I'm thinking about that 'house', but my furniture don't match with Dwemer design
Personally I am not quite happy. It's a cool house but for me it's way too specific, as only clockwork and maybe a little dwemer will really fit there (normal furniture look a bit out of place, but there might be a way to get it to work). It was a lot of fun to decorate, but for me it lost its charm after a little while.
You would probably like it more than I do, but if you buy it be prepared to spend a lot of gold to get as you'll probably want a lot of clockwork stuff.
@Apache_Kid factotums drop furnishing designs?!
TheNuminous1 wrote: »
Apache_Kid wrote: »Basically with the new crown-sale I am seriously considering purchasing the Observatory home as I think it is so unique and cool looking. Also the Clockwork City has quickly become one of my favorite zones for aesthetics. Was just wondering for those of you that bought it, are you happy with it or have you grown bored of it because it is so uniform? That is my main concern. I would be buying it furnished as it would probably cost my entire war-chest just to fill out the un-furnished version with CwC stuff. Anyways any feedback appreciated. If anyone has done any cool decorating or anything else unique with their Observatory please post I'd love to see it!
Sweetpea704 wrote: »Apache_Kid wrote: »Basically with the new crown-sale I am seriously considering purchasing the Observatory home as I think it is so unique and cool looking. Also the Clockwork City has quickly become one of my favorite zones for aesthetics. Was just wondering for those of you that bought it, are you happy with it or have you grown bored of it because it is so uniform? That is my main concern. I would be buying it furnished as it would probably cost my entire war-chest just to fill out the un-furnished version with CwC stuff. Anyways any feedback appreciated. If anyone has done any cool decorating or anything else unique with their Observatory please post I'd love to see it!
I've seen a design with this house by Foxglove, in Divine Design Alliance that is truly amazing! I thought I didn't want this house, but now I kind of do.
"Don't invite me if you aren't willing to loot the urns."
duendology wrote: »if I were to buy this house.. I'd put all kinds of fantasy like plants and trees inside, you know, even those clockwork weird trees.. to make it look like a winter garden?I guess it would balance this "clockwork" feeling of the place.
And then add some weird bookshelves.. or tellevani furniture..
I agree that the house is amazing.. can't afford it.. but it's got a lot potential. :P
PrayingSeraph wrote: »If you really like the CWC aesthetic and location, then I'd recommend it. Aesthetics is very important to enjoyment of the house. Personally I love Observatory and its view from its outside platform. Both of the land afar and looking up at the structure itself.
Apache_Kid wrote: »PrayingSeraph wrote: »If you really like the CWC aesthetic and location, then I'd recommend it. Aesthetics is very important to enjoyment of the house. Personally I love Observatory and its view from its outside platform. Both of the land afar and looking up at the structure itself.
Yeah The views are crazy. It's the main thing that caught my eye. No other house has views like that.
Apache_Kid wrote: »PrayingSeraph wrote: »If you really like the CWC aesthetic and location, then I'd recommend it. Aesthetics is very important to enjoyment of the house. Personally I love Observatory and its view from its outside platform. Both of the land afar and looking up at the structure itself.
Yeah The views are crazy. It's the main thing that caught my eye. No other house has views like that.
I looked at it (the pic made it look old and spooky)
it really wasn't big as far as the 15k houses go and really did not seem worth
the price. it just seemed desolate and was very limited decoration-wise.
I will just wait until something like strident springs (but far bigger)
comes along and then I will buy one
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »You are going to need to befriend someone that can make the diagrams/praxis or get the diagrams yourself if you don't want to spend a lot of money decorating to look halfway decent.
Apache_Kid wrote: »Guys, I bought it.
PrayingSeraph wrote: »Apache_Kid wrote: »Guys, I bought it.
Glad to hear! Furnished or unfurnished?