I didn’t know where to post this exactly, and the Itemization thread was for bug reports, so I decided to open a seperate thread.
So the feedback I want to give out is this: Monster Trophy drop rates need to be adjusted, otherwise something needs to be looked at. And just to legitamise my point I am a Master Angler, so I know what the frustration of farming is like. And farming Monster Trophies is on a WHOLE other level.
I’m going to start with a comparision between fishing and trophy hunting:
First off, drop rates of trophy fish are reasonable and even though it can get frustrating at times, that is the unfortunate nature of RNG.
With monster trophies drop rates are ridiculous. To give an example I got the Spider Crown for the Oblivion Shard Gatherer on 7/30/2016 then I started my Crypt Jar farm few monthes later In January of 2018, farming for at least 8 hours a day around seeker’s archive, crypt of exiles and tu’whacca’s throne (I know I’m Crazy) . It is 2018 now and I’ve been farming for hours upon hours killing over thousands of mummies and I STILL do not have the Crypt Jar Collectable.
Secondly, there are many incentives for fishing, like the chance to get perfect roe from every fish you fillete, the new furnishings that drop, gunny sacks, they are worth a respectable amount of gold (110 for blues and 1000 for purples) and then finally at the end of the grind the awesome title “Master Angler” to sticker on your characters head high and proud for everyone to see.
Monster Hunting on the other hand has you farm for each and every collectable for months and months and when it finally drops you all you can do is sell it for 31 gold... and after you’ve endured mindlessly farming the same little spots for hours upon hours for years and finally managed to get a whole collection while somehow maintaning your sanity, you unlock a dye the nobody even tells the difference between it and the other common dyes...
I honestly cannot fully describe my frustration. And on top of all that there’s the removal of sharing them between alts via bank in Update 7 (that I never got to experience), where a newly created charecter with a freshly set RNG doesn’t need to grind long before they get their first Collectable drop.
I know that the devs play their game. I also know that
@ZOS_RichLambert started fishing a couple of weeks back from twitter. And it’s no where near the gruelling task of trophy hunting.
And If no one believes me, or cliams my reports of the terrible drop rates to be exaggerated or false, then try and get at least 2 monster trophy drops on your main (mostly played) character, and tell me how long it took you.
Rant Over
Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.