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Questions about trait research

Ok so I did some looking around and still having difficulty finding info Im looking for. So figured Id ask here. I am not a crafter. Im looking into starting for a very specific set for a solely fun character Im making. Im even considering making this fun character my crafter if I enjoy the process. I have a very basic understanding of crafting though so understand enough to pretty much look pretty on paper while actually accomplishing nothing. I do know that for each trait I wish to research it has to be researched on each piece (so me doing a trait for a chest piece wont let me craft leggings with the trait). Ive read a few guides that answered some other questions I had but did not answer these. So Ill post my questions here.

1) I know the set (Nights Silence) I want requires 2 traits. Does it matter which 2 traits they are? Meaning does the set itself require me to research a specific trait? Or any 2 traits Id like the set to have? Id like to research Max Stam and Stam Recovery for my pieces. But if each piece of a set requires a very specific trait to be researched Id prefer to know before hand. Id hate to research Stam Recovery and then find out that the piece actually required me to research Max Health etc.

2) I know that I need an item in my possession with the traits I want to be able to research it. Does it matter what the item is? Meaning I want to research a trait for medium armor chest piece. Would I be able to use the medium armor leggings I own to do that research? Or does research of the chest piece require a chest piece? I assume it requires the same piece but figured Id ask.

3) Assuming that the answer to question #2 is that Im required to have a chest piece to research a chest piece does it have to be the same type? Meaning could I use a light armor chest piece to research a medium armor chest piece? Or does the medium require a medium?

4) What if the piece I am using to research has 2 traits on it already? Say it has Max Health and Increased Crit. Does it research both? Does it pick only one? Does it count as 2 traits? Or would that be considered a single trait since they're both on the piece already? If it only picks one am I able to pick which? And if it only does one is the piece destroyed after or can I research it again for the secondary trait?

5) Im assuming styles are irrelevant for research? Does researching a piece in the Breton style allow me to craft the piece in Breton style? Or is the research only for the trait attached to a specific piece? Meaning I used a Breton medium armor chest piece for my research. But when I actually go to craft that medium chest piece it would be made in a style I already know instead of the Breton which I didnt know before starting. Again Ill assume that the style isnt a factor in the research.

  • VaranisArano
    1. Crafted sets require a certain number of known traits in order to craft the item, but it doesn't matter which traits. But obviously, you'll need to know the sharpened trait on your axe to make a sharpened axe.

    2. Research of a trait on a chest piece requires you to have a chest piece with that trait to reseach. Leg traits for researching legs, light armor gloves for light armor glove traits, daggers for daggers etc.

    3. Each armor weight has a different category. Light armor, medium, and heavy armor don't cross over. So if you want to learn training on all the helms, you need a light armor training hat, a medium armor training helmet, and a heavy armor training helm.

    4. Each item has a Trait and an Enchantment. The Trait on your item is Precise, granting increased crit. The Enchantment is max health. Traits you can research or change with transmutation. Enchantments you can learn or create at the enchanting station using runestones, not gear. Jewelry traits can't be changed but can have certain jewelry enchantments like cost reduction, extra damage, or attribute recovery. You can't pull the enchantment off of gear once its applied.

    5. Styles are irrelevant in research. You learn more styles by getting Motif books, either by finding them or buying them from guild stores. The higher level motif books will often have a crafting requirement before you can learn them, requiring you to put skill points into the first crafting passive of a craft. If a book says "requires rank 6 in Blacksmithing, Tailoring or Woodworking" it means you need to put 6 skill points into your main passive allowing you to use higher level materials. It does not mean you need to be level 6 in one of the crafting disciplines.
  • jgelety
    Awesome thank you. I was assuming a lot of the answers but needed to know for sure before I waste gold & time gather the incorrect items etc. Thanks again.
  • SGT_Wolfe101st

    Perfect answer, I was about to reply but you said it all. Nice job.

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