Almost all the robes in the game, including the many new ones, have no "aesthetic cuts" in them.
I am talking about the lower/bottom part that covers the legs.
These robes are all generally just totally round and tight "long skirts" with a different pattern on each of them.
And for some reason they seem too feminine to me to use.
The motifs like Mercenary and Dark Brotherhood etc are some nice exceptions, and only ones on my light armor characters.
The said "aesthetic cuts" are not merely aesthetic, but also have an "athletic" purpose to them.
I would imagine one would find it rather struggling, to sprint and jump in such a confining attire.
Any sort of "cuts", whether in the sides or front or back should help solve both the lack of mobility and beauty that these robes offer.
Therefore, I just wanted to request a small dose of creativity in the future designs and end to dastardly "tight long skirts".
Now I am no fashion designer. But here is little something from Skyrim to seed your imagination: