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the cheesy Combat & Character Mechanics

hello everyone here my list of abuse Mechanics what i feel is very broken in this game feel free to post some solution but let be honest , i doubt it because i never see anyone stop this in 3 to 4 year the goal of this topic is to have better Mechanics

nb spamming Shadow Cloak = ok here list of issue
1- what is make any sense i use some DOT(damage over time) but is useless because you just have to spam Shadow Cloak
2- NB are able to engage the balltle and always leave safely spamming Shadow Cloak , so this result so you get gank to dead because nb recharge potion fear and Death Stroke
what i feel stupid is everything is safe
3- last time i see over 15 player 690 cp running after 1 nb spamming Shadow Cloak already there you know something not working right , is just lame to watch
my next issue is nb Aspect of Terror i`m full life heavy around 30k health i smash and spam bash but the time i get fear i get stun a most 2 or 3 sec so i`m dead , because the combo
the fist rush attack is from Shadow Cloak fear Death Stroke and spam Reverse Slash to the dead or 2 Veiled Strike and Assassin's Blade , my feeling is so safe free and easy oh if is not work NP go back to spamming Shadow Cloak Oo and kill it idk but this combat Mechanics look very cheesy to me ,
ok my next issue now the only think you see in cyrodiil EYE OF FLAME

is player stacking eye of flame , so funny guy you let this happen you dont learn from your past mistake ??? also what is make this more funny you put some AOE CAP but you let this running try to make sense of this Oo
ok next dk Perma-blocking i see you already work on it reducing the option of Tava's Favor but in my book the final fix is to balance the monster set Blood Spawn btw this set is call blood and have any leech of blood try to figure out
1 question i dont understand Earthgore MONSTER Set

do you repeat the same mistake of before or is for selling more DLC and having more SUB ??? because in a couple month everyone will run this set on Tamriel is already start /facepalm

how guy you put 30 sec countdown on this 2 set piece and some 5 piece set have 1 min countdown ?? and the 5 piece have less healing this set have mega healing this just make any sense you call this balance ?? now player will stack this lolol i`m sad because this game look so nice quest are good , is just some balance issue are not fix anyway have a nice day peace sorry for my poor english

Edited by charley222 on November 6, 2017 4:10PM
the wall of the covenant
  • ak_pvp
    Cloak is fine, quite easily breakable so if 15 players can't deal with it then they need to git gud.

    Fear break free is buggy, have to wait for running animation before its possible. But if you can't break it in 2/3s and get killed in heavy with 30k health then...

    Conclusion: L2P

    DOTs in general are trash because how easily its cloaked/purged/outhealed.

    Eye of lame is bad, the fix did nothing but make it worse for solos. Zergs who stack it still melt stuff.

    Earthgore is another zerg/tank crutch. No idea what the thought was there.

    Conclusion: Fair issues
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • charley222
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Cloak is fine, quite easily breakable so if 15 players can't deal with it then they need to git gud.

    Fear break free is buggy, have to wait for running animation before its possible. But if you can't break it in 2/3s and get killed in heavy with 30k health then...

    Conclusion: L2P

    DOTs in general are trash because how easily its cloaked/purged/outhealed.

    Eye of lame is bad, the fix did nothing but make it worse for solos. Zergs who stack it still melt stuff.

    Earthgore is another zerg/tank crutch. No idea what the thought was there.

    Conclusion: Fair issues

    funny to ear ltp from someone have the game for a few month but np your opinion maybe you play and test more stuff of me for the last 3 to 4 year :) btw you never think pro player take full advantage of this ?( Fear break free is buggy) , so let say you are right lol they drop only the half of your hp , np
    so Shadow Cloak again and next gank is coming and you are dead because nb cut your heal back you can not fight what you dont see
    Edited by charley222 on November 6, 2017 6:12PM
    the wall of the covenant
  • Trinity_Is_My_Name
    Not another one of these threads.....
  • charley222
    Not another one of these threads.....

    idk you got other of that threads , i guess this make this issue valid if this always comeback this just comfime 110% what i`m saying on my first post ( is just some balance issue are not fix ) and player just abuse this broken Mechanics
    Edited by charley222 on November 6, 2017 6:17PM
    the wall of the covenant
  • Psyonico
    Don't break PvE by complaining about PvP
  • charley222
    Psyonico wrote: »
    Don't break PvE by complaining about PvP

    i understand your worry because how eso fix stuff sometime affect pve
    is just some good player abuse some broken stuff and build character around this and optimise this broken stuff , make the gameplay very lame , but if eso fix this well is not suppose to affect pve :) because i dont use broken Mechanics and solo some veteran stuff :)
    Edited by charley222 on November 6, 2017 6:32PM
    the wall of the covenant
  • ak_pvp
    charley222 wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Cloak is fine, quite easily breakable so if 15 players can't deal with it then they need to git gud.

    Fear break free is buggy, have to wait for running animation before its possible. But if you can't break it in 2/3s and get killed in heavy with 30k health then...

    Conclusion: L2P

    DOTs in general are trash because how easily its cloaked/purged/outhealed.

    Eye of lame is bad, the fix did nothing but make it worse for solos. Zergs who stack it still melt stuff.

    Earthgore is another zerg/tank crutch. No idea what the thought was there.

    Conclusion: Fair issues

    funny to ear ltp from someone have the game for a few month but np your opinion maybe you play and test more stuff of me for the last 3 to 4 year :) btw you never think pro player take full advantage of this ?( Fear break free is buggy) , so let say you are right lol they drop only the half of your hp , np
    so Shadow Cloak again and next gank is coming and you are dead because nb cut your heal back you can not fight what you dont see

    Im saying fix the bug, not nerf NB.

    Also, I have played since beta, only made my forum account recently. Have the monkey and all.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • NyassaV
    There are counters. Learn them, or hush up. And yeah CC break has always been buggy
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
  • Vesper_BR
    Let me introduce you to shield stacking agile streaking sorcerer tanks...

    Come here boy...
  • lucky_Sage
    every class can perma block easily
    DC PC NA
    Magdk - main
    Stamcro - alt

    AD PS4 NA -retired (PC runs way better to play on console)

  • Jjitsuboy98
    charley222 wrote: »
    hello everyone here my list of abuse Mechanics what i feel is very broken in this game feel free to post some solution but let be honest , i doubt it because i never see anyone stop this in 3 to 4 year the goal of this topic is to have better Mechanics

    nb spamming Shadow Cloak = ok here list of issue
    1- what is make any sense i use some DOT(damage over time) but is useless because you just have to spam Shadow Cloak
    2- NB are able to engage the balltle and always leave safely spamming Shadow Cloak , so this result so you get gank to dead because nb recharge potion fear and Death Stroke
    what i feel stupid is everything is safe
    3- last time i see over 15 player 690 cp running after 1 nb spamming Shadow Cloak already there you know something not working right , is just lame to watch
    my next issue is nb Aspect of Terror i`m full life heavy around 30k health i smash and spam bash but the time i get fear i get stun a most 2 or 3 sec so i`m dead , because the combo
    the fist rush attack is from Shadow Cloak fear Death Stroke and spam Reverse Slash to the dead or 2 Veiled Strike and Assassin's Blade , my feeling is so safe free and easy oh if is not work NP go back to spamming Shadow Cloak Oo and kill it idk but this combat Mechanics look very cheesy to me ,
    ok my next issue now the only think you see in cyrodiil EYE OF FLAME

    is player stacking eye of flame , so funny guy you let this happen you dont learn from your past mistake ??? also what is make this more funny you put some AOE CAP but you let this running try to make sense of this Oo
    ok next dk Perma-blocking i see you already work on it reducing the option of Tava's Favor but in my book the final fix is to balance the monster set Blood Spawn btw this set is call blood and have any leech of blood try to figure out
    1 question i dont understand Earthgore MONSTER Set

    do you repeat the same mistake of before or is for selling more DLC and having more SUB ??? because in a couple month everyone will run this set on Tamriel is already start /facepalm

    how guy you put 30 sec countdown on this 2 set piece and some 5 piece set have 1 min countdown ?? and the 5 piece have less healing this set have mega healing this just make any sense you call this balance ?? now player will stack this lolol i`m sad because this game look so nice quest are good , is just some balance issue are not fix anyway have a nice day peace sorry for my poor english

    Your kung fu is not strong enough yet.
  • VaranisArano
    As for one nightblade spamming Shadow Cloak being chased by a raid - hey, if my crown tells me I'm allowed to chase a squirrel, I'm gonna chase that squirrel!
  • WillhelmBlack
    Welcome to ESO!
    PC EU
  • Apache_Kid
    You realize there is literally a direct counter to cloak in the form of a pot? Not only that but just cast like any AOE ability at the location you just saw them go into cloak at and they will be pulled out of it. If said NB is a stamblade they have about 3-4 uses cloak before they need to wait for long magicka regen.
    Furthermore, Stamblades are especially vulnerable to DOT as their only defense is to slot an insanely expensive purge spell which if used takes away all stamina to cloak.

    You seem to have alot of issues with alot of builds. Just curious op, what do you play as?
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    “3- last time i see over 15 player 690 cp running after 1 nb spamming Shadow Cloak already there you know something not working right , is just lame to watch”

    But you’re probably okay with 15 people beating on a DK who is holding block walking around a tree...? That’s more exciting?

    30k HP and can’t break free from fear and is killed in 2 to 3 seconds?

    I hate to say it man, but I don’t think NB is your problem....
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • Kozato
    Im a nightblade primarily. Cloaking is easy to counter and people do it all the time. Apply the magicka detonation before they vanish, use AoEs, use potions etc. The problem is you somehow dying easily. It's a build issue with you, not a class issue.
  • DarkAedin
    Read rage post. See l2p issue as clear as a fine day in the shire. Moving along.
  • charley222
    Hollery wrote: »
    There are counters. Learn them, or hush up. And yeah CC break has always been buggy

    i dont reply before because i`m busy so now i got the time :)

    let understand your reply learn them but CC break has always been buggy Oo the only think i understand is player
    learn to abuse and exploit something is buggy and this is why i make this topic , everyone know you will always have player will exploit something buggy this is the issue
    the wall of the covenant
  • charley222
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    You realize there is literally a direct counter to cloak in the form of a pot? Not only that but just cast like any AOE ability at the location you just saw them go into cloak at and they will be pulled out of it. If said NB is a stamblade they have about 3-4 uses cloak before they need to wait for long magicka regen.
    Furthermore, Stamblades are especially vulnerable to DOT as their only defense is to slot an insanely expensive purge spell which if used takes away all stamina to cloak.

    You seem to have alot of issues with alot of builds. Just curious op, what do you play as?

    ok i`m suppose to use pot before i get gank ???how i`m suppose to know i get gank lolol ? this make a lot of sense or after my first gank where i`m already half dead
    i suppose to dont use health potion but potion too see him lol and after he will fear me lolol and everyone know how the cc is buggy yea this make a lot of sense , let me guess you dont play nb lolol , sure player exploiting all this broken cheesy stuff dont want this to be fix

    oh btw also you try to minimise the issue saying ( stamblade they have about 3-4uses cloak before they need to wait for long magicka regen) let me answer you is not the case it the speedy magicka nightblade Oo and you dont know what potion is ??? no need to wait for long magicka regen Oo any sense again
    Edited by charley222 on November 10, 2017 4:16PM
    the wall of the covenant
    Hate to say it OP but have to agree with the l2p responses.

    But I am sure ZoS will listen to yet another no skill player and nerf things accordingly without lesser players learning how to counter shizzle yet again....
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

    Been enjoying PvP tears since 2014

    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
    LvL 50 - Sorcerer DC [PC-EU] = Daemon Lord = (Mag Sorc)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Khal-Bladez = (Mag DK)
    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
    LvL 50 - Warden DC [PC-EU] = Crimson Blades = (Stamden)

    Guild Master of The Bringers Of The Storm.

    Member Of The Old Guard
    PC Closed Betas 2013

    PC Mastah Race

    Anook Page

    Been playing since Beta and Early Access

  • Mureel
    charley222 wrote: »
    Psyonico wrote: »
    Don't break PvE by complaining about PvP

    i understand your worry because how eso fix stuff sometime almost always affect pve
    is just some good player abuse some broken stuff and build character around this and optimise this broken stuff , make the gameplay very lame , but if eso fix this well is not suppose to affect pve :) because i dont use broken Mechanics and solo some veteran stuff :)

    Fixed that for you.
  • charley222
    SHADOW2KK wrote: »
    Hate to say it OP but have to agree with the l2p responses.

    But I am sure ZoS will listen to yet another no skill player and nerf things accordingly without lesser players learning how to counter shizzle yet again....

    np man ;) just looking your name is easy to understand , you like to exploit this buggy skill , everyone here not agree , are still agree the to cc fear is buggy lol also the reply ltp is very free because you bring nothing to on the table to hold what you saying
    Edited by charley222 on November 10, 2017 4:21PM
    the wall of the covenant
  • charley222
    Mureel wrote: »
    charley222 wrote: »
    Psyonico wrote: »
    Don't break PvE by complaining about PvP

    i understand your worry because how eso fix stuff sometime almost always affect pve
    is just some good player abuse some broken stuff and build character around this and optimise this broken stuff , make the gameplay very lame , but if eso fix this well is not suppose to affect pve :) because i dont use broken Mechanics and solo some veteran stuff :)

    Fixed that for you.

    i understand but this is how eso work not my fault , i think is more easy to balance pve compare pvp
    they just have to buff or nerf monster fix pvp and after adjust some monster or boss but maybe eso are to busy to selling and rushing new content vs to balance the game and fix bug this is my opinion
    Edited by charley222 on November 10, 2017 4:27PM
    the wall of the covenant
  • Dr_Ganknstein
    Damage should break the CC from fear.
    Edited by Dr_Ganknstein on November 10, 2017 4:28PM
  • charley222
    Icky wrote: »
    Damage should break the CC from fear.

    these type of player hate to be expose , i guess is normal combo spam Shadow Cloak broken cc fear =dead
    Edited by charley222 on November 10, 2017 4:46PM
    the wall of the covenant
  • GandalfTheGrey
    charley222 wrote: »
    ok i`m suppose to use pot before i get gank ???how i`m suppose to know i get gank lolol ? this make a lot of sense or after my first gank where i`m already half dead
    i suppose to dont use health potion but potion too see him lol and after he will fear me lolol and everyone know how the cc is buggy yea this make a lot of sense , let me guess you dont play nb lolol , sure player exploiting all this broken cheesy stuff dont want this to be fix

    ...The whole point of Nightblades is to gank. Taking away their ability to gank and sneak burst kills the point of the class. They're supposed to one shot you or die trying, and supposed to run away from large encounters, which is why cloak needs to be spammable. Why do you think so many Stamblades go for bow gank builds, and so many MagBlades went for Bombblades, literally group gankers?

    What do you think a stealth class is for? Why do you think people play stealth classes?

    Attack -> Deal high damage -> succeed, or fail, at killing -> run away, spamming cloak until you're safe. This is how NB is supposed to be played. Well, that, and maybe a heavy life drain build.
  • charley222
    charley222 wrote: »
    ok i`m suppose to use pot before i get gank ???how i`m suppose to know i get gank lolol ? this make a lot of sense or after my first gank where i`m already half dead
    i suppose to dont use health potion but potion too see him lol and after he will fear me lolol and everyone know how the cc is buggy yea this make a lot of sense , let me guess you dont play nb lolol , sure player exploiting all this broken cheesy stuff dont want this to be fix

    ...The whole point of Nightblades is to gank. Taking away their ability to gank and sneak burst kills the point of the class. They're supposed to one shot you or die trying, and supposed to run away from large encounters, which is why cloak needs to be spammable. Why do you think so many Stamblades go for bow gank builds, and so many MagBlades went for Bombblades, literally group gankers?

    What do you think a stealth class is for? Why do you think people play stealth classes?

    Attack -> Deal high damage -> succeed, or fail, at killing -> run away, spamming cloak until you're safe. This is how NB is supposed to be played. Well, that, and maybe a heavy life drain build.

    just read what your saying lol so nb suppose to be supreme and have also buggy skill oh :* ok lol
    now i see player in cyrodiil just accept defeat and run and also see group of player stop chasing NB because how broken the class , i guess you have enough video on youtube to show how this class is broken lol takecare guy enjoy your spamming Shadow Cloak and broken cc fear i need to go
    Edited by charley222 on November 10, 2017 4:48PM
    the wall of the covenant
  • GandalfTheGrey
    charley222 wrote: »
    charley222 wrote: »
    ok i`m suppose to use pot before i get gank ???how i`m suppose to know i get gank lolol ? this make a lot of sense or after my first gank where i`m already half dead
    i suppose to dont use health potion but potion too see him lol and after he will fear me lolol and everyone know how the cc is buggy yea this make a lot of sense , let me guess you dont play nb lolol , sure player exploiting all this broken cheesy stuff dont want this to be fix

    ...The whole point of Nightblades is to gank. Taking away their ability to gank and sneak burst kills the point of the class. They're supposed to one shot you or die trying, and supposed to run away from large encounters, which is why cloak needs to be spammable. Why do you think so many Stamblades go for bow gank builds, and so many MagBlades went for Bombblades, literally group gankers?

    What do you think a stealth class is for? Why do you think people play stealth classes?

    Attack -> Deal high damage -> succeed, or fail, at killing -> run away, spamming cloak until you're safe. This is how NB is supposed to be played. Well, that, and maybe a heavy life drain build.

    just read what your saying lol so nb suppose to be supreme and have also buggy skill oh :* ok lol
    now i see player in cyrodiil just accept defeat and run and also see group of player stop chasing NB because how broken the class , i guess you have enough video on youtube to show how this class is broken lol takecare guy enjoy your spamming Shadow Cloak and broken cc fear i need to go

    What is a stealth class for?

    Why do people play stealth classes?

    Nightblades are assassins. How do you emulate an assassin?
    Edited by GandalfTheGrey on November 10, 2017 4:55PM
  • Apache_Kid
    charley222 wrote: »
    Apache_Kid wrote: »
    You realize there is literally a direct counter to cloak in the form of a pot? Not only that but just cast like any AOE ability at the location you just saw them go into cloak at and they will be pulled out of it. If said NB is a stamblade they have about 3-4 uses cloak before they need to wait for long magicka regen.
    Furthermore, Stamblades are especially vulnerable to DOT as their only defense is to slot an insanely expensive purge spell which if used takes away all stamina to cloak.

    You seem to have alot of issues with alot of builds. Just curious op, what do you play as?

    ok i`m suppose to use pot before i get gank ???how i`m suppose to know i get gank lolol ? this make a lot of sense or after my first gank where i`m already half dead
    i suppose to dont use health potion but potion too see him lol and after he will fear me lolol and everyone know how the cc is buggy yea this make a lot of sense , let me guess you dont play nb lolol , sure player exploiting all this broken cheesy stuff dont want this to be fix

    oh btw also you try to minimise the issue saying ( stamblade they have about 3-4uses cloak before they need to wait for long magicka regen) let me answer you is not the case it the speedy magicka nightblade Oo and you dont know what potion is ??? no need to wait for long magicka regen Oo any sense again

    If you are getting ganked then they dont even need cloak to kill you, they can just attack you out of stealth or use an invisibility pot so I don't even know how that pertains to anything. Your entire rebuttal to my suggestion of using a detect pot was entirely incoherent.

    Furthermore, you didn't answer my question about what class you PvP as?
    (or are we gonna find out you are a magsorc)

    You clearly do not play as a night-blade as you would know how cloak is way to easy to be pulled out of. Pretty much every single AOE ability pulls the blade out of cloak. DOT abilites are very effective especially against Stamblades because they can either choose to purge and lose all magicka for cloaking, or keep the dots on you while in cloak, thus not being able to heal up while in the cloak. Many times, these DOT abilites do not even allow you to cloak as they will cancel the cloak out instantly.

    This is very clearly a L2P issue and if you let me know what class you play i can tell you even more specific counters to cloak.
  • Xvorg
    charley222 wrote: »
    SHADOW2KK wrote: »
    Hate to say it OP but have to agree with the l2p responses.

    But I am sure ZoS will listen to yet another no skill player and nerf things accordingly without lesser players learning how to counter shizzle yet again....

    np man ;) just looking your name is easy to understand , you like to exploit this buggy skill , everyone here not agree , are still agree the to cc fear is buggy lol also the reply ltp is very free because you bring nothing to on the table to hold what you saying

    Buggy skill?

    Please, try to play as a NB using cloak for escaping mechanics.

    As a NB I can tell you 2 skills that kill me most of the time:

    1- Piercing mark
    2- Radiant magelight

    besides , there is that "detection pot" that allows not only you see the NB, but also your entire group.

    The skill is broken by almost everything in this game, incuding gap closers.

    Anyway, if you run with a group, just make sure at least one of your partners is running detect pots (Can be the tankiest one). If you are running solo, just slot radiant
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
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