hmmmm, not much of a horse ganker myself, sooooooooo - i guess I'm happy...
hmmmm, not much of a horse ganker myself, sooooooooo - i guess I'm happy...
Trust me, got nothing to do with ganking. Quite the opposite. When i wrote this, it was out of frustration, because some potato, after chasing me for half a mile with 2 of his friends, got up on his horse, after i had killed his 2 friends, and just casually rode away. I could simply not get him off the horse. Crit Charge failed every single time. The CC did not work. So he could just ride along...
Of course that is not the only time - it seems like a general issue. That was just the drop that made it for me.
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
They nerfed the necessity of mount stamina training to make carry capacity training more appealing.
Twohothardware wrote: »They need to change the way Stamina works on Mounts. It should have nothing to do with how much damage you can take before falling off or dismounting. It should only determine how long you can move at max speed the same as when you run out of Stamina when running on foot. You shouldn't need a nuclear strike to cause someone with max Stamina to dismount a horse.