Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »I've tested Volley, and while the tooltip for the skill appears to increase by putting points into MaA, the actual skill doesn't do more damage. Conversely, if you put points in Thauma it will buff your actual damage with the skill, but the tooltip will remain as it was before.
Tooltips are wrong and were wrong always.
Dont trust them.
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
adeptusminor wrote: »Would be nice if you hovered over a CP skill like Master At Arms it lists your skills it will have an affect on
Nemesis7884 wrote: »Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »I've tested Volley, and while the tooltip for the skill appears to increase by putting points into MaA, the actual skill doesn't do more damage. Conversely, if you put points in Thauma it will buff your actual damage with the skill, but the tooltip will remain as it was before.
i am basing my statements soley on the changes in value on the skill and not practical damage tests - volley tooltip values get higher on master at arms vs thaumaturge
but why wouldnt damage numbers correspond to tooltip values - now i am super confused
you can make an argument about the wording even if its really vague and should be better classified - but the tooltip giving you an opposite information than what happens in reality..i mean c mon thats like pre beta level of nonsense??
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »From my experience, Wardens and Nightblades do gNemesis7884 wrote: »Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »I've tested Volley, and while the tooltip for the skill appears to increase by putting points into MaA, the actual skill doesn't do more damage. Conversely, if you put points in Thauma it will buff your actual damage with the skill, but the tooltip will remain as it was before.
i am basing my statements soley on the changes in value on the skill and not practical damage tests - volley tooltip values get higher on master at arms vs thaumaturge
but why wouldnt damage numbers correspond to tooltip values - now i am super confused
you can make an argument about the wording even if its really vague and should be better classified - but the tooltip giving you an opposite information than what happens in reality..i mean c mon thats like pre beta level of nonsense??
Believe me, I've been there.
I made a similar post to this one probably 4 months ago when I realized the skill's tooltip number increased with MaA. Someone told me it wasn't the case, so I tested it on my dummy. only thauma buffed it.
I would say that your initial reading of the text was probably partially right. CP in MaA likely causes an increased value in the tooltip of any skill that says, ""does x damage every x seconds", while for Thauma to increase the tooltip it needs to read "damage over x seconds". However the actual calculations for DOTs are based off of whether or not the words "over x seconds" are used or corresponding code that's used to indicate it. Basically the system is mistranslating its equations based on syntax.
Nemesis7884 wrote: »Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »From my experience, Wardens and Nightblades do gNemesis7884 wrote: »Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »I've tested Volley, and while the tooltip for the skill appears to increase by putting points into MaA, the actual skill doesn't do more damage. Conversely, if you put points in Thauma it will buff your actual damage with the skill, but the tooltip will remain as it was before.
i am basing my statements soley on the changes in value on the skill and not practical damage tests - volley tooltip values get higher on master at arms vs thaumaturge
but why wouldnt damage numbers correspond to tooltip values - now i am super confused
you can make an argument about the wording even if its really vague and should be better classified - but the tooltip giving you an opposite information than what happens in reality..i mean c mon thats like pre beta level of nonsense??
Believe me, I've been there.
I made a similar post to this one probably 4 months ago when I realized the skill's tooltip number increased with MaA. Someone told me it wasn't the case, so I tested it on my dummy. only thauma buffed it.
I would say that your initial reading of the text was probably partially right. CP in MaA likely causes an increased value in the tooltip of any skill that says, ""does x damage every x seconds", while for Thauma to increase the tooltip it needs to read "damage over x seconds". However the actual calculations for DOTs are based off of whether or not the words "over x seconds" are used or corresponding code that's used to indicate it. Basically the system is mistranslating its equations based on syntax.
this is absolutly unaceptable - we are talking about the most basic things here - these data and tooltip need to be correct and corrected ASAP - this is absolute essential basic stuff and certainly more important than shoving more crown crates down our face... i mean come on why isn't this *** corrected???? especially if it has been wrong for months - is zos purposfully trying to mislead people or what is this supposed to be??? It can't be unknown - i would assume the people there test things
adeptusminor wrote: »Would be nice if you hovered over a CP skill like Master At Arms it lists your skills it will have an affect on
adeptusminor wrote: »Would be nice if you hovered over a CP skill like Master At Arms it lists your skills it will have an affect on
It would be that simple. Do they know themselves thoug? lol
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
Nemesis7884 wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
great...why have tooltis at all? why not just write under ever skill "might do some damage"
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »I've tested Volley, and while the tooltip for the skill appears to increase by putting points into MaA, the actual skill doesn't do more damage. Conversely, if you put points in Thauma it will buff your actual damage with the skill, but the tooltip will remain as it was before.