Absolutely no Morrowind motifs from thieving & dailies

  • lientier
    you know the fastest way to level ledgerman right?
    Invest skillpoints in the amount of stuff you can sell. Travel to kenarthis roost, go to the spot with all those sheep. Kill the shepherds first, than kill all the sheep and loot them. Wait, repeat. Sell and launder all the guts and whatnot you get from the sheep. Every sale is one point up in ledgerman.

    I am a very unlucky person when it comes to motives from dailies actually. and I dont have the patience to grind for the house recipes.. just bought a bunch
    Edited by lientier on December 16, 2017 10:49AM
    PC-EU @lientier
  • eso_nya
    Dumping some stats here:
    Ashlander motifs: Fast enough to not start counting. Finished before completing Clan-Friend on all 9 toons.
    Morag Tong: 217 additional boxes needed after finishing clan friend. did the 4 dailies on all toons until clanfriend, than only did the wb/delve ones.

    Still missing the last.
    Motifs from first pick: 1
    Motifs from second pick: <10
    Motifs from 3rd pick/stab (mostly stab): >120
    Motifs from lockboxes: 4
    ledgey 17 is superhelpful, but not needed.
    Minimum time between 2 drops: 16 minutes.
    Bycatch fenced so far: ~1,5m.
    On it for more than 2 month now.
  • Darethran
    lientier wrote: »
    you know the fastest way to level ledgerman right?
    Invest skillpoints in the amount of stuff you can sell. Travel to kenarthis roost, go to the spot with all those sheep. Kill the shepherds first, than kill all the sheep and loot them. Wait, repeat. Sell and launder all the guts and whatnot you get from the sheep. Every sale is one point up in ledgerman.

    I am a very unlucky person when it comes to motives from dailies actually. and I dont have the patience to grind for the house recipes.. just bought a bunch

    Actually the best way is to go to the apple orchard south of Belkarth. There's a bunch of apple baskets in close proximity, netting around 50 apples in a couple minutes. Found that out after I reached Legerdemain 18 >_>

    After hitting Legerdemain 17, and getting Light Fingers 3/3, suddenly I can get house motifs between the 30 minute motif cooldown. They're an absolute tedious bore to get, but at least they drop for me now.

    But before Legerdemain 17? No motifs at all. Leveled up from 12 Legerdemain solely from pickpocketing.
    In Scotland | @Darethran

    [EU] Ervona Saranith (EP) - Lvl 50 CP >560 - Dunmer Healer
  • lientier
    oh nice thanks for the info
    PC-EU @lientier
  • Darethran
    After learning most of the Redoran, Telvanni and Hlaalu motifs, I've not found a single one since. I must have pickpocketed over 300 items, and not one drop.

    ***'s sake, just when I was making money off of already learned motifs, they stop dropping.
    In Scotland | @Darethran

    [EU] Ervona Saranith (EP) - Lvl 50 CP >560 - Dunmer Healer
  • Colecovision
    I got 5 crafting motifs fairly quickly the other day. No furniture, but still much better than I’d done pickpocketing. The secret is pure cold hearted large scale slaughter. I wanted to actually use the gold 100k bounty forgiveness that you get for clearing the thieves guild. So I put my money in the bank and just ran around killing every npc I could find. Frequently I’d go for one quick pickpocket, but then just drop an aoe and see if I could agro more npcs. With the goal of a 100k bounty, the whole stealing thing gets easier.

    Happy hunting!
  • SGT_Wolfe101st
    MajinCry wrote: »
    I have a high suspicion that you’re over-exaggerating the number of times you think you’ve done these tasks without a drop.

    Regardless of what I think, there are some areas of improvement to better refine your search:

    - Morrowind House motifs don’t drop in containers like cupboards, dressers, and barrels. They can only be found by pickpocketing citizens and looting chests & lockboxes.

    - Having your Legerdemain skill line passives unlocked goes a long way in terms of forcing locks and improving your pickpocket chances.

    - You can only pickpocket a citizen twice before they will no longer have anything lootable in their pockets. To speed up the loot reset, it’s recommended that you kill the NPC (and check for motifs) after the second pickpocket attempt. Rinse and repeat.

    - You can improve your chances for daily drops by doing all the dailies on each character. I think you’re aware already ... but other players can share the remaining dailies that your character didn’t pick up already (both world boss and daily delves; both Hall of Justice and Ald’ruhn).

    - Save looking for Buoyant Armiger motifs (chests) for last. ZOS has made the drop rate on these obnoxiously low ... and that is well-documented in the forums. On top of that, it’s not really one of the better-looking motifs to craft for your characters.

    I'm not exaggerating, I've gone from level 12 to level 14 and 1/2 just by pickpocketing and selling the junk. I've also cleared out the WB dailies (group shares from zone) and a few delves. So far? Just Morag Tong style mats and that junk set.

    Doing alts for daily farming isn't my kinda thing. I main one character, and have alts acting as storage.

    This is anecdotal but I can tell you for me the higher your Legerdemain the better the drops. When I was at level 7-10 my drops were okay, after 14 the quantity of blue and purple loot has increased considerably. You level is to low, increase your thief and Legerdemain skills and the quality will improve.
    PS4 -NA AD

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  • Wreuntzylla
    The developers at ZoS obviously have never tried to pickpocket. They got the difficulty swapped... Just try and pickpocket a beggar, especially the professional beggars in places like Jerusalem...
  • Carbonised
    House motifs aren't too hard to find. I found two myself without really looking for them. You also see plenty of them for sale on PC EU and they don't cost too much, compared to others.

    Morag Tong motif has a significantly lower drop rate than Ashlander. Source is me doing all 4 dailies every day for a very long time, as well as simply looking at prices and availability in guild stores. Ashlander are cheaper and more available, and Morag Tong is very expensive and often only a single example of page is for sale anywhere on the server.
    I'm assuming the devs did this because people share worldboss dailies so you can do those 5-6 times a day, while they don't share the Ashlander dailies.

    Purple morrowind furnishing recipes on the other hand, are even rarer than Armiger motif pages. I've gotten 1 purple morrowind recipe by farming, but I have 8 pages of Armiger motif. This also matches the experience of other professional farmers.
  • JacobCora
    I have been collecting during a couple of months Telvani, Redoran and Hlaalu by pickpocketing the same three guys over and over again. So far I have collected:

    - Telvani: 12 pages
    - Hlaalu: 8 pages
    - Redoran: 8 pages

    I have sold many duplicate pages.

    I can only pickpocket three days a week due to lack of time. And those days is just 2 hours each (top) of pickpocketing.

    I don't feel the drop rates are that bad. Maybe I'm lucky.
    Edited by JacobCora on January 14, 2018 1:19PM
  • ericsparrow

    I was having this problem and came upon this thread last week. Have been tracking down these motifs with my thief character. For everyones information she has:

    All the thieves guild and legerdemain skills
    NO crafting other than maxed alchemy and provisioning
    NO ( practically ) morrowing questlines complete.

    What I changed after reading this thread was:

    Moved to Balmora ( I think it is easier there not necessarily higher drop rates )
    loot twice then blade of woe ( or pickpocket a third time )

    but the most importand thing, I believe in a very unscientific way, was legerdemain hitting 19. Before that I got nothing. That said that event could have coincided with hard core adoption off loot loot kill, I honestly don't remember. But I think that was the major part of the puzzle.

    The motifs drop for me now once per reasonable session. Like every 10k of loot or something.

    Hope this was helpful

  • Seperatist
    Have same problem with armiger motifs and sometimes morag tong ones. Also for some time morag tong seemed almost gone in many guild stores and prices were increased for the some of them.
    Immoltal ledeemel, (un)chained, Gryphon Fat, Thicc Tocc Tolmenter, Grand overbruhlord, Kekslayer. "You know you don't have to be here right"
  • Jaimeh
    I've been pickpocketing NPCs in Vvardenfell lately, and for me there's always at least 1 House motif drop per 1-2 hour thieving session. The one thing I never seem to drop, from pickpocketting, or looting bags/strongboxes/desks, etc. are blue and purple furnishing patterns :pensive:
  • Ulo
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    I've been pickpocketing NPCs in Vvardenfell lately, and for me there's always at least 1 House motif drop per 1-2 hour thieving session. The one thing I never seem to drop, from pickpocketting, or looting bags/strongboxes/desks, etc. are blue and purple furnishing patterns :pensive:
    The Morrowind furnishing patterns are stupidly rare, even the blue ones compared to other zones
  • Asardes
    I've seen in the PTS patch notes that Morrowind furnishing blueprints will be available for purchase with vouchers from Roris Hlaaalu and another vendor nearby in the upcoming Dragon Bones patch. So I expect they'll become much more ubiquitous soon.
    Master Writ Updates
    Rolis Hlaalu, the Mastercraft Mediator who sells furnishings and recipes for Writ Vouchers, has changed some of his offerings. He retired several of his furniture plans and now offers 6 new furniture plans. Visit him to see what he is selling.

    Additionally, Rolis Hlaalu has a new assistant: Faustina Curio, the Achievement Mediator. This new merchant sells plans and furnishings for Writ Vouchers to characters that have attained certain achievements. Among these items are plans that Rolis previously stopped selling, as well as new furnishing documents that contain Morrowind furnishing plans. You can find Faustina Curio right next to Rolis Hlaalu, at the Writ drop-off area.
    Beta tester since February 2014, played ESO-TU October 2015 - August 2022, currently on an extended break
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    PC-NA CP 1800+
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  • Jaimeh
    Ulo wrote: »
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    I've been pickpocketing NPCs in Vvardenfell lately, and for me there's always at least 1 House motif drop per 1-2 hour thieving session. The one thing I never seem to drop, from pickpocketting, or looting bags/strongboxes/desks, etc. are blue and purple furnishing patterns :pensive:
    The Morrowind furnishing patterns are stupidly rare, even the blue ones compared to other zones

    That seems to be the case unfortunately. Since they are such rare drops, they could at least add them to the Master writ merchant, so we could potentially be able to get them that way.
  • Jaimeh
    Asardes wrote: »
    I've seen in the PTS patch notes that Morrowind furnishing blueprints will be available for purchase with vouchers from Roris Hlaaalu and another vendor nearby in the upcoming Dragon Bones patch. So I expect they'll become much more ubiquitous soon.
    Master Writ Updates
    Rolis Hlaalu, the Mastercraft Mediator who sells furnishings and recipes for Writ Vouchers, has changed some of his offerings. He retired several of his furniture plans and now offers 6 new furniture plans. Visit him to see what he is selling.

    Additionally, Rolis Hlaalu has a new assistant: Faustina Curio, the Achievement Mediator. This new merchant sells plans and furnishings for Writ Vouchers to characters that have attained certain achievements. Among these items are plans that Rolis previously stopped selling, as well as new furnishing documents that contain Morrowind furnishing plans. You can find Faustina Curio right next to Rolis Hlaalu, at the Writ drop-off area.

    I was just thinking about that :grin: Awesome news, thank you!
    Edited by Jaimeh on January 18, 2018 8:47AM
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