The past few months more and more people have been complaining that eso has no real endgame, no real challenges. Yes, a new trial comes out once in a while, but its not enough. People are getting bored and max cp players are leaving the game.
I have an idea that I personally would really like, and want to know opinions from others. Its an ironman mode. This is used in several other games, runescape is perhaps the most well-known game to have this.
The idea is simple. You start a new character and the only thing you start with are champions points. You cannot access the bank, and you cannot trade with other players. You have to do everything yourself like the first time you started playing. Want weapon power pots? Go gather mats and craft them. Want a set? Do the dungeon or research items for crafting.
Right now you're thinking: why the *** would I do that?
Why I think people like this: every ironman character will have a special title, and there should be several challenges you need to do before you have "completed' your character.
When you have completed all these challenges your character receives a toggleable golden glow (maybe less bright) like the weekend vendor in Cyrodiil, but only on your ironman character. Keep in mind this is just an example.
Some ideas for challenges:
Complete all basegame dungeons and trials on veteran mode
Complete Cadwells Gold
Max out all skill lines and every skill in it except vampire/werewolf
As an endgame player this would be a welcome refreshment! It would give us new challenges, things to do, something to actually work for.
I think completing such an ironman character would let a lot of players feel a sense of pride and accomplishment!