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Is the character creation tool bugged, or what's wrong with the game?

  • Kuramas9tails
    Lighting. Color. Background.

    All of this has an effect on the human eye that designers pick up on. There's a whole psychology on the effects of color and lighting. Any beginning designer goes though this course from illustration to graphic design to interior design to photography. In photography class, you learn to manipulate the light to work best for the object. A person can look completely different in different lightening. Still the same person, we just perceive it different based on the environment.

    In game though, you are given different lighting, more natural, as opposed to the portrait lightning (i.e. character creation screen). Just because the lightning is set to give you a portrait feeling doesn't mean your character is now going to look like that in natural lightning. You can't have both.
      Your friendly neighborhood crazy cat lady of ESO
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      AD High Elf Mageblade DPS (General)(Former Empress) -- Stormproof/VMOL, VHOF, VDSA completion
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    • Octopuss
      How is it that characters in Skyrim look pretty much the same regardless of lighting then?
      No, I think something's not entirely as it should here.
    • seaef
      coop500 wrote: »
      I feel like I'm playing 'spot the difference' Maybe I'm just dense but I don't see a difference? Except maybe skin color.

      Congratulations, you’re not OCD.
      "The Illuminati are very achievement focused. It's like Xbox - only everything is hardcore."
      - Kirsten Geary
    • TheShadowScout
      postlarval wrote: »
      coop500 wrote: »
      I feel like I'm playing 'spot the difference' Maybe I'm just dense but I don't see a difference? Except maybe skin color.

      Congratulations, you’re not OCD.
      Its supposed to be CDO.
      With the letters in alphabetical oders. As They Ought To Be!
    • Colecovision
      The creator messed me up a couple times too. Still, even if it’s user error, it’s a video game. The fact that they charge you $10 if you make a mistake is terrible, and grade A premium crap customer service. I’m still surprised there is no in game fix for this like there is in Skyrim. To be fair to ZoS, they did add the ugly vampire penalty, so this is frequently meaningless anyway.
    • kargen27
      Lighting is the biggest difference. Also some ratio difference in the images given as examples. I put the examples in this thread in photoshop and was able to overlay the different images to see that the facial features are exact. With the OPs images I had to stretch one image a bit to get an exact match. Could be an in game thing or how the images were saved before posted.
      The light in the image creator is a diffused light so wrinkles and skin blemishes will be more pronounced in most of the lighting found in game. Eye sockets could appear deeper and subtle cheek shadows will be more pronounced. Think of the acne commercials on television and the image creation screen is the "after" image.

      The faces might be a bit longer because of a ratio difference??? but for the most part the features are the same and the light is causing the difference.
      and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
    • MornaBaine
      Part of the problem is the lighting, which is "flattering"/too dark in char creation and extremely harsh in char selection. The other part of the problem is that you cannot get different camera angles in char creation and the angle used is markedly different than the angle used in the char select screen. It's not until you get into the game world and can move you camera around that you can REALLY see what your character looks like.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    • Soleya
      I see the problem, you tried to create a pretty character that isn't a Bosmer.
    • Insanepirate01
      I think it's more than lighting. So glad other people noticed this too thought I just sucked at making pretty characters. Never bothered me till I made a female character. It's like the facial structure actually changes on the toon. Character creation is fake news
    • kargen27
      I think it's more than lighting. So glad other people noticed this too thought I just sucked at making pretty characters. Never bothered me till I made a female character. It's like the facial structure actually changes on the toon. Character creation is fake news

      Facial structure remained the same on the above examples as I was able to overlay them and they matched.
      and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
    • Octopuss
      I think it's more than lighting. So glad other people noticed this too thought I just sucked at making pretty characters. Never bothered me till I made a female character. It's like the facial structure actually changes on the toon. Character creation is fake news
      That is true! My male character looks pretty much the same regardless of lighting conditions.
    • Hurbster
      Octopuss wrote: »
      How is it that characters in Skyrim look pretty much the same regardless of lighting then?
      No, I think something's not entirely as it should here.

      Different engine, much older.
      So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
    • Glurin
      Alternatively, you could just roll with it.

      "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
    • swippy
      So, fun trivia, I had to create several of my characters' faces, without being able to zoom in at all. The ability to zoom in was broken for a couple days after launch.

      so did i, except it was because i somehow didn't find the zoom button. fun trivia: you can bruise your forehead that way! : )
    • Grimm13
      Just wish they would allow us to toggle between lighting conditions to see the effects in character creation.

      Season of DraggingOn
      It's your choice on how you vote with your $

    • SpiderKnight
      Grimm13 wrote: »
      Just wish they would allow us to toggle between lighting conditions to see the effects in character creation.

      This is definitely what we need. I just did a race change today, while my character didn't turn out horrible, I'm still not entirely happy with the looks.
      The other thing that really annoys me is the very small selection of voices, this is (weirdly enough) what kept me from race changing before and what ultimately made me regret my change. I don't get why we can only choose certain voices for certain races, I want my Imperial voice back on my character.
    • Alqu
      I'd objectively accept the lighting explanation, but it sure seems like there is a hidden masculinizer pre and post character creator.
      Alqu - Sneaky bosmer dps (sNB)
      Allqu - Whirling dervish redguard dps (Sorc)
      Ocuili - Devout dunmer templar burninator (Temp)
      Ocuilin - Secretive dunmer dps/heals (mNB)
      Tletl - Drunken orsimer tank (DK)
    • Marginis
      Looks like there's also something going on with the graphics settings. Does the game allocate more resources to character appearance when it doesn't have to load all the other parts of the game? Would make sense, as on my higher end PC and Xbox One X I've never encountered these issues to this extent before, although my character appearances bugged the hell out of me on my regular old launch Xbox One.
      @Marginis on PC, Senpai Fluffy on Xbox, Founder of Magicka. Also known as Kha'jiri, The Night Mother, Ma'iq, Jane Shepard, Damia, Kintyra, Zoor Do Kest, You, and a few others.
    • Violynne
      I did notice the lighting changed the appearance of my character. If you want to see how drastic it can be, stand in a well lit area and wait for a storm to approach. The change is quite noticeable.

      For me, the only odd thing I noticed is the nose shape I picked in character creation didn't end up the nose in the final face. It's a bit smaller and has a more pointed tip than I expected.

      This tells me some "shortcuts" are taken while in game to render the character.

      Much like how dyes aren't universally applied despite all armor sharing the same material. :'(
    • Drachenfier
      Apache_Kid wrote: »
      Octopuss wrote: »
      If the main problem is the game's lighting system, then it's due for some major rework asap.


      At this point I don't feel like wasting anymore time on this :(

      The differences in the pictures are.... striking. And very noticeable. I feel bad for you because the left picture is like a million times better. Hope they can somehow make the character creation screen and log-in screen less deceptive in terms of the lighting.

      that's not just lighting, look at the difference in the lips. The one in game has a completely different setting than what she has selected.
      Edited by Drachenfier on March 27, 2018 6:41PM
    • Jhalin
      Like others have said it's primarily a lighting difference, but the in-game camera also uses a different focal length

    • MLGProPlayer
      postlarval wrote: »
      coop500 wrote: »
      I feel like I'm playing 'spot the difference' Maybe I'm just dense but I don't see a difference? Except maybe skin color.

      Congratulations, you’re not OCD.

      That's not how OCD works.
    • MLGProPlayer
      I think it's more than lighting. So glad other people noticed this too thought I just sucked at making pretty characters. Never bothered me till I made a female character. It's like the facial structure actually changes on the toon. Character creation is fake news

      Your character is 100% identical in character creation and in-game.
    • Jhalin
      I think it's more than lighting. So glad other people noticed this too thought I just sucked at making pretty characters. Never bothered me till I made a female character. It's like the facial structure actually changes on the toon. Character creation is fake news

      Your character is 100% identical in character creation and in-game.

      They are the same 3D model yes, but they're being rendered in different lighting and with a digital camera with different specs than what's used in the character creation screen.

      If nothing else the focal length should be consistent across both sections of the game.
    • Moloch1514
      You have to use PTS and the cheap Appearance tokens there to create the right character that also looks good in game. Then take screenshots of all options to re-create on Live server.
    • inespeloazul
      Yeah, it's just an issue with different lighting and camera. Hell, you can even notice a bit of stretching on one side of your character outside of menus thanks to how the camera works, making them look lopsided. Also, as someone who fusses over their characters' appearances I can say that your characters will always look worse in character select.
      Octopuss wrote: »
      How is it that characters in Skyrim look pretty much the same regardless of lighting then?
      No, I think something's not entirely as it should here.

      Y'sure you were playing Skyrim? Skyrim had the exact same problem, in my experience.
      Edited by inespeloazul on March 27, 2018 8:44PM
    • Ardaghion
      I have to agree that the character selector looks worse than the character generator and the game world. I don't think there's a bug but the lighting is different between the character generator, character selector, and game world. I also think the rendering isn't meant to be as good as the game or the character generator.

      I created an Imperial female and gave her skin some color but in the character selector she looks dark brown while only slightly tanned in game. In the character selector she looks overly angular and harsh. She looks good in game, I wasn't shooting for supermodel pretty but a bit more athletic and it works.

      I just recently created a Breton female and thought she looked very pretty in the character generator but wasn't quite right in the game world. In the character selector she looks like she's had bad plastic surgery. I decided to pay the 1,000 crowns and tweak a few things so she looks much better now.

      I'm at work so I can't post images but this weekend I'll see if I can get some pictures up and post them. Sadly too late to get some character creator images.
    • platonicidealgirlfriend
      fullest offense but y'all need to like go outside and observe actual people in the actual world if your collective minds are blown by the play of light and line.

      eta: and some of you need to go see actual women if you think there's a "masculinizing filter" lmfao
      Edited by platonicidealgirlfriend on April 13, 2018 7:01PM
    • Smokewood
      It's NOT a lighting issue... lol
      The creator looks much better and FATTER.
      The in-game models are far more slim and boney looking.

      It's more of a lens affect.
      Edited by Smokewood on April 13, 2018 8:06PM
    • Spacemonkey
      Its a mix of ligthing, AND facial expressions characters do in game but not in the character creator (more smiley, less, frowning, etc...)

      I've also always found in my case that shaders/textures etc... were better both in the creator in the UI screens that show your character. But I have a feeling this is also affected by PC rigs (Character creator will always use higher settings for all rigs where as in game is dependent on your setup)
    This discussion has been closed.