So i like themed builds because they immerse me more in my character and the game - my dragon knight is a poison / dot using argonian - which sets would you use for such a build within a pve environment that work well together and are the most efficient once in your opinion?
I know these sets
- morag tong (not sure if it is that efficient outside of a group that uses poison)
- swamp raider (a weird one but works well with flames of oblivion)
- syvarra's scales (the first 3 bonuses are meh but the last one is nice)
- widowmaker (not a dot but seems interesting, no experience)
- viper (only single target sucks a bit)
- infector/defiler (timing and targeting seems wonky)
- eternal hunt (no experience, seems interesting - what is the cooldown?)
Or anything else?
Edited by Nemesis7884 on January 7, 2018 6:48PM