Sheezabeast wrote: »With the event and grouping, there's bound to be some stories to shareI'll share mine first.
Yesterday I was doing random dungeons on my alts, for boxes, and I was on my mag warden, decked out for DPS. We get Selene's Web (on normal). I notice no one is healing. We struggle through 2 bosses, and someone comments "great healing" (being sarcastic). I failed to notice I had both heals and dps checked! I apologized, I genuinely didn't see. I change my gear and equip heals, and end up healing the rest of the dungeon on the fly! One guy said 'its ok, that guy is just a ***'. Boy did I pull that one out of the pan! Luckily I was able to change enough abilities. I know it was on normal but Selenes is still a bugger.
TheUndeadAmulet wrote: »People who leave after wiping once.
CyborgPlatypus wrote: »Went into BC2 as a tank with friend as dps, both the healer and the other dps were using ice staffs. So every three seconds I was losing taunt on the boss, eventually it got so annoying I had to say something. Sadly no one listened and I let the bosses kill them because screw it. If you taunt it you tank it.
Leroy Jenkins achievement runMy friend and I wanna just load up ice staves and just tank with those and Leroy the hell out of the place! We can both offheal and dps just fine so should not be problem - but will be funny and not killing everyone - but we don’t want to make anyone mad xD
But bad healers angry me , disappoint me, and hover over vote to kick.
Cp 200 healer calls me noob and some popular male insults after saying letting tank die is apporiate tatics. I am pretty sure letting people die isn't what a healer should do?
Mine is more related to the new patch but crit rush and falling through the ground without getting a load screen looks pretty funny. STS/video/40344364
We had an tank who managed to die all the time, none other died even then tank was dead, normal blessed crucible.cecibergesnrb18_ESO wrote: »"Tank" with 15k health and a bow saying "who queues with a tank in a normal anyway?" and then dying in every mob fight.