I've seen another thread suggesting a title for completing all the Craglorn Trials on vet. I have a title for completing all the trials, and a unique reward for completing all the trials on Harm Mode.
Finishing all three Craglorn trials is not the easiest thing for the average joe, and thus they deserve a unique title. The title would be Stargazer. The title intertwines with Craglorn's lore with the Celestials, as the stargazers were the ones trying to figure out what happened with the Celestials.
The other reward, for completing the Craglorn trials all on Hard Mode, would be the Celestial polymorph:
Note that this picture was taken from the PTS, and the character is wearing Apostle-style armor.
This polymorph is different in that it doesn't completely change the entire appearance of your character. Instead, it gives your character an appearance very similar to the Celesials encountered in the Craglorn trials and Craglorn storyline. You retain the armor, costume, accessories, and skin. The polymorph gives you a slightly transparent appearance (not too transparent to be an unfair advantage in PvP) and stars in and around you.
In order to get Stargazer, a new achievement called Craglorn Trials Champion, would require the trials to be completed on vet difficulty. No extra bonuses.
The polymorph would be added as the main reward to the existing achievement Craglorn Trials Conqueror, which requires all trials be on vet and have their hard modes done.
The Craglorn trials should be a little more rewarding achievement-wise.
Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's