Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Quality of Life Improvements!

Here is a thread made for people to list some quality of life enhancements that would like to see. Please no negitive or *** posts. Productive and helpful posts only!

To start off somthing I would like to see is sky shards being made account wide, this really helps out the veteran community who is a little tired of collecting them for the 7th time in a row and promotes players to try another class!

Another idea would be for Mount Stats to be account wide or carry over from specific mounts. Another way to implement this would be to create LEGACY mounts. They could be very rare and earned trough feats in game, rng, crown store ect and that single mounts stats could be shared across all of your accounts characters that use that mount.

What are some other ideas you guys would like to see be implemented into the game?
  • gepe87
    Remove whispers. It would improve a lot our quality of life.
    Gepe, Dunmer MagSorc Pact Grand Overlord | Gaepe, Bosmer MagSorc Dominion General

    If you see edits on my replies: typos. English isn't my main language
  • teiselaise
    Here is a thread made for people to list some quality of life enhancements that would like to see. Please no negitive or *** posts. Productive and helpful posts only!

    To start off somthing I would like to see is sky shards being made account wide, this really helps out the veteran community who is a little tired of collecting them for the 7th time in a row and promotes players to try another class!

    Another idea would be for Mount Stats to be account wide or carry over from specific mounts. Another way to implement this would be to create LEGACY mounts. They could be very rare and earned trough feats in game, rng, crown store ect and that single mounts stats could be shared across all of your accounts characters that use that mount.

    What are some other ideas you guys would like to see be implemented into the game?

    Sadly, they probably won't make skyshards or ridingskills account bound since there's no money in that, though you can wait till next dlc launch where they add skillpoints to crown crates.
    Argonian masterrace
  • ShadowMonarch
    teiselaise wrote: »
    Here is a thread made for people to list some quality of life enhancements that would like to see. Please no negitive or *** posts. Productive and helpful posts only!

    To start off somthing I would like to see is sky shards being made account wide, this really helps out the veteran community who is a little tired of collecting them for the 7th time in a row and promotes players to try another class!

    Another idea would be for Mount Stats to be account wide or carry over from specific mounts. Another way to implement this would be to create LEGACY mounts. They could be very rare and earned trough feats in game, rng, crown store ect and that single mounts stats could be shared across all of your accounts characters that use that mount.

    What are some other ideas you guys would like to see be implemented into the game?

    Sadly, they probably won't make skyshards or ridingskills account bound since there's no money in that, though you can wait till next dlc launch where they add skillpoints to crown crates.

    Actually if they attach the legacy mounts like I talked about above to the crown store or crates then there would be, Atleast for the riding skills!
  • Narvuntien
    The skill points are so you actually play your characters not just grind dolmens or skyreach all day. If skill points were account wide you'd never actually play the game.

    So I have a loooong list.

    Better inventory and bank management system:
    List gear together and not alphabetically.
    Search and ordering options.

    Just switch guildstores to use the Awsomeguildstore addon UI... search and ordering/catagorisation funcitons.

    Crafting also order by set so you can easily upgrade a full set of recently made gear. Daily writs should be at least listed in the order they appear in the crafting creation (sash, hat shoes is listed backwards). Perhaps it is best that you could have some highlighting of the gear to be made if you have the writ in your journal.

    Dungeons, particularly in dungeon finder should have Easy Medium and Hard difficulty rating system. To give players an idea of how important sticking to roles and learning mechanics is to a particular dungeon. Particularly important where version 2 is much harder than version 1.

    Undaunted training in all the MMO roles. The responibilities of tanking (taunting) and healing (this is more self explanitory at least) and the importance of damage over time abilities for Dps players.

    A difficultly slider for overland content that changes how tightly the game scales to you. Perhaps the scaling actually takes into account your CP. (Which increases your damage by a HUUUUUUGEE amount)

    Cp and Non-cp battlegrounds. (Or just non-CP). There might be difficulty trying to impliment how to deal with 4 man groups vs solo players. There probably just isn't enough players to split groups and solo. Might not even be enough to have cp and non cp. And certainly not enough to have queues for each mode individually.
  • The_Brosteen
    If they sold skill points in the crown store people would scream pay to win. But, tbh, if they did that I would totally pay so I could win. Same thing with the "legacy mounts".

    I don't think they would ever make things like skyshards or lorebooks account wide. It might even be difficult to implement, idk.

    Another quality of life improvement that is along the same lines would be a level 50 token so that you can just start off at your champion rank with every character you create. This is more similar to the change from vet levels to cp rank. When that happened I had 4 toons and only 1 was vet 16 and then overnight they were all max level. I don't recall many people complaining then, so maybe this change is in the realm of possibility?
  • AlienatedGoat
    Quality of Life change for PvE: Make all Alliance War skills only usable in PvP. :trollface:
    PC-NA Goat
  • NetViperX
    Having a pack of pond frog vanity pets would certainly improve my quality of life.
    Edited by NetViperX on December 22, 2017 5:43AM
  • CapnPhoton
    I really don't think skyshards and riding skills being account wide is necessary. They seem to be geared as more of an individual character accomplishment.

    But I would like to see house storage. Plus...

    An auto mute, (or auto close thread for forums) for any WoW or politics related discussion.
    Xbox One NA Aldmeri Dominion
  • AlienatedGoat
    CapnPhoton wrote: »
    I really don't think skyshards and riding skills being account wide is necessary. They seem to be geared as more of an individual character accomplishment.

    Shards, maybe. Though, I'd still like the game to be more friendly to alts. It's nice that we can have CPs and dyes on other chars, but things like skillpoints, achievements, and titles would make the game much less restrictive for people wanting to make more characters. It would encourage people to play the game more, I feel.

    But horse training doesn't feel like an accomplishment at all - it doesn't even give achievements or titles. I can tell you, after training 8 characters to max training, I don't feel accomplished in the slightest. There wasn't even anything to mark the occasion. If anything I feel like I wasted my time leveling 8 different characters mounts, when I don't even play most of them that often.

    If they made training account-wide, I wouldn't even mind. Anything that makes life easier for people with multiple characters is a win in my book.
    PC-NA Goat
  • The_Brosteen
    Phage wrote: »
    Quality of Life change for PvE: Make all Alliance War skills only usable in PvP. :trollface:

    Actually, I think you're on to something. Pve'rs tend to complain about warhorn and vigor only accessible through pvp. Pvp'rs sometimes complain about how its annoying to grind undaunted to get those passives.

    So I propose the following: move warhorn to undaunted ultimate. I mean the undaunted skill line should probably have an ultimate anyway. Next add the exact same passives from undaunted to support and assault skill lines, and make the undaunted passives apply in non pvp zones and the assault and support passives only apply in pvp zones.

    This would leave the assault skill line with no ult, but would provide zos the opportunity to make a more pvp useful ultimate like one that increases siege damage dealt for a period of time or something. It's not like you see warhorns going off all the time in pvp anyways.

    On another related note having your mount training account wide is definitely a great idea. Also, decrease research times. Waiting almost a month to get that ninth trait is a little obnoxious imo.
  • gabormezo
    Do something with those freaking lorebooks, please! Maybe housing books could increase skill line, or PVP quests to improve guild skills, like a renown system, or something instead of that soul less lorebook grinding.
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    Phage wrote: »
    Quality of Life change for PvE: Make all Alliance War skills only usable in PvP. :trollface:

    Lol I would love this. Maybe then they could un-nerf and un-ruin caltrops.

    Caltrops was an amazing PvP skill until some PvEers decided that using it gave them .0001 more DPS and then the ENTIRE SKILL got changed so its USELESS in pvp and now great for pve. Why is it in the alliance war tree at all anymore?

    It should be in a new tree called the "stand in a blob and DPS a glowing ghost while it mutters ominous phrases at you" tree.
  • Mayrael
    1. New servers.
    2. Siege weapons and glyphs stacking.
    3. Somekind of basement just for furnishings, like they are not displayed but aviable to use.
    4. Weapons dyeing.
    5. More challenging content for solo players, like vet versions of usual zones with much stronger enemies and better rewards.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • ShadowMonarch
    Good stuff guys! Let's keep the good ideas rolling in! I especially like the weapon dye'ing, harder optional zones, and I think the renown system sombody mentioned above could be expanded upon and might give players some sort of goal to actually explore the world and do all the quests sort of like a single player elder scrolls game.

    Keep the positive ideas coming in and who knows maybe zos will comment or take the suggestions!

  • kaiage
    Send me more hate mail so I can think up more personalized responses!
    an anonymous EP nightblade and Templar...
    also; a warden and nightblade of the aldmeri flavour.

    "there's a dragon with matches, that's loose on the town..."
    "it's no easy road, this struggle and strife... we find ourselves, in the show of life" - tab @ the tab
    If you've been fallen by my steel or blade - sorry there's no tomorrow for yeh!
    Kidding;) don't take it so bad, I've been doing this a long time
  • zaria
    Phage wrote: »
    Quality of Life change for PvE: Make all Alliance War skills only usable in PvP. :trollface:
    That would be an negative quality of life change, first obvious one is vigor who is critical for lots of stamina builds.
    Warhorn who is very nice in dungeons and critical in trials.
    Rapid Maneuver is very nice then questing or other overland stuff.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Eyesinthedrk
    I really want to see penitration on my charicter sheet.

    A drop down box in guild traders so you can sort motifs by chapter.
  • MornaBaine

    There's a lot of good ideas (not just mine! lol) in this recent thread. Feel free to check it out.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • kaiage
    Buy more crown crates so zenimax fixes your internet and gives it's scribbers fibrewire, and upgrades their servers. And has money left over for one more expansion!
    an anonymous EP nightblade and Templar...
    also; a warden and nightblade of the aldmeri flavour.

    "there's a dragon with matches, that's loose on the town..."
    "it's no easy road, this struggle and strife... we find ourselves, in the show of life" - tab @ the tab
    If you've been fallen by my steel or blade - sorry there's no tomorrow for yeh!
    Kidding;) don't take it so bad, I've been doing this a long time
  • randomkeyhits
    A consistent UI.
    • All lists sorted
    • Consistent tab grouping
    • ability to place markers on map for group to see
    • search filters for any long(ish) list
    • crafting things like potions have quantity options.
    EU PS4
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