Deleted email associated with account before changing addresses

My account is linked to an old google email address I deleted. I need it switched to an outlook email address.
  • ZOS_Bill
    If you would like to change your ESO account email address, follow the steps below:
    1. Sign in to your ESO account here.
    2. Under Account Info, select Edit Account Info.
    3. Select the EDIT button next to your current email address.
    4. Enter your new email address, answer secret question, and click SAVE.
    5. Check the email account associated with your ESO account for the required Access Code.
    6. Enter the Access Code.
    7. This confirmation will automatically log you out of the account page.
    8. Check your new ESO account email for an Activation email and follow the instructions.
    9. Sign back in to your account to confirm that change to email address associated with your account has occurred.

    If you are unable to change your email address following the steps above, or if you no longer have access to your email account - please use this Account Recovery form to submit a request for assistance.
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