Hi, I've decided to try out PvP in Cyrodiil. Up till now I've been playing PvE as a templar healer and DPS as a sorcerer and doing good. I also have a warden as a crafter and my warden is the one I've been using in PvP.
Well I run with 7th legion and werewolf hide sets. Bloodspawn for ulti. Two handed and dualwield identical setup to this build:
Because I'm new to PvP I wanted a good start. Now here are my thoughts.
I've had a couple of fun nights, warden is good but feels very clunky(ofcourse I have nothing to compare it to). Most fights are zerg vs zerg.
Great burst potential as a warden but it's not very fun dizzy>subassault>fightersguildulti>execute
I've been playing a LOT of PvP lately and one thing caught my mind I don't know if it's a ltp issue but usually I get rekt if there are 2 on me. Die in 1 sec. I have the hardest time landing dizzying swing even with animatincancel, it's not a reliable skill.
And warden for me is not fun. Even though I've been practicing, looking up videos on pro players.
The class and skill I've seen wreck groups are stamnightblades gankbuilds, appear for 3 secs and you have 5 x poisioninjections and some burst and back to cloak disorienting groups and pick off people 1 by 1. This is more of my playstyle aswell tactics over brute force. Thinking of rolling a nightblade for PvP purposes only.
I don't want this thread to come off as a OP this OP that. I'm just trying to understand PvP and find a playstyle that suits me.
Any experienced players that can share some tips, help me improve my game?
What's your thoughts on my PvP build, and on stamwarden. Maybe there are more fun wardenbuilds.
I'm on ps4 so no add-ons.
Edited by Gulnagel on January 16, 2018 8:08PM