Magicka Warden DPS. How to get the most out of it?
I asked the same question to my guildie.
He responded something like this
"It takes one or two days of dolmen grinding or better via Skyreach to get any class to 50 and so instead of wasting time/energy yelling/cribbing/whinging at the reroll a Mag Sorc.
Probs solved"
I did quite a few tests on pts. Its possible to get good dps on magwarden, but I am sstill quite unsure on the rotation, on those parses here I only reapply on cooldown with dot tracker:
DPS Test video:
All parses completely self buffed, on PTS Clockwork city
6Mio Dummy without Bear
6Mio Dummy with Bear
3Mio Dummy with Bear
I did quite a few tests on pts. Its possible to get good dps on magwarden, but I am sstill quite unsure on the rotation, on those parses here I only reapply on cooldown with dot tracker:
DPS Test video:
All parses completely self buffed, on PTS Clockwork city
6Mio Dummy without Bear
6Mio Dummy with Bear
3Mio Dummy with Bear
I saw the vid you put out where you performed these parses @Alcast
Well done on them. Although you pulled nice numbers on the target skeleton, you and I both know a Warden can’t utilize that DPS in a trial though
Applying everything perfectly on cooldown without a true rotation is cool on a target skele, but casting skills with no rotation is a disaster for everyone except maybe a handful of PC players in trial scenarios (impossible on consoles with low FPS). You also gain so many powerful buffs/debuffs, use a bear, don’t use Deep Fissure, etc for these parses which increase a controlled solo target parse by so much. Maybe I’m just too picky because I only like seeing parses of people slotting what they would in an actual trial
I just don’t want anyone to skim over this thread and see those numbers, then tell themselves Magicka Warden is finally great in PvE and say they don’t need any buffs. I’ve pushed for Magicka Warden to get buffed since they were on PTS and if parses like these are seen it won’t matter how you got them. That’ll be enough for Mag Warden to be considered “good” like Mag NBs or Sorcs, which is far from the truth at this point in time. People already want them nerfed because of PvP....