Yeah so as the title reads, i'm interested in a guild active during the odd hours. Say 10pm (EST)-3AM~. I work overnights, this is when I always find time around wife/life. I actally play more than that, but the few guilds I've been in are "normal people". Never anyone to group/ talk to ect. A bit about me; 29, nOrth easy and.. yeah.
I run a DPS build on my magika sorc, still learning the ropes of this game but I'm getting decent. I'd be open to healing or tanking - but for now I'm looking to keep it simple.. Most interesred in starting veteran dungeons, Ive done ONE. The group I had was very strong and I felt carried. I geared up significantly more and have broken the 160CP mark since. Aching to try those Vets and whatever else.
Also I've only 100% stonefalls, so if youre a random reader looking for a questing buddy(Ebonheart of course)..
If you want to talk, please message me in game or on xbox live (darkyano69-LIVE and Darkyano in game) thanks.