Monster Trophies and Drop Rates

I didn’t know where to post this exactly, and the Itemization thread was for bug reports, so I decided to open a seperate thread.

So the feedback I want to give out is this: Monster Trophy drop rates need to be adjusted, otherwise something needs to be looked at. And just to legitamise my point I am a Master Angler, so I know what the frustration of farming is like. And farming Monster Trophies is on a WHOLE other level.
I’m going to start with a comparision between fishing and trophy hunting:
First off, drop rates of trophy fish are reasonable and even though it can get frustrating at times, that is the unfortunate nature of RNG.
With monster trophies drop rates are ridiculous. To give an example I got the Spider Crown for the Oblivion Shard Gatherer on 7/30/2016 then I started my Crypt Jar farm few monthes later In January of 2018, farming for at least 8 hours a day around seeker’s archive, crypt of exiles and tu’whacca’s throne (I know I’m Crazy) . It is 2018 now and I’ve been farming for hours upon hours killing over thousands of mummies and I STILL do not have the Crypt Jar Collectable.

Secondly, there are many incentives for fishing, like the chance to get perfect roe from every fish you fillete, the new furnishings that drop, gunny sacks, they are worth a respectable amount of gold (110 for blues and 1000 for purples) and then finally at the end of the grind the awesome title “Master Angler” to sticker on your characters head high and proud for everyone to see.
Monster Hunting on the other hand has you farm for each and every collectable for months and months and when it finally drops you all you can do is sell it for 31 gold... and after you’ve endured mindlessly farming the same little spots for hours upon hours for years and finally managed to get a whole collection while somehow maintaning your sanity, you unlock a dye the nobody even tells the difference between it and the other common dyes...

I honestly cannot fully describe my frustration. And on top of all that there’s the removal of sharing them between alts via bank in Update 7 (that I never got to experience), where a newly created charecter with a freshly set RNG doesn’t need to grind long before they get their first Collectable drop.

I know that the devs play their game. I also know that @ZOS_RichLambert started fishing a couple of weeks back from twitter. And it’s no where near the gruelling task of trophy hunting.
And If no one believes me, or cliams my reports of the terrible drop rates to be exaggerated or false, then try and get at least 2 monster trophy drops on your main (mostly played) character, and tell me how long it took you.

Rant Over :#
Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • Nestor
    You should have been here the first year. These things drop like Candy at a Parade in Wonkaville compared to the first year and a half of the game.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Magdalina
    Nestor wrote: »
    You should have been here the first year. These things drop like Candy at a Parade in Wonkaville compared to the first year and a half of the game.

    They literally never dropped in the first year or two, iirc. Like, not 1/10000000000000000000000000, just never. Pretty sure they even stated a fix in one of the patch notes.

    I've been here since launch and I still only have 2 of the monster trophy achieves, dwemer and atro ones :D Honestly I just don't care. I play the game, sometimes I get an odd trophy here and there but I refuse to farm that. The only reward is completionism and crappy dyes anyway.
  • MopeyHat
    Magdalina wrote: »
    Nestor wrote: »
    You should have been here the first year. These things drop like Candy at a Parade in Wonkaville compared to the first year and a half of the game.

    They literally never dropped in the first year or two, iirc. Like, not 1/10000000000000000000000000, just never. Pretty sure they even stated a fix in one of the patch notes.

    I've been here since launch and I still only have 2 of the monster trophy achieves, dwemer and atro ones :D Honestly I just don't care. I play the game, sometimes I get an odd trophy here and there but I refuse to farm that. The only reward is completionism and crappy dyes anyway.

    But in the first year they weren't character bound. :(
  • elven.were_wolf
    Nestor wrote: »
    You should have been here the first year. These things drop like Candy at a Parade in Wonkaville compared to the first year and a half of the game.

    I’m on Console so I couldn’t enjoy it first year. :|

    And anyway the main point of achievements is suppose to be, rewarding, challenging and fun. These achievements are not rewarding, way challanging and no fun.
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • sdtlc
    These monster trophies were intorduced after the first year, so players already had finished most of the content.

    For a short timeperiod it was possible to get the trophies, bank them and use them with an other char.

    By the amount of trophies i get sumetimes in dungeon, i'd even vote for making droprate smaller again.
    Die Qualität verhält sich nicht zwingend proportional zur Masse...

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    Feierabendgilde mit Ambitionen
  • sdtlc
    Why you farm your trophies on the testserver anyway?
    Die Qualität verhält sich nicht zwingend proportional zur Masse...

    Meisterangler vor dem perfekten Rogen...
    +Kaiserstadt, Wrothgar, Hew's Fluch, Goldküste, Vvardenfell, Stadt der Uhrwerke, Sommersend, Artaeum, Trübmoor, Elsweyr (nördliches & südliches), Graumoor, Reik, Dunkelforst

    [PC][DC]Zunft der Helden[PvX]
    Feierabendgilde mit Ambitionen
  • Recremen
    Oh man those are awful, yeah. It took me forever to get them. Good luck, I hope they change the drop rate.
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • BlazingDynamo
    They should make them tradable again. They sold for a crazy amount when they use to be. I'd say if they did that they shouldn't increase the drop rate. Would be a nice way to make a good amount of gold.
  • cokkto
    Also, as for peaceful ashlander, killing netches, such wonderful and non-agressive creatures just for trophy makes me cry all the time above their corpses. This is not end-game content I have ever imagined. Make a drop rate higher, make trophies tradable, or whatsoever, but this brainless netchicide should be stopped
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    They should make them tradable again. They sold for a crazy amount when they use to be. I'd say if they did that they shouldn't increase the drop rate. Would be a nice way to make a good amount of gold.

    I'd be happy if they just made them account bound. :\ I keep getting monster trophies on my alts instead of my main who actually needs them. EX: I got the Second Skin during the random dungeon...of course on an alt.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works
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  • Magdalina
    MopeyHat wrote: »
    Magdalina wrote: »
    Nestor wrote: »
    You should have been here the first year. These things drop like Candy at a Parade in Wonkaville compared to the first year and a half of the game.

    They literally never dropped in the first year or two, iirc. Like, not 1/10000000000000000000000000, just never. Pretty sure they even stated a fix in one of the patch notes.

    I've been here since launch and I still only have 2 of the monster trophy achieves, dwemer and atro ones :D Honestly I just don't care. I play the game, sometimes I get an odd trophy here and there but I refuse to farm that. The only reward is completionism and crappy dyes anyway.

    But in the first year they weren't character bound. :(

    Well, first they did not drop literally at all so it didn't matter :p Then yes, it was much nicer when we could give them to our main. Still dunno why they had to make them character bound.
  • elven.were_wolf
    sdtlc wrote: »
    These monster trophies were intorduced after the first year, so players already had finished most of the content.

    For a short timeperiod it was possible to get the trophies, bank them and use them with an other char.

    By the amount of trophies i get sumetimes in dungeon, i'd even vote for making droprate smaller again.

    Thing is a do not have the privlige to farm dugeons all day long, because I never find anyone to farm them with, even though I am capable of soloing a few of them. So farming is usually done in delves and overland areas.

    And, no I do not farm them on PTS XD
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • Apache_Kid
    I second this. I wanted to try and get the acheivments for all the trophies but the drop rates discouraged me. And the worst part is, I always seem to get the ones I need on some alt and not main :neutral:
  • BlazingDynamo
    They should make them tradable again. They sold for a crazy amount when they use to be. I'd say if they did that they shouldn't increase the drop rate. Would be a nice way to make a good amount of gold.

    I'd be happy if they just made them account bound. :\ I keep getting monster trophies on my alts instead of my main who actually needs them. EX: I got the Second Skin during the random dungeon...of course on an alt.

    Yeah I got a couple on my alts toons too. I tried grinding for the frost atro trophy and quickly realized I was wasting my time lol
  • elven.were_wolf
    I really wish they would take a look into it. True, there are more important thing like combat balance and what not, but it would be nice to throw us OCD collector completionist (well, at least I am) a bone.
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • Malfious1986
    The monster trophy drop rates are abysmal. I remember thinking, I'll just get them all as I play. That was years ago, pre one Tamriel and I still need most of the drops. As I've not got almost every achievement I started grinding for the crypt jar myself (it is how I found this post) and no luck after countless hours of grinding.

    ZOS, please make the drop rate higher or at least make them account bound. I barely touch alts through the terror of possibly getting a drop I need on an alt that I cannot transfer to my main.
    Part of the PS4 EU Guild ESO - Expendable Heroes. Check out our Facebook Page! PSN Lord_Malfious
  • ZOS_Icy

    As this thread was originally created in January 2018, we decided to close it down. In many cases, it's better to create a new thread on a topic that you want to discuss as opposed to bumping one that is rather old.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.