XB1/NA Looking for vet/norm trials guild.

Hows it going? I'm looing to find a guild who can help me become a better end-game player and a group that can help me complete some of the vet trials. I have done the normal trials quite a bit but wouldn't claim I'm an expert. I'm really focused on just taking my game to the next level and constantly improving. My main character that I would be running on is a Stam DK and I can hit around 30k DPS on dummy ATM but am still working on perfecting my rotation and build. The sets I have available are as follows and most of it is gold besides jewelry, some is some isn't;

1. NMG (all gold)
2. Hundings Rage (all gold)
3. Sunderflame (all gold except purple neck)
4. VO (all gold but blue jewelry)
5. Twice-Fanged Serpent (all gold except blue jewelry)

I can be versatile in what sets I run and can coordinate with group to determine what would optimize our group. Typically Id run NMG/VO or Hundings/Sunderflame in a trial setting. Unless I'm needed to run full damage at which point Id probably run Hundings/VO. Id also be open to discussing how to further be of use to the group/guild as I said I'm not an expert.

I'm also still trying to complete a few sets to add a little more versatility including Alkosh, Morag Tong and possibly War Machine in the future but I think that's better suited on another class.

As far as Monster sets go I am using Gold divines Selenes web ATM but am working on finishing my Veli set. I just need to transmute to get Divines trait. My pieces ATM are Sturdy and well-fitted. Hoping to have it finished soon.

I don't expect to be thrown on the A team so to speak but would love to be able to learn how to play these Vet trials and hold my own. I'm open to learning from guild members as well as helping guild mates out with crafting gear or potions/food. I'm 9 trait in everything but light armor ATM. I think I have 7 or 8 more pieces to research.

I usually get to play an hour or so every night but on the weekends I could run dungeons or trials around 9-10 PM EST and can play until 2-3 AM EST.

If you are interested please let me know and we can discuss this further. If not thank you for taking the time to read this and best of luck to you in your travels through Tamriel!

My Gamertag is RABIDxWOLVERINE and I'm CP 586 I think not 100% sure though lol I'm definitely over 500 though
Edited by RABIDxWOLVERINE on January 11, 2018 6:21PM
Rhaegar Gregorson, The Ebonheart Centurion - Imperial Dragonknight
RABIDxWOLVERINE - Xbox One, NA, Ebonheart Pact


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