I'd rather do combat in ESO then in WoW for example.
Quick breakdown: I played 10 years of WoW, trying to manage over a dozen skills at 4x12 slot bars, often mistaken in rotation, possibility's etc. with a gc on nearly everything, and on top of that cooldowns that add up to sometimes 30 minutes on a ability, so you have to save it up and cant use it on the go.
ESO on the other hand had me hooked with the combatsystem since I entered the beta: no more auto-attack, no more hoarding ability's on your bar, but simplified and more realistic fighting, and most of all: no more autoblock! Forces you to think before you act.
phaneub17_ESO wrote: »As far as the combat goes, it's not at all bad I just don't like the fact that "animation cancelling" between swings as an effective way to increase your damage. It wasn't designed to be that way, but ended up being that way.
I'd rather do combat in ESO then in WoW for example.
Quick breakdown: I played 10 years of WoW, trying to manage over a dozen skills at 4x12 slot bars, often mistaken in rotation, possibility's etc. with a gc on nearly everything, and on top of that cooldowns that add up to sometimes 30 minutes on a ability, so you have to save it up and cant use it on the go.
ESO on the other hand had me hooked with the combatsystem since I entered the beta: no more auto-attack, no more hoarding ability's on your bar, but simplified and more realistic fighting, and most of all: no more autoblock! Forces you to think before you act.
My friend, you're comparing ESO to a 14 years old game. It's like comparing Dark Souls combat to Divinity 2 combat, those 2 games may fall into the same RPG genre, but the different miles apart, same case for ESO and WOW. If you want to compare ESO, I think compare it to BDO, which came out the same year 2014, or Blade and Soul would be more ideal. By that, you can clearly see that ESO is falling behind those game by a large margin.
I think the combat in ESO feels a lot less smooth than in Skyrim but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, the style of combat is suited to the type of fast paced game that ESO is, where as Skyrim I feel is a lot more immersive and atmospheric.
I think the combat in ESO feels a lot less smooth than in Skyrim but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, the style of combat is suited to the type of fast paced game that ESO is, where as Skyrim I feel is a lot more immersive and atmospheric.
My friend, did you read my post below? It's not about fast pace or not, it's about things legitimately don't work as intended, or just bland bad, such as some skills animation, or light/heavy attack animation.
I'd rather do combat in ESO then in WoW for example.
Quick breakdown: I played 10 years of WoW, trying to manage over a dozen skills at 4x12 slot bars, often mistaken in rotation, possibility's etc. with a gc on nearly everything, and on top of that cooldowns that add up to sometimes 30 minutes on a ability, so you have to save it up and cant use it on the go.
ESO on the other hand had me hooked with the combatsystem since I entered the beta: no more auto-attack, no more hoarding ability's on your bar, but simplified and more realistic fighting, and most of all: no more autoblock! Forces you to think before you act.
My friend, you're comparing ESO to a 14 years old game. It's like comparing Dark Souls combat to Divinity 2 combat, those 2 games may fall into the same RPG genre, but the different miles apart, same case for ESO and WOW. If you want to compare ESO, I think compare it to BDO, which came out the same year 2014, or Blade and Soul would be more ideal. By that, you can clearly see that ESO is falling behind those game by a large margin.
And yet WoW is still close in player-base to ESO, so it cant be as "outdated" as you claim it to be. And regarding ESO its using a system close to Diablo 3 and Sacred 2 (the latter one over 15 years old now). Besides that every game has its own ideas as everything is protected with copyrights these days.
I think the combat in ESO feels a lot less smooth than in Skyrim but I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, the style of combat is suited to the type of fast paced game that ESO is, where as Skyrim I feel is a lot more immersive and atmospheric.
My friend, did you read my post below? It's not about fast pace or not, it's about things legitimately don't work as intended, or just bland bad, such as some skills animation, or light/heavy attack animation.
Nah, it's early and I'm tired, my apologies, I also didn't read that it was compared to "competitors" and not "predecessors", again, my apologies.
Animation canceling was never supposed to be a thing. It is a broken mechanic that ZOS could never figure out how to fix.
TheShadowScout wrote: »Combat in ESO is better then any other fantasy MMO I played so far, despite the mentioned shortcomings. Admittedly, I did not play too many.
I love the fluidity of it as compared to staring at two dozend cooldown timers and trying to set up your "perfect rotation"...
But there IS ample room for improvement.
Weapons hit detection improvements would be one, so people don't get hurt from us just waving our swords before them. Perhaps even reduce the block to 180° frontal, but add an "auto-turn into PoV direction when blocking" feature to keep it feasable... while still allowing speedy and agile opponents to get past your shield...
There could be an option for combinations... for example, do light-light-heavy-heavy and get an special attack instead of the last heavy blow; do light-light-light-heavy-skill and get 20% effect boost on the class skill use; and more of the like. (would be a nifty way to sneak in additional animations!)
And "bloody mess" weapon critical kill animations, just like we already have for magic effects... wouldn't it be cool if critical kills not only let an enemy burn up in flames or melt into diseased goo, but also offered decapitation, headshorts, etc.? I would not mind if that came as extra DLC to buy either...
More weapons to play with would also be great, but me saying that would come as no surprise, huh: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/371862/additional-weapon-skill-ideas-mk-ii
Some melee animations can be improved. But i like the system as it is. To me it feels rpg worthy. Never expected I would like a system with only a couple skills on my bar.
Olupajmibanan wrote: »Combat itself is fine. But PvP system is FAR FAR WORSE than from it's competitors.
Currently there are only two PvP modes:
1, For fun only, large scale open world PvP,
2, For fun only, small scale instanced PvP.
The key words here are "for fun only" because ESO PvP seriously lacks core aspect of succesful PvP - competition. Seriously, show me any MMO game without ranked mode for PvP outside ESO.
coplannb16_ESO wrote: »PvE is fine, but that animation cancel, (macroed) skill/la spam + charge + procs + whatever in PvP is utter garbage.
What I mean is not its real combat effectiveness, but the huge client-side lag it causes on the receivers end.
I most of the time do not die to better skill of the enemy player or lack of skill on my part, but simply my game engine freezing until Iam dead and see the death recap.
this is especially noticeable on certain cheese-players... wonder why...
coplannb16_ESO wrote: »PvE is fine, but that animation cancel, (macroed) skill/la spam + charge + procs + whatever in PvP is utter garbage.
Olupajmibanan wrote: »Combat itself is fine. But PvP system is FAR FAR WORSE than from it's competitors.
Currently there are only two PvP modes:
1, For fun only, large scale open world PvP,
2, For fun only, small scale instanced PvP.
The key words here are "for fun only" because ESO PvP seriously lacks core aspect of succesful PvP - competition. Seriously, show me any MMO game without ranked mode for PvP outside ESO.
So, all of the problem I said in post is totally fine? I get you with the PvP rank, and I'm quite on board with that, but what about the legit broken things in combat?
No no no, we're not talking about class balance or anything of that concern, I'm talking about raw combat quality, about how it feels, how it plays and satisfying is it.
And no, "MMORPG combat are generally sucks" is not a relevant thing anymore, or "I still find ESO combat fun, so it's fine". Yes, it is fun, that's why we're all playing it, but it can be better, much better.
For example (and there's a lot of them), 1H weapon is weightless to swing; the hit box for all melee weapons are off, the weapons don't even touch the enemies, but the damage is still done; animation canceling feels too clunky (I'm not talking about deleting animation canceling all together though), my stam characters always twitching while in combat, it's like they have seizure or something; range light attack often jam and can't perform the follow up skill; range heavy attack often stuck in animation (especially staves); a lot of skills just look and feel ridiculous, such as "Low Slash", which is nothing more than gently scratch the enemy's legs; etc.
To sum it up, after the change of animation in 2016, the games combat feels and plays a lot worse, not just for me, but for a lot of people. Even some big ESO name like Alcast and Joy actually feel the same. But I'm not just jumping into conclusion here, so I'd love to see your vote on this subject