list ill look through them and see what fits / what i can get :smile:

    Leaning more towards a crafting set and a world set so that i can at least guarantee a set while im grinding for another
  • Toast_STS
    Living vines and natures grasp (the HoT morph) are my favorite heals for a warden.

    Here's my resto bar set-up

    Living vines - Deceptive Predator - Mutagen - Natures Grasp - Healing Springs - Enchanted Forest

    and back bar(sword and board): Cleanse - Bull Netch - Ice Fortress - Shimmering Shield - Corrupting Pollen - Permafrost.

    As for sets I have been using stendar/troll king on the front bar and transmutation on the back bar. I was using necro before I got stendar and would run earthgore over troll king if I had it.

    I run the green betty with witchmothers food. 9k stam in PvP is enough with the green betty giving stamina back.
    VR14 DK Leaps-in-keeps
  • Thogard
    Other than a lack of purify, wardens make the best healers in the game for two huge reasons:

    1. Mobility. They can Spider-Man onto any highly mobile Stam class
    2. AOE defile is OP
    3. Good ult regen for lots of restos
    4. Vines are good for preemptive healing

    Downside is their spammable “burst heal” has a shorter range than BoL and can be hard to aim on moving targets... but that’s who you’d just Spider-Man onto anyway.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/thogardpvp

  • Lexxypwns
    Thogard wrote: »
    Other than a lack of purify, wardens make the best healers in the game for two huge reasons:

    1. Mobility. They can Spider-Man onto any highly mobile Stam class
    2. AOE defile is OP
    3. Good ult regen for lots of restos
    4. Vines are good for preemptive healing

    Downside is their spammable “burst heal” has a shorter range than BoL and can be hard to aim on moving targets... but that’s who you’d just Spider-Man onto anyway.

    Enchanted growth is trash. I’m stacking 50k max mag and 2900 spell damage and it’s ~8k tooltip outside of pvp
  • Thogard
    Lexxypwns wrote: »

    Enchanted growth is trash. I’m stacking 50k max mag and 2900 spell damage and it’s ~8k tooltip outside of pvp

    Eh who said anything about enchanted growth

    Edit : whoops thought you were talking about the tree ult. Yeah enchanted growth is meh but the passives on allies is nice and it’s spammable. Great for helping multiple stacked buddies survive a destro or a leap. Ideally you’d healing ward then spider man as the main defense in single target burst situations.
    Edited by Thogard on January 30, 2018 12:34AM
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/thogardpvp

  • Norivar1
    So rather then run a Desto staff for abit of damage it would be better to have Healing Ward and Illustrious Healing / Mutagen?
  • Irylia
    I wouldn’t use riposte. Your chances of proc’ing it on enough enemies is low not to mention warden already can apply maim via frost damage and they have increased chance to do so via their passive.

    I’d run necro bs master/vma resto based on how you want to heal. 5x armor master sb 3x body.
    That bar will have your dampen/harness and it will proc a resistance buff for 10 seconds.

    Resto bar. (Main heals) inner light. heal springs/mutagen. Eff purge. Lotus aoe (defile). Leeching vines. Resto ult.

    Sb: Betty, shimmering, dampen. Mistform/wings. Frost armor. Sleet storm (max mag)

    You could also use trans and lich.
    If you want to play a block style you could run cost reduc glyphs to block and all sturdy or full impen and regen/spell glyphs

    Absorb mag glyph and beserk enchant

    If you use defile aoe then amp befoul
  • Norivar1
    so if i dont want to run a block style is Impen & sturdy still the best trait then?
  • Thraben
    MagWardens are underperforming as PvP healers if played too "classical" because of 6 reasons:

    1) Northstorm is vastly inferior to Permafrost, as PF decides battles and saves lifes.
    2) You can't force people to stand in your healing areas, and your emergency healing is weaker than both the Sorc's and the Templar's.
    3) Thus you depend on Earthgore or Chokethorn to make up for this, limiting your Set choices when using a resto staff.
    4) Your major mending buff sounds great, but you cannot allow someone to drop under 60%, as this leads to focus fire and executionner skill spam against him or her.
    5) The use of sleetstorm against enemy storms and during charges requires a position very close to enemies which renders many of your healing Skills useless and requires some tankyness.
    6) When you are the only warden Corrupting Seeds will be expected in PvP, further limiting your choices.

    BUT: Who said that you HAVE to play a classical underperforming healing warden?

    PvP groups depend on 3 support tasks: healing, purging, rapids. Typically, there are specialists for each. The thing is that Wardens get back ressources when they heal someone, additional to their great regeneration.

    In short: A good PvP warden healer can do all three, at the same time, for some time. Particularly Cleanse is giving you exactly what you need (untargetted, huge AoE group heal).
    No one else could do this.

    Therefore, in small groups I tend to play Warden as she makes the group far more powerful than any other class with her healing, her retreating manoevre, and her cleanse.

    And in larger groups she can still help out the specialists in these 3 support areas.
    Edited by Thraben on February 2, 2018 12:12PM
    Hauptmann der Dolche des Königs

    DDK ist die letzte Verteidigungslinie des Dolchsturz- Bündnisses auf der 30-Tage-No-CP- Kampagne(EU) mit dem Anspruch, in kleinen, anfängerfreundlichen Raid-Gruppen möglichst epische Schlachten auszufechten.

    DDK is the Daggerfall Covenant´s last line of defense on the 30 days no-cp campaign (EU). We intend to fight epic battles in small, casual player friendly raid groups.
  • Tryxus
    I run a Warden healer for Cyrodiil. A "pure" healer though, meaning I have absolutely no offensive skills on my bars (save for Northern Storm).

    I use the Wizard's Riposte set on my backbar (Sword & Board) while wearing a "healer" set on my body. The set that I usually go for is Transmutation, since it offers a great buff for your group members. But if someone else in the group is wearing it, then it's better to go for a different set like:

    - Gossamer (Evasion buff)
    - Kagrenac (Heavy Armor)
    - Spell Power Cure

    Also, don't forget monster sets. Even though it's getting nerfed next patch, Earthgore still is one of the best sets due to its strong heal. Troll King is also a very nice set (maybe not so much for the vampires), or Pirate Skeleton/Malubeth for extra tankiness.

    Yes, make sure everything is Impenetrable trait, and preferably tri-stat (Hakeijo) enchanted.

    Skill-wise... well like I mentioned: I run a pure healer, so I don't use offensive skills and I can focus solely on keeping ppl alive. I prefer to run the Green Balance area heals (Enchanted Growth, Corrupting Pollen and Healing Thicket) on my Sword & Board bar along with Efficient Purge for when we charge into the heat of battle. That way I have extra Healing Done through my passives and I can both debuff with Minor Maim and Major Defile while healing and purging.

    On the resto bar, you can put HoT abilities like Mutagen and Nature's Embrace as well as other buffs and skills like Ice Fortress and the Netch.

    That's how I roll mine ;)
    Edited by Tryxus on February 3, 2018 2:11AM
    "Stand strong, stay true and shelter all."
    Tryxus - Guardian of the Green - Warden - PC/EU
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