So.....who do I send the bill to for the time I spent on this thread?
Waffennacht wrote: »
According to everything...
You paid with your time...
It's that it's costs you time, not that you get paid for it...
@Tandor oh the irony!
that's what the video is about!
...that Time is the true human currency, if you go to buy a new hat or an iphone its not only costing you money its costing you the time you spent to earn the money.
Which seems simple, but we have a tendency as people to value the currency over our own efforts.
& as a rule we really like shiny new things, which can set up a destructive cycle of giving all your time in exchange for new better stuffs.
Hippie4927 wrote: »Your message is too late. I spent 43 years of my life earning money and now I sit on my [snip] and the money comes to me. I have plenty of time to waste.
[Edited to remove profanity]
How is using a 3-letter synonym for "donkey" (Equus africanus asinus) profanity?
Ah I see, you're one of those "Don't post on my topics if you don't agree with me" types.
Bad luck, it's a discussion board, not your fansite.
duendology wrote: »
Huh? What are you talking about? There must be some miscommunication problem between us or what? Really where did I make such an impression? I posted two videos...and you were the one coming in and obnoxiously stating you wouldn't watch anything. There's nothing ranty or offensive in the original post for you to have made that first response!
I must confess I've got an allergy to people who are like, to quote your own words from previous reply, "I haven't bothered to watch the videos" but I will sprout my wisdom anyway?
How is using a 3-letter synonym for "donkey" (Equus africanus asinus) profanity?
duendology wrote: »I didn't get the satirical part in your first response, I got the condescending tone though. But oh well, miscommunication indeed.
This forum is about the game and not for some self-help pseudo-philosophical videos.
duendology wrote: »
Huh? What are you talking about? There must be some miscommunication problem between us or what? Really where did I make such an impression? I posted two videos...and you were the one coming in and obnoxiously stating you wouldn't watch anything. There's nothing ranty or offensive in the original post for you to have made that first response!
I must confess I've got an allergy to people who are like, to quote your own words from previous reply, "I haven't bothered to watch the videos" but I will sprout my wisdom anyway? Would you enjoy the same "treatment" from fellow posters if the situation was reversed?
It's more to gain some self-insight? The awareness that Time IS the matter what we do. And because Time is irrecoverable we should be cautious and mindful? My fault I haven't written an explanatory wall of page accompanying these videos in the original post..I relied on so called mental shortcuts.
Also maybe if people desired less in terms of material possessions, on which they spend their money they previously had spent time earning, there would be less frustration (Crown Crates mania)Then again, it's not in companies' best interest.
duendology wrote: »@Tandor
Then refrain from commenting, please.. because you come across as a...well, an obnoxious type, to put it lightly. As you completely missed the point with YOUR brilliant and snarky reply. But, at least, you feel accomplished. I am glad I could be of help. And it would be really beneficial "waste" of time to watch these videos...won't hurt, I assure you.