This is a picture I used to discuss how to fill up the map before morrowind (Old thread:, now I will be using it again to name what I wish to have in future chapters and dlcs.
First Note: I hope we get to see the whole tamriel map fill up asap so I will be mostly using areas within tamriel to fill up the chapter/dlc land, and I will do it with 1 year 1 chapter 2 story dlc in mind (will it be 2 story dlcs or 2 dungeon dlcs per year is not confirmed, but I sure hope 2 story dlcs is the way ZOS chose as it offers more contents

Second Note: I really hope that areas appeared in the quest (Strik island, swampy darkbrotherhood sacturm etc) and dungeon area can be accessible or at least appear on the map since large cities like Falkreach and Fang Lair are definitely taking a part of the map, but dungeons do not actually show where they are exactly.
Chapter: Summerset. It is all but confirmed...My bet is part of Mephala's realm will also appear (or at least Mephala's "presents", being voice or minions)
Chapter: Hammerfell. (Area 6 in the map) Since AD and EP all got their chapter and this is the last part of DC map, this should be the next chapter. Dwemer Rourken clan named and residented in the area and not in contact with their morrowind silbings since first concil, tho after 200 years they do seem to disappear with the first council war....or do they? The land was filled with "elves" when yokudans arrive (which is after the dwemers supposely all disappear), and no one actually know whether there are only ayleids since the writings left by both yokudan and ayleids are so few in the current war. Could some of the dwemer sensed the danger and hid in a daedric plane like Yagrum Bagarn until the event passes? This part of the region, even if no dwemer will appear in game, is bound to have loads of dwemer ruins, and we get to see the major cities of the Crowns, which are more yokuda-ish than the northern redguards (the Forebears).
Chapter:Nibenay (Area 10) . After all factions get a chapter, time for a neutral (imperial) chapter. Land of the Tharns, keywords being "Amulet of King", "Where is Civila" "Another bargain with another prince" "Naval?!"
Chapter:Black Marsh (Area 11 and 12). Keywords being "All kinds of lizards" "What do Hists do, actually?" "Last of Korthingi"
Chapter: Elsewhyr (Area 9). Keywords being "All kinds of cats" "Moon Moon" "Skooma?"
Chapter: West Skyrim (Area 1). EP is funny because they failed to unite any one of their race----Telvanis in Dunmer, Many tribes in Argonian, and West skyrim in nord. (AD argueably united all three, and DC united redguards and bretons). Keyword in this area being "West Skyrim Kingdom" "Reachmen Tribes" "Nostalgia". I really hope west skyrim has closer relationship with DC, since DC has smallest land mass and the region share the reachmen problem like wrothgar and bangkorai.
Other than these 6, there really aren't any other area big enough for a chapter, unless ZOS want to explore area outside tamriel and daedric planes, which I hope they don't (not until tamriel map is fully unlocked). There are actually places that MAY have chapter potential, but I hope ZOS can be a good guy and make them big DLCs, since regions with similar culture/landscape already appeared in listed chapters.
Chapter/DLC: Colovia (Area 7). Very small region for a chapter but a bit big for a dlc, I hope ZOS plan bigger and release it as a dlc. Keywords: "Warlords" "Colovians"
Chapter/DLC: Telvanni (Area 4 and 5). Telvanni's magic make it more fancy than other great houses, and here is the big chunk of land we donno what to here we are. Keyword "Telvanni" "Another Daily Deal with Daedra" "NECROMANCY??!!" (<-not a fan but mannn ppl do yell about it a lot)
With these, there will be 12-16 story dlcs in a 6-8 year span if ZOS is still following their current plan. So here is my list of story dlcs:
Story DLC: Solstheim (Area 2 and 3). This area is filled with Ashlanders. In current time, it may have a bit of DC invasion problem. I hope it also includes area 3 because I donno what to do with it.
Note that with these we already filled the Tamriel map...So ideally daedric princes' realm will fill the place, with the exception of Shivering Islands (Plane of Sheogorath, already largely appeared in vanilla, only need some little addition and make it accessible again), Coldharbour (Molag Bal's realm already in vanilla) and Jyggalag's realm (Since this is not the time for Greymarch and he is not separate with Sheo yet), there are 15 princes' planes we haven't largely exlpore in ESO.
So 14 places: (I didn't priortize these dlcs tho) (I cannot remember all the dungeon stories so I may miss some of the artifact/ prince appearance)
Story DLC: Azura. Azura has bounds with Dunmer and Khajiiti ppl, tho already appeared in morrowind herself, her realm is worth exploring
Story DLC: Boethiah. Didnt appear much except in maelstorm arena, keyword being "Arena" "Promote Elder scroll: Legend?" "Goldbrand" "Ebonmail"
Story DLC: Clavicus Vile. Appeared in morrowind. Keyword "Bittercup" "Feyfolken" "Masque" "Umbra" "Rueful Axe" "That's a lot of artifacts" "Barbas"
Story DLC: Hermaeus Mora. I thought he appeared in ESO but forget when. Anyway, keywords "Another Nostalgia?" "Blackbook" "Oghma Infinium"
Story DLC: Hircine. His realm is partly explored in the werewolf quest. Keywords "Hunting ground" "Cuirass of the Savior's Hide" "Hircine's Ring"
Story DLC: Malacath. He appeared in Wrothgar side quest.. I think. His artifact Volendrung already appeared in game. Keyword "Is Trinimac real?" "Scourge" "Orcs"
Story DLC: Mehrunes Dagon. Did not appear but his realm did in city of ash II. Keyword "Mysterium Xarxes" "Razor" "Continue of COA?" "More Nostalgia? "
Story DLC: Mephala. Will probably appear in Summerset, many spider dungeons are associate with her as well (and also ebony blade already appeared in crypt of hearts). Tho some say her realm is inaccessible to mortals, but hey we are not. Keywords "spiders"
Story DLC: Meridia. Appeared in vanilla, like Azura she is a friendly one. We saw a bit of her realm in vanilla. Keywords "Dawnbreaker" "Ring of Khajiiti" "DARION"
Story DLC: Namira. Can't remember but surely her worshipper have appeared in some dungeon. Keywords "More spiders" "Ring of Namira" "yewwww"
Story DLC: Nocturnal. Appeared in CWC (as well as her skeleton key). keywords "Gray Cowl of Nocturnal" "Best daedra design" (<-if you know what I mean

Story DLC: Peryite. Probably will appear in dragon bone dlc. Keyword "Spell breaker" "Everyone call him weakest" "Connection with Jyggalag since they both want order?"
Story DLC: Sanguine. On of his party is ongoing in a public dungeon. Keyword "PARTYY" "Sanguine Rose"
Story DLC: Vaermina. Her cult appeared in DC storyline, and her realm and artifact Skull of Corruption are shown in vanilla. Keyword "Nightmare"
I got bored so I wrote all these, feel free to comment and discuss what DLC and Chapter you want!