Looking for 2 DPS OR 1 Heals & 1 DPS to do VDSA ~10am Pacific on December 2, with the possibility of more runs in the future if our team works well together. Players must own a mic and be willing to use a voice comm software.
Group so far is:
1 CP580~ DK Ebon Tank with limited experience in VDSA
1 CP690 Templar Spell Power Cure Healer with a few runs experience (can swap to DPS if needed)
We are older players who simply have never really dipped into VDSA and are finding our faction-mates have "been-there-done-that". We are looking for a fun challenge with like-minded individuals who are proficient in their role -- but are either new to vDSA with willingness to learn mechanics as a team, or experienced players with patience for new players learning the instance.
Please forum PM me with your role, class and experience, invites will be provided "first-come-first-serve".
Note: We are looking for S&B and Resto staff. Trades within the group for coveted rewards aren't mandatory but appreciated.