I went through some serious pain with logins over the last few months and as a consequence learned a few things that I thought I'd share in case they help others.
The symptom was pretty simple - 303 time out after 303 time out when trying to load from the character screen, most days I would get in after a number of repeats, some I wouldn't.
The cause was also quite simple - my character was taking longer to load than the timeout window allowed.
I'd disabled addons and been through a number of troubleshooting steps with support to no avail but in the last round someone actually got me to rename the add-ons and saved variables folders and try then. Instant fix, close ticket, move on.
But I wasn't happy so I dug around a bit in these folders and what I found and then tested suggests that the add-ons were not the problem, the saved variables were.
I don't write add-ons so won't even try to explain the whys of this but basically each add-on generates a .lua file which contains information that makes the add-on work for you. It contains things that can be real basic like the screen position you sit your mini-map in to a list of everyone you have killed or been killed by in PvP. Some do this account wide, others per character. But basically when you load a lot of this stuff is loading with you.
So back to my problem - I added back all my addons 1 by 1 to see if any particular one of them was the problem. No dice, still loading fine after they were all back on.
So I started looking at this .lua files and found a couple of things.
- They retained information for every character I had ever created and then deleted.
- They retained information from my original username that I changed ages ago.
- My wife plays too with her own account and because she once logged in using my PC when hers was playing up her info was also in these files.
- There were some random partial versions of my @accountname in there too dated around the time I changed name (maybe when I tried logging in while the name was being changed???)
Anyway these files had a truck load of stale and incorrect info which presumably was being parsed when I was loading.
So I added these version of the .luas back in and back to the 303's I went.
I then spent some time editing out all the old account names and deleted characters (very carefully because while I don't code I do script and know how much damage a misplaced bit of punctuation or missing bracket can cause... Notepad++ is your friend) and after all this my load times were fine again.
So basically stale and incorrect information in your saved variable can seriously screw up your load times and make it seems as if your addons are messed up so it's worth clearing them up from time to time.
TL:DR Look after your .lua files and they will look after you.
GM - Malazan
Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
Legio Mortuum