VaranisArano wrote: »Collectibles are their own "type" of furnishing and if you check in your furnishing menu you should be able to tell how many slots you have available for that housing. If you want to display them all, you need a bigger house. I'm pretty sure that he number of collectibles you can place doubles if you have ESO+ just like the other furnishing slots.
For books, you can buy them from the Mages Guild assuming you have discovered the books in that set. I believe you have to have discovered the whole set before they unlock, but I'm not positive. The books you discovered in your travels are not actually in your inventory, but they do go into your Eidetic Memory.
I have ESO+, but why in the world would the cap be at 2 items? What is the logic or reason behind it?
It really got me not wanting to even bother with decorating right of the bat if there are going to these silly arbitary limits on what I can actually do and how many items. What is the reason behind it?
For whatever reason - performance being the official one - ZOS has imposed limits on all house sizes. But, they don't want the small homes to have the same limits as the large ones, so the max limit they've imposed then scales down for the smaller homes. Otherwise, what would be the point of having a large home/manor if a small home could hold the same amount of collectibles?
It's just the way it is. Many of us have asked for higher limits on all the furnishing slots, but so far...
Sorry but that does not sound logical at all. They can render a big city full of houses and NPC, but it would be a performance issue in a small enclosed space to have more than 2 collectibles on the wall?
Stopnaggin wrote: »
Because all those big city units are not individual items that need to be rendered. We have asked for item limits to go higher but nothing yet. So if this has got your goat I would forego anymore on housing.
Sorry but it does not make sense, so just stop it. I have a development/programming background so I know that is not true, but even if I did not it is obvious to anyone. If you can render a full world or a city, full of objects, NPC:s and players you can render a 15*15 square enclosed empty space with more than 2 collectible items on the wall. Just stop.
The reason is something else, I assume a business reason somehow to try to make people buy bigger houses, though I can't really see the logic there either since it actually makes you lose interest in housing from the start, and from what I understand there are arbitrary caps on the bigger houses also.
For whatever reason - performance being the official one - ZOS has imposed limits on all house sizes. But, they don't want the small homes to have the same limits as the large ones, so the max limit they've imposed then scales down for the smaller homes. Otherwise, what would be the point of having a large home/manor if a small home could hold the same amount of collectibles?
It's just the way it is. Many of us have asked for higher limits on all the furnishing slots, but so far...
@Stopnaggin Actually they are, it's just that your system/graphics card is efficient enough that they appear instantly.Stopnaggin wrote: »
I have no background in programming but I know when I walk into a bank or something outside of housing all the objects aren't rendered individually. So I'm not sure how it is done. When I walk into my house the main part is all there and then objects start to appear, individual objects.
I dont know how they make a desk full of papers, ink wells and such load as one unit, but that's how it appears. Whereas a desk in my house will load each individual piece. Again I don't know why or how, only what I see.
Again item limits are far too low imho. I'm not arguing that point at all. As far as only 2 trophies allowed, I would assume that has more to do with money. Why allow you to place 30 heads when a notable home has the same limit. Pulling numbers from my butt, but you get the idea.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »
It has nothing to do with performance. It has everything to do with Crown sales. Housing is instanced, once it's loaded in, it's only a matter of rendering at that point.
If there were not limits, you wouldn't be inclined to buy more/larger houses.
Marketing trumps server/client capability all day long.
@Stopnaggin Actually they are, it's just that your system/graphics card is efficient enough that they appear instantly.
Get on a slower system (such as the laptop I'm currently on) with a less beefy card and you can literally see items (and NPCs) pop in one at a time while the system catches up.
The level designers have basic models and they literally place these to create different scenes. That enchanting station isn't the one piece you think it is, it's the base + several smaller props. It's why there are differences from place to place.
When the items are preloaded (this prerendered), it's happening when the loading screen is in place. Advance in an area faster than the machine can keep up and a you'll be greeted with a (continue)loading screen again.
(Items in the distance use LoD (Level of Detail) textures to mimic the actual item - you can see those change out as you approach, as well.)
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »
It has nothing to do with performance. It has everything to do with Crown sales. Housing is instanced, once it's loaded in, it's only a matter of rendering at that point.
If there were not limits, you wouldn't be inclined to buy more/larger houses.
Marketing trumps server/client capability all day long.
You basically said the same thing I did. Limits are arbitrary and scaled down for smaller houses to encourage purchase of larger ones. I only mentioned performance as being the official word from ZOS - I wasn't arguing that it's the real reason.
You basically said the same thing I did. Limits are arbitrary and scaled down for smaller houses to encourage purchase of larger ones. I only mentioned performance as being the official word from ZOS - I wasn't arguing that it's the real reason.