The CC immunity feature has been broken for sometime now. I played another MMO in PVP and if you were CC'd, there was a cool down before you could be CC'd again. I'd like to see that here as well. It was about a 5 to 10 second cool down. It totally did a number on those that spammed the CC's constantly. It included all CC's no matter what skill or source. This would be great for our PVP on ESO as well. This would give everyone a chance to counter things instead of standing for 10 seconds wiggling like a rag doll unable to cast any skills whatsoever until you die 15 seconds later.
deepseamk20b14_ESO wrote: »No way you’re serious. Mass hysteria is fine. I disagree with damn near everything you said.
2)it only kicks in AFTER the cc is over. Meaning if you get, say, wrecking blow'd(or whichever morph is currently knocking you back) in the air, if you let it fully lapse, then after that IN THEORY you cannot get cc'd again for 7 seconds. BUT, if you get wrecking blow'd again(or feared or whatever) while you're still in the middle of the original cc, you can and will get cc'd, and the system will wait til that new cc is over before giving you cc immunity. It's a bs system making non stop chain cc's possible.
3)even after taking first 2 points into account, it's still buggy af. A lot of the times it flatout doesn't work, other times it lags. I'm also fairly sure that lag or not, cc immunity from all sources currently takes about a second to activate - and it did not always do that, but I cannot point my finger at when exactly it started. Many a time have I broken free/let cc lapse/drink immov potion only to see my character get feared again and run away surrounded by pretty white swirls of cc immunity in that very second.
I don't think Fear can ever be balanced until they fix the breakfree issue, it's too strong coupled up with inability to breakfree or oftentimes even SEE it.
Good player response to this thread.I agree. It shouldn't have a cap (Nothing multi target should have some arbitrary cap.)
Zergling response to this thread.deepseamk20b14_ESO wrote: »No way you’re serious. Mass hysteria is fine. I disagree with damn near everything you said.
f047ys3v3n wrote: »2)it only kicks in AFTER the cc is over. Meaning if you get, say, wrecking blow'd(or whichever morph is currently knocking you back) in the air, if you let it fully lapse, then after that IN THEORY you cannot get cc'd again for 7 seconds. BUT, if you get wrecking blow'd again(or feared or whatever) while you're still in the middle of the original cc, you can and will get cc'd, and the system will wait til that new cc is over before giving you cc immunity. It's a bs system making non stop chain cc's possible.
3)even after taking first 2 points into account, it's still buggy af. A lot of the times it flatout doesn't work, other times it lags. I'm also fairly sure that lag or not, cc immunity from all sources currently takes about a second to activate - and it did not always do that, but I cannot point my finger at when exactly it started. Many a time have I broken free/let cc lapse/drink immov potion only to see my character get feared again and run away surrounded by pretty white swirls of cc immunity in that very second.
I don't think Fear can ever be balanced until they fix the breakfree issue, it's too strong coupled up with inability to breakfree or oftentimes even SEE it.
This explains so much. I had been wondering why it seemed that I would be CC chained sometimes when there is supposed to be a CC cooldown on players (I know damn well why I sometimes get CC's until dead in vMA once for the full duration of the healing and shield sigals). This chain CC in PVP seems quite common. My notes on CC's are basically that you must apply an immovability pot prior to enemy engagement (after an enemy CC seems to be no good as you will be often chain CC'd in this situation and pot seems to have no effect if employed in the middle of a chain.) Also, pots seem to offer some protection to slows whereas rapid maneuver, ironically, seems unreliable in practice even if carefully maintained and not broken with a heal or attack.
As for fear vs other CC's, I really don't see it as OP vs any other. I agree that it gains something by going through block but block cast fighting is less common than it used to be and most high block time combat builds seem to also employ immovable pots. On the other side, fear is relatively quickly broken vs other CC's such as javlin or wrecking blow that have a long duration unbreakable animation phase. At this point I would certainly rather be feared than hit with a javlin or wrecking blow as I rarely die when feared and usually react to it so fast that it is hardly an inconvenience. I would also rather an opponent be hit with a javlin or wrecking blow as I will almost certainly have them dead before they recover whereas with fear they usually break it first.
Since I am a NB, I do have fear though I find that I rarely use it in combat since the last nerf. This is because it is a bet that doesn't pay out much. It is expensive, does no damage, and when you hit only immune players it still has that high cost with no effect at all. The vast majority of the time I cast it all players hit are CC immune from pots or from immunity timer. I am actually planning to change the morph to the trap one so that the cast can be part of the buff up sequence and therefore not cost a combat cast. At this point, the low efficacy will be balanced only against no effective cost since it will be a pre-combat cast. This will cost me any sort of real time CC on my bar but I wasn't winning any 1v1's with the almost insta-broken fear as my CC. I will put on clench for that and I think I'll end up ahead. At least if clench hits a CC immune player you have still applied a weak DOT to them instead of just total wasted a cast and a big chunk of resources.
This nerf is nothing compared to blazing spear stun removal, try to play without any unblockable stun and no real mobility/escape options (mistform is still meh) in open world and then complain.
I agree. It shouldn't have a cap (Nothing multi target should have some arbitrary cap.) The stun/run should be joined so you can insta break free instead of the awkward 1s where you are turning can't. The overall stun should also shortened to 2.5s like foss/rune.
f047ys3v3n wrote: »2)it only kicks in AFTER the cc is over. Meaning if you get, say, wrecking blow'd(or whichever morph is currently knocking you back) in the air, if you let it fully lapse, then after that IN THEORY you cannot get cc'd again for 7 seconds. BUT, if you get wrecking blow'd again(or feared or whatever) while you're still in the middle of the original cc, you can and will get cc'd, and the system will wait til that new cc is over before giving you cc immunity. It's a bs system making non stop chain cc's possible.
3)even after taking first 2 points into account, it's still buggy af. A lot of the times it flatout doesn't work, other times it lags. I'm also fairly sure that lag or not, cc immunity from all sources currently takes about a second to activate - and it did not always do that, but I cannot point my finger at when exactly it started. Many a time have I broken free/let cc lapse/drink immov potion only to see my character get feared again and run away surrounded by pretty white swirls of cc immunity in that very second.
I don't think Fear can ever be balanced until they fix the breakfree issue, it's too strong coupled up with inability to breakfree or oftentimes even SEE it.
As for fear vs other CC's, I really don't see it as OP vs any other. I agree that it gains something by going through block but block cast fighting is less common than it used to be and most high block time combat builds seem to also employ immovable pots. On the other side, fear is relatively quickly broken vs other CC's such as javlin or wrecking blow that have a long duration unbreakable animation phase. At this point I would certainly rather be feared than hit with a javlin or wrecking blow as I rarely die when feared and usually react to it so fast that it is hardly an inconvenience. I would also rather an opponent be hit with a javlin or wrecking blow as I will almost certainly have them dead before they recover whereas with fear they usually break it first.
I agree. It shouldn't have a cap (Nothing multi target should have some arbitrary cap.) The stun/run should be joined so you can insta break free instead of the awkward 1s where you are turning can't. The overall stun should also shortened to 2.5s like foss/rune. you realize what you just said? Fear is the ONLY multi target hard cc in the game, not counting ultimates. Are you seriously implying a random NB should be able to just jump down and fear EVERYONE?
Ectheliontnacil wrote: »@MagdalinaI agree. It shouldn't have a cap (Nothing multi target should have some arbitrary cap.) The stun/run should be joined so you can insta break free instead of the awkward 1s where you are turning can't. The overall stun should also shortened to 2.5s like foss/rune. you realize what you just said? Fear is the ONLY multi target hard cc in the game, not counting ultimates. Are you seriously implying a random NB should be able to just jump down and fear EVERYONE?
Werewolf roar?
This was my un-gang-bang button. I want it back... It servers little other purpose
Magblade is top dog right now. Stamblade is mid-low tier right now. I can't take you seriously from this post.
Magblade is top dog right now. Stamblade is mid-low tier right now. I can't take you seriously from this post.
The ONLY reason why everyone thinks fear is SUPER STRONG is because OCCASIONALLY it BUGS out!
If fear worked normally every time then definitely it needs to CC 4 people. Right now it should fear 3 but unfortunately only 2 so we have to suffice.
What I honestly don't understand is why is there a need for 3+ different types of CC's???
That has to be a nightmare to keep track of, especially with bad code.
My vote is remove/combine snares, roots, hard cc, soft cc, etc... into one category called CC, then you are either CC'd or not.
K(eep) I(t) S(imple) S(tupid)
Are magblades not ok? I see plenty of them.
And if they're not ok, would they be ok if shade wasn't broken (sometimes) and cloak worked reliably and the game didn't lag so much?
I don't really think mass hysteria is the issue. It's still strong as hell and the CC most likely to decide to be unbreakable just because.