I really do like the new Battlegrounds. I can't tell you how much grinding I had to do, trying out different sets together.. mixing and matching endlessly unable to find anything that was worth running in Battlegrounds. Seriously my bank is FILLED with medium sets. Since BG has gone CP it has made it a lot more fun. I used to average about a 0 - 9 on bad days and like 2-5 on good days. Now as long as I'm paying attention and playing skillfully I pull at least a 2:1 ratio. I literally spent months banging my head against the wall. I don't even feel OP, just... level now with other people and it's actually been fun lately. So truly.. thank you. I'm not being sarcastic or anything. I just wanted to say thank you because for any one person that says, " Thank you. " or "Good job" there's 10 more more than willing to complain over the most minute things.

To be clear this isn't a discussion; I've read countless posts of people just complaining about the new battlegrounds.. and guess what? Not really wanting to read any more of it. Thanks for all your hard work guys.
Healplar / StamDK-Tank / Stamblade / Magblade
CP 810