Hey all,
Wrote a ticket about it but it's been two days so i am trying it here as well.
With my level 17 DK i cannot join random dungeons, i always get this message: 'Your attempted jump failed because you are too low level or have not enough cp'.
I divided my 690Cp and the dungeons i attempt to join are the low level ones like elden hollow. So it should be fine.
For some reason the game seems to think that i try to join the veteran version i think. But what can i do to fix it?
I tried reapplying my cp, levelling up to 18, porting in manually on a player etc.
It is a very old character (from almost at the start of the game) that i kept as crafter but want to level now (and get juicy box with ofc!)
When i google it i only get results from 2015 - 2016 so that's no use either.
Any help appreciated.