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I need help with build. Stam dps warden pvp

I want to use either bow/bow or bow/dw with bear ultimate. I need help with gear to use and cp distribution and abilities please.
  • KingYogi415

    Here is your starter bible.

  • RouDeR
    Bow/bow is a Cyrodiil thing and its not much viable cuz you wont be capable of close cloters combat .
    The bear ulti is only good for Dueling .
    Bow /DW seems okey in some cases but the best option is to go Bow/2hnd , SB /bow or SB/2hnd.
    For Cyrodiil i recommend you to go Heavy armor or Medium(if you gonna run Bloodspawn)
    For BGs defenetly run Medium.

    As of gear - i used to run 5x Hundings in medium
    3 agility 2bloodspawn and Asilium 2 hnd on my Argonian Warden. The setup is cheap and SUPER Strong.
  • Vapirko
    Stamwarden isn’t the best choice for a legit bow/bow build or really even bow/dw. Due to attacks like sub assault which are huge hits of qeuable damage, it works best with a 2H. But by all means, go outside the meta. If you want to be a legit, solo, open world bow build that’s really not easy, and you’re gonna have to figure it out for yourself and see what works. If you just want to spam snipe and poison injection in the midst of a zerg then just pack on as much damage as you can and go nuts, but please don’t be that guy. Bow/dw is hard because you don’t have a gap closer, wardens to have a source of expedition which helps but it takes gettin used to, playing without a gap closer.
    If you’re just starting out in pvp I’d suggest doing a 2H and SB build. This will give you a lot of damage and a lot of survivabilty. The meta damage set right now is seventh legion, then you can toss on a monster set of your choice and either run a 5 pc sustain set on SB along with an asylum 2H, or go four pieces on 2H and 5pc on SB. It’s reallt up to you. If your legit about pvp you’ll go through a ton of trial and error as you figure out your own playstyle. As always I’d suggest looking at popular streamers and theory crafters first and use that as a jumping off point, or join a good guild and talk it out with some experienced players. Kodi runs a lot of stam builds. Fengrush is back and is a legendary stam player although he’s just now releasing content again and no builds yet. Alcast is an all around theory crafter. Guillame The Rogue is great too of course. Another favorite of mine is Crescent Jayren Gaming. There are so many. Generally pvp is built off a sustain set and a damage set, and then a ton of variation based on personal preference. Anyway have a look at what these guys do, get a feel for what works on stam toons and warden in particular and good luck.
  • Thogard
    Bow / bow. Or bow / DW is ill advised. Not enough defense / healing for a build that has to forego either heavy armor or shuffle (only source of root removal other than 2h’s forward momentum).

    Closest build that’s feasible is a bow / 2h build using master bow (infused / wep dmg glyph) asylum nirnhoned 2h (or vMA 2h), agility jewelry, bloodspawn or troll king monster set (for defense), and your choice of 5 pc set (spriggans, hundings, bone pirate, automaton, hulking draugr, briarheart, seventh legion, cyrodils crest, ravager)

    Only bow ability you’ll use is poison injection, (after sub assault), then stampede and dizzy
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/thogardpvp

  • geonsocal
    the bear is really, really, really difficult to make effective in pvp...

    really difficult...plus - it means you're not slotting trees or permafrost which are excellent support ultimates...

    really, really difficult (read: pretty much impossible)...

    I tried (more for rp purposes than anything) to make it work - but, very challenging to get the bear to attack where you want...tab targeting helps a bit - but, mostly you'll be able to support your allies much better with the other class ultimates...
    Edited by geonsocal on January 13, 2018 8:13AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TheCalvinist
    Thanks everyone. That give me some good ideas. I am not looking to be the best lol so if I’m handicapped then I’m handicapped but I’m sticking to bow dw and bear. Those are fun to me, and if it loses enjoyment then what’s the point anyway?
  • TheCalvinist
    Let me tell you what I’m running and maybe someone knowledgeable can suggest some changes.

    I went for a heavy poison build
    Gear medium Morag Tong and defiler
    W/ Morag Tong bow and axe and defiler axe
    Jewelry Morag Tong and defiler

    Lethal arrow, acid spray, poison injection, soothing spores,sub assault

    Blood thirst, blood craze, steel tornado,soothing spores, Bull Netch
  • TheCalvinist
    Cp points I went
    Warrior iron clad 11/ medium focus 9/ hardy 42/ elemental defender 40/ thick skin 4/

    Thief Mooncalf 68/ tenacity 35/ shade 3/

    Mage master at arms 33/ mighty 54/ thaumaturge 14/ precise 2/ pierce 3
  • geonsocal
    honestly @TheCalvinist ...it sounds like you've taken the time to really put some thought in to your build and you're doing your research...

    you'll do great and have fun i'm sure...

    my khajiit stam warden uses DW/bow also and does just fine...

    your gear also seems fine...poisoning the heck out of folks is always a good strategy :)

    coming up with a good rotation that fits your build and play style always seems the most challenging part...

    i'm still learning the warden class myself - how are you shielding yourself?
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TheCalvinist
    I’m not lol I’m squishy I’m in 3 pvp guilds and I have to stay in back and just shoot or I die. That’s why I think I have something wrong in my build. But no one in my guilds know anything about stam wardens. I might have to give up my bear idk. But I’d rather give up my bear then my bow.
    @geonsocal what ultimate do you recommend me to try out? I couldn’t find a poison ultimate or I probably would’ve tried one. Also I’m thinking about switching from defiler to a heavy. That might help a little. So a good pvp heavy set recommendation would be sweet.
  • TheCalvinist
    Honestly I’m not doing bad and I am having fun. As long as I stay ranged. If I get into close quarter combat I get squished quick.
  • geonsocal
    frost cloak and shuffle would work okay for shielding/damage mitigation...

    permafrost might help for offense and healing thicket for defense for your ultimates...you could even give the bow ultimate a try...it's a little tricky to get it to kill folks though...tab targeting does help...

    hmmmm, a good heavy set to pair with a stam warden and a morag tong/poison theme...

    maybe fasalla's guile which will add a little defile into the mix...i don't think it'll help your bow though...

    you may want to check out fexlea's eso armor set wiki - that's been my go to site for trying to figure out which sets to try...

    I play each race and a stam/mag version of each class (yes, it does get a little confusing at times :))...

    my stam warden is only level 39 at the moment, but, once he reaches level 50 I'll probably put him in dreugh king slayer and spriggans...

    I don't wanna use that weird looking bull netch thing that attaches to your chest - but, i would like to have access to major brutality...
    Edited by geonsocal on January 13, 2018 8:17PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    7th legion (which is on everyone's favorites list - i use it on my stam dk who also uses a bow) or way of the air (I've never trief this set myself) may complement your bow okay...both are pretty inexpensive to pick up in guild stores...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TheCalvinist
    I’m thinking of trying Morag Tong and juggernaut
  • geonsocal
    I always wanted to give the juggernaut set a try...

    should definitely help you take a lot more damage...gonna cost a few coins to re-spec your armor skill lines...

    I gotta be honest - always makes me happy to read some one doing some research and not simply asking about some build they watched or read about...

    theorycrafting is fun...expensive - but fun :)

    so' s fighting - but, i think skyrim may have been the first game I ever played where gearing up was such a large part of the game...

    sounds like you understand already that positioning yourself correctly in fights is a super big part of pvping...i definitely try to do my best not to let folks get behind me or flank me while i'm zerging...

    bad things usually happen once folks start shooting you in back :p

    always a good thing to keep a few meat shields/allies in front of you...one of the reasons I make sure to rez other player as fast as possible...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • geonsocal
    oh yeah, if you haven't already - not a bad idea to start collecting monster set pieces from the golden once you start saving up AP...

    this weekend's maw of the infernal and molag kena aren't too bad - but, velidreth has your name written all over it :)

    if you think you might be stuck with eso for a while - you may want to look at deconning all your white glyphs and "trash" armor and weapons...

    after you've been pvping for a while - being able to improve/craft your own glyphs and weapons/armor will help save you a bunch of coin...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • SodanTok
    Bow/whatever-you-want (2h for rally, SnB for blocking potential, Bow for bonus damage from master or infused damage enchant)

    Short range version:
    Skills: Poison Injection, Draining Shot, Sub. Assault, Cutting Dive, Dawnbreaker, Heals/Buffs
    Gear: Trollking/Blood spawn + Main set (Truth, Hunding, Senche) + either agility set or backbar set (Coward, Werewolf, Marksman). Preferably Master Bow on frontbar.

    Mid range version:
    Skills: Poison Injection, Acid Spray, Lethal Arrow, Sub assault/Cutting Dive/Draining Shot/Magnum Shot (only 1 of them), Bow ulti (ballista preferably), Heals/Buffs
    Gear: Asylum bow required + either Morag Tong and Marksman or just one and again monster set (trollking/bloodspawn/skoria or even slimecraw if you dont use bird of prey). You could even run marksman with morag tong on backbar (requires bow on backbar or direct damage skill on backbar)

    Long range version:
    Skills: Poison Injection, Lethal Arrow or Focused Aim, Cutting Dive, Bow ulti, you can prob put sub assault there too, but you wont be in range for it, Heals/Buffs
    Gear: Marksman, Hunding, Senche, can even Automaton if you use focused aim, not use sub assault and your bow ulti is ballista

    In all instances be prepared that stamina sorcs and stamina nightblades using the long range and mid range version will perform imo better. Plus obviously every meta build fighting from mid range or long range (like magblade or magsorc) will be much much better.
    From the short range, warden will be imo the best, but again anyone running proper dw or 2h will do better.

    Never use bear, unless it is some duel. Adjust CP based on what you do and with what. That does not help you much I guess, but there is no clear cut CP. For example if you run truth set in the short range setup, you need like 120CP in middle blue tree. In every other situation you usually dont. Then if you run lethal arrow you will benefit greatly from improving Befoul CP, but if you do not, then it is waste to put anything there. If you use sub assault reliably (so alway fight around 20m range or closer) you need much less CP in penetration. If you use both it and Focused Aim you need even less, but if you do long range fight with Lethal Arrow your damage will benefit greatly from more penetration... and thats with everything there.
    Edited by SodanTok on January 14, 2018 1:36AM
  • TheCalvinist
    I hear everyone uses impen so Crit is useless now??? Any truth to that?
  • TheCalvinist
    This brings a tear to my eye but I think I’m going to let my bear go...
  • TheCalvinist
    Well now I’m sure this will blow up in my face but I respec my dw bar to mostly warden heals even ultimate. So I’ll see how this plays out. Bow/healz
  • geonsocal
    This brings a tear to my eye but I think I’m going to let my bear go...

    I went through two 30 day campaigns with the bear...

    I had my character (a jet black khajiit) wearing the high rock pioneer outfit, a casual breton wardrobe, dyed brown to match the bear, and he was using one of the light brown horses...

    I even farmed him a set of unfathomable darkness just to get the whole color scheme flowing while in combat...

    the bear looked sooooo cool posted up next to me while I was on my horse...

    it was like fighting without any ultimates...

    now I just use the bear in pve land...looks cool, and works there...

    permafrost is a really useful group/ally support skill - it provides major protection (30% damage reduction for 8 seconds) and stuns folks for 3 seconds)...
    Edited by geonsocal on January 14, 2018 5:08AM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • TheCalvinist
    I would try that but I put zero points into frost. I haven’t even touched it.
  • TheCalvinist
    Guess I will take off Bull Netch and put on frost cloak to start building that skill line. That means yay get to use bear till I can get frost ultimate!!!
  • WildRaptorX
    Look at the Hunt Leader (orainium set) set and see if that interests you as its a stamina based set however it makes the bears hits heal you. If you want a bow build then you’ll need maelstrom and masters bow.
    Cutting dive, poision injection, arrow barrage and maybe lethal arrow/snipe or the crossbow are good.
    I’d go 5 piece medium, 1 light and 1 heavy for the oassives, especially the undaunted.
  • TheCalvinist
    Oh wow just looked up hunt leader. That looks very interesting.
  • Rhaegar75
    what do you think of Velidreth? anyone tried it for damage?
    Edited by Rhaegar75 on March 3, 2018 4:03PM
  • TheCalvinist
    Ok I am set. I went 5x morag tong 5x hundings 1 pc veldrith or kena. Works very well
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