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Telvanni Wizard Costume

  • Mettaricana
    Not to mention the femme model is clunky and proportions are terrible, honestly this is a worse disaster than the Breton Hero Armor.
    Is the back plate as bulgy and odd looking on male characters as it is on female characters?

    It's even worse back bulging, with the added absurdity of hyper inflated boobs (like even my small chested characters AKA most of them are like triple D's in this stuff).

    I want them hyper boobs
  • SpearDusk
    Yep, stay away. The Telvanni motif looks similar anyway.
  • Cernow
    Isn't there a preview feature before you purchase? Why waste crowns if you don't like the preview...

    There's no way to preview how dye will work on a costume before buying.
  • xenowarrior92eb17_ESO
    Dantaria wrote: »
    It really is horrible on female character. My girl became twice her size :(


    And yes. It dyes horrendously. Colors are bleak and you can't do anything with silver skirt. Well... Guess my Telvanni character will have to do without Telvanni robe :D

    reason why I hate skirts...never been a fan of robes and the moment zos added jerkins I was in heaven...also the costume looks quite good if only not for that skirt :)...another passing costume I guess.
  • Ajaxduo
    It gives females with small chests have massive ones to :D it looks so...warped.
    Edited by Ajaxduo on November 10, 2017 3:08AM
    - - -
    GM of Verum Aeternus, PC EU
    - - -
  • Aliyavana
    you can try telvanni chest
    or xivkyn heavy chest

    Crafted gear dyes better
    Edited by Aliyavana on November 10, 2017 3:05AM
  • DrPain
    I hope this costume gets a few tweaks. It dye's poorly. Also it makes my female Altmer look so top heavy that it's unnatural and she's really beefed up. I like the costume but I feel it's a waste of crowns in its current form.
  • coplannb16_ESO
    I bought it cause it fits well to my dunmer mDK and because Iam was sitting on 15+K Crowns anyway with nothing of interest to buy, BUT the dying capabilities are really bad. The main armor-parts dye ok with bright colors like yellow/gold, but everything else ends up too weak and/or tooo bright (even coldharbour-black looks more like silver/white, pact-blood-red looks like pink). This should be fixed for 2000 Crowns custome.

    max level: mDK, stamBlade, stamSorc, magPlar, mDen, stamDen, magBlade, stamCro
    # of mules: 4 (FULL)
    maxed bank: FULL -_-
    Stop the grind! Get rid of stupid events and daily-quest gallore. Get rid of "have a chance of 1 in a million to get a piece of 1 in 30 to get a stupid motif or pet... wtf..."
    And at this point just remove all classes and have everyone choose their set of skills. then balance accordingly to skills always used vs. skills never used.
  • Sheezabeast
    I wanted to buy this, but the preview on my female character looked so bad :( And I've been reading how people can't dye the red trim...kinda sad. Not worth 2k for a poorly executed costume.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • LadyAstrum
    I previewed it on my female char and the thigh/hip part looked a bit awkward. I'm sure it's nice on male chars, but it is a shame that the red trim isn't dyable.
    ~ "You think me brutish? How do you imagine I view you?" - Molag Bal #misunderstood ~
  • LadyNalcarya
    ...Just checked it in game and yeah, it looks weird on female characters.
    I mean, I understand that heavy armor would make character bulky. But in this case, it just inflates characters back and shoulders, and the chest area looks like a weird vintage bra. I dont know, it just doesnt look right:

    EP motif has the same issues, and afaik its still not fixed. :(
    And this is weird, because the new nord costume seems to be perfectly fine, at least there's no issues on the preview.
    Edited by LadyNalcarya on November 10, 2017 8:09PM
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • HoloYoitsu
    I think the issues with the appearance on female toons is the same problem a lot of the stuff added after Orsinium had. Where (as ZOS admitted) they didn't actually create separate models for the female versions (the male versions all having their own models) and instead just stretched the texture maps over some default female base as a "time saving measure" (again, ZOS's own words). What this caused was the whole crushed stomach with balloon sized chest look.

    Eventually after enough of a PR ****storm they went back and updated all the problem styles over a few months. My guess is that this costume dates back to before that design repass, but since it wasn't released at the time they just never got around to fixing it with the rest.
    Edited by HoloYoitsu on November 10, 2017 8:47PM
  • Alexandrious
    Phage wrote: »
    2k crowns for a costume is a *** ripoff. It doesn't even take most dyes properly, and looks very different from the picture.

    Just when I thought ZOS was getting better with gestures like the free Brassilisk, then they pull something like this.

    They bait and switch you to get dem whales, so they can put all the monies NOT into eso. But ....Fallout Online!

  • Truthsnark
    I was so stoked for this costume and having seen it I can't even adequately express how disappointed I am with it on femme toons. The hip tassets double in size. The chest is simultaneously inflated and puckered. The back is so hunched and puffy it actually clips with staves, which usually float a good deal off the back. It looks like dirt s*** and it's unbelievable to me that it was released in this state. This ongoing laziness with costumes fitted to a default mesh is a raised middle finger to the femme playerbase. Hard pass.
  • rhapsodious
    If we could stop this trend of boob plate armor I'd really appreciate that. There's no need for heavy battle armor to conform to boobs. Please just make it behave like the Treasure Hunter costume...

    If they could fix that, and the hip plates were about 33% smaller on female characters, I think it'd be fine, but at this point if I do buy it it's not going on my female characters.
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    If it does get changed I want a full refund I use
    Lamae white noxi black an nirncrux red also
    makes hers boobs bigger so if they change it
    I want a longer chest slider
    And I like bulky armour on my main and only toon
    Edited by bloodthirstyvampire on November 10, 2017 9:32PM
    Self-proclaimed Vampire Lord, or in this case, Blood Sion. º,...,º
  • Insanepirate01
    Looks pretty good on my male magdk. Just wish the bottom part was darker or able to dye darker. It doesn't contrast well with the dark upper body part.
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