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Would it be legal to write a story/novel based on TES universe?

Soul Shriven
I would simply like to know in the off chance I ever get back into writing. There are so many stories untold and potential ones to happen that would be cool to write. I'm not talking about writing the main stories of the games. Just making all new characters and a conflict in an area of the world.
  • parkham
    My off cuff guess is: It's OK until you start making money. Then you get sued.

    This is only a guess.

    Forum fan fiction would probably be ok because everything you type here is probably owned by Zenimax.


    - All's Faire Guild
    - Divine Crusade Guild
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  • anniekat25
    Soul Shriven
    You're probably right. The only way it'd be even potentially okay is of I had permission from Bethesda or Zenimax, and they profited from it as well.
    It's a shame it couldn't be easier to accomplish.
  • Totalitarian
    I have a 125k word fan fiction about ESO, and have posted it on the forums several times about it, and on Reddit once, and I haven't been bothered by any staff (to my knowing).

    Of course, it's freely available to anyone who can track it down, and doesn't have any explicit content (it's written at a pretty similar level to the game).

    I found an interesting rule to follow, however, but I'm safe, because according to the Community Rules, it doesn't have any 'God modding' to the extent of my knowledge (this means that I don't use other players' characters in situations, and have them to my bidding as a writer).

    As an irrelevant example, if I wrote in Meilinka (a well known, nice community member I've played with in game), and had her main character become the leader of the military occupation in Aldmeri-held Cyrodiil, and had her starve the peasantry to death because 'that's what I felt like writing' in my fan fiction/roleplay, then posting it on the forums, all without her permission, there'd be a problem because I 'god modded'. And I know but that conspiracy theories aren't allowed, but *coughs* where did all the peasants go? I'm just saying...

    On a different note, I've done some poking around in the Terms of Service, and I'm pretty sure that a user-created story (one developed outside of the forum) would become Zenimax's property. Note that it seems like anything directly put on the forum is already theirs.

    Zenimax defines My User Generated Content as being any photos, images, videos, music, or sounds that I contribute, provide, post, upload, or submit otherwise to Zenimax via a Service. I would remain the owner of My UGC, and ZeniMax would have the irrevocable right and licence to use it. This is unclear whether or not a fan fiction work developed outside of a forum/in game environment is my property.

    However, ZeniMax legally owns "all Content...(other than game mods) that You create or develop using Content provided or made available by Zenimax, including...Content that You create or develop that is a derivative work of the Content provided or made available by Zenimax". Personally, I see the 'derivative work' as applying to an ESO fan fiction because it was created with inspiration from the game's Content.

    It's all irrelevant in the end though, because they already have the right to use it no matter what . And if Zenimax could actually find a use for a fan fiction written by mostly unprofessional writers (myself strongly included), it'd be impressive. Personally, I'd be surprised with my own in that situation, and would look forward to what would be made (a miniseries? comic? artwork? :wink: I can't do any of that stuff sadly).
    Edited by Totalitarian on October 3, 2017 6:29AM
    PC NA CP 531+
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    Read their adventures!
    The Celestial Lady
  • Turelus
    For non profit yes, for profit you would need to speak with Bethesda/Zenimax Media about the rights to use their IP and what they want out of it.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Serjustin19
    Question. What if I originally wrote in a 3Rd party site originally. Different names (except for character names) do zos own that to?

    The Life Of Princess Justine (Part 1) (October 2015)

    (First Part Of Story I did on a third party website. Due to this I was forced to change names. But my names of my characters are actually the real names of my ESO characters)

    Princess Justine was actually not a princess until later in her life time. Princess Justine is a very shy person. She try's to fit in. But take a long time. She is trying out experiments with foods. Some she really distastes. Now listen (read) about Princess Justine's story. For it is a tale about her.

    One day a female child with an unknown origin or name, appeared and stumbled at a church in Crynoman. A war torn battle field that stretches many miles. She was gravely wounded. Nearly death by 4 poisoned arrows from an unknown enemy. Her face became paley white. She lost massive blood. But she is a strong willed person.

    As she was gasping and near deaths end. While the good people tried to keep her comfortable. Until she passed on. Then suddenly the door was kicked open. With brute force. In came an Orman (detail below) Who was truly big and fearsome looking.

    With red hair with two half ponytails. Red curly curved mustache. Behold as this Orman came in the priests bowed down to him. But why I dare say? Why indeed. So this Orman person rushed in to this child in need. For he was going to save her.

    "By Salogirn I command you to live my child. By Salogirn you will not die. For I will not let you. For I saw you in a vision you still have good intentions. That has not yet passed. By Salogirn my dear child I have need of you! By Salogirn my poor child. This will hurt. But be over soon.

    So the child (Princess Justine which wasn't called at the time.) Looked up at this wonderful orman and nodded. For she knew not what choice she had left? Th orman smiled a sad smile. Little tears coming out of his right eye. " Alright my child. I will get started. Please try to bear the pain more for little bit.

    So the orman broke the arrows in half first. Then yanked the arrow heads out. Slowly o so slowly. Trying very carefully not to hurt her more. The child screamed o so loudly. The never ending story of pain. The orman felt saddned to hear her screams. "By Salogirn my child. I am gravely saddened and it hurts me that your in pain. Please bear this pain little for it is almost over" Then all grew still and she suddenly passed out.

    Then suddenly after she passed out. Something amazing happened. Pure earthly light/ Made the priests and kindly orman with two small ponytails and red mustache, amazed for she has such power that she yet not know. "By Salogirn! O my child what power you have. Such sweet power that will help many! For I will help you show that power that lay burden within you. But yet you not knew."

    For she healed herself. Many days have passed. Until she finally woke up. She saw the kindly orman who saved her. " For she was glad alos that he not leave. "Thank you kindly sir. For helping me. For saving me. When I was about to go away for good and I was ready for it.. But then you came out of nowhere! But why do you choose to help me and how you know I was here. I am yet a stranger. Who are you?"

    The kindly orman just laughed at the child. with pure happy amusement. "For starters my name is You Scream First Then I. I am an Orman King In Cyroman. You may not have heard of me. Many will not. Yes it is an odd name. But hey by Salogirn I really like that name. It shows pure amusement at times. You are very welcome my child. I am glad I came here in time. By Salogirn. I had a dream that you be a passionate person and help others in need. I know not understand this dream in past. But now I do. By Salogirn you have a special power in you. When you fainted this light came out and healed you."

    " But what you mean sir. What is this power? Is something wrong with me?"

    " By Salogirn's beard no! Nothing is wrong with you my child. In fact. You have a really rare but nice gift." You and many others have healing magick as you. You have this power I assumed locked up inside of you ever since your life. But finally grew out when your life was in gravely danger. So here my child I will teach you. Will you come and join me for a while when ever you so choose to decide to leave? For I will help you become a warrior healer. For a warrior healer heals the sick. The wounded and is most needed in Salogrin battle field. Will you take my hand and come join me for greater good?"

    The child nodded and laughed. "I sure will kind sir. I want to do all these things. I want to learn this power that I have had. To understand more. That has always locked inside of me. Yet I never knew. Yes kind sir. I will take your hand!" " By Salogirn I welcome you in my protection and I will help you teach how to use your power for greater good and become an honorable warrior healer to. By Salogirn I am proud."

    Many years have past. The child grew up to become a strong young lass. She become a true warrior healer indeed. From her mentor and favorite orman and mentor You Scream First Then I. She for filled her promise. Until one day You Scream First Then I smiled at this pretty young lass who he raised ever since that fateful day. "My child would you want to become my family? For I have always looked you as my daughter. Since I have raised you. So was wondering if it's alright if I adopted you?"

    "O my father. I have always looked you as a father. Ever since you helped me out. Ever since I saw you. Ever since you been teaching me how to become a warrior healer. I grew close to you as a daughter would. So father how do I put this? By Salogirn! Yes father! I would love to be adopted by you!"

    The orman started to weep at this young lass who he have grown up to become. "By Salogirn! I welcome you my child officially as my daughter! In Salogirn's name you will become known as Princess Justine! What say you o my daughter?"

    By Salogirn! Father Princess Justine is a wonderful name. I really love it. I truly do. O father I love you forever!" Princess Justine ran up to her newly adoptive father and she gave her father a big huge hug.

    "By Salogirn's blessings child I love you so much. Forever more I will always love you. No matter what." he chuckled. " Come now Princess Justine. My daughter. Let us celebrate with Salogirn's blessing!"

    "Yes papa. I love that. Let's celebrate"

    So when the sun begun to set. The moon starting to rise. It is how Princess Justine became a new being. A new person in whole. For she loved her new life and her adoptive father You Scream First Then I. This ends the story of Princess Justine's story for now. But a new journey lies ahead of her. The End


    Salogirn: Is a god. You Scream First and I worships this god. Later Princess Justine to.

    Edited by Serjustin19 on October 8, 2017 7:17PM
    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • Totalitarian
    Question. What if I originally wrote in a 3Rd party site originally. Different names (except for character names) do zos own that to?

    It's difficult to say. The Terms of Service state that "all Content...(other than game mods) that You create or develop using Content provided or made available by Zenimax, including...Content that You create or develop that is a derivative work of the Content provided or made available by Zenimax" is theirs.
    PC NA CP 531+
    Aedric Fury Sits Around Doing Nothing
    Sola Auroron Magicka Templar
    Lunaria Chimeri Magicka Dragonknight
    The Chosen of the Storm Stamina Sorcerer
    Ward-Scales Magicka Nightblade
    Sanctius Luxen Stamina Templar
    Nerwaye Auroron Magicka Sorcerer
    Warden Vyrkyl Stamina Dragonknight
    The Ninth Adventurer Stamina Nightblade
    Magna-Sola Magicka Templar
    The Celestial Lady Magicka Templar
    Read their adventures!
    The Celestial Lady
  • Serjustin19
    Question. What if I originally wrote in a 3Rd party site originally. Different names (except for character names) do zos own that to?

    It's difficult to say. The Terms of Service state that "all Content...(other than game mods) that You create or develop using Content provided or made available by Zenimax, including...Content that You create or develop that is a derivative work of the Content provided or made available by Zenimax" is theirs.

    Thank you :) I'm kinda more confused now. Unless, the content provided mean. "Character that you made" itself? I'll have to contact ZeniMax. Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules. Since names are different except for my characters names. Both past and present. (some names I made up. That later become character names, for my future toons.)
    Edited by Serjustin19 on October 9, 2017 2:03PM
    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • Gelmir
    Content = IP (intellectual property) created. It just means IP you create mentally and physically based on TES/ESO, isn't yours legally.
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  • Delte
    Gelmir wrote: »
    Content = IP (intellectual property) created. It just means IP you create mentally and physically based on TES/ESO, isn't yours legally.

    It would be very difficult to uphold though, and here is the reason behind it.

    Yes the world of Tamriel and the Elder Scrolls belongs to Bethesda/Zenimax without a doubt, right down to the characters and places within said IP.

    This is where it gets sticky.

    Anything you create within that world i.e. new characters and places along with new story ideas would belong to the author of that fan fiction.

    The court though would most likely rule in Bethesda favour due to them having way more money and better solicitors than the average person on the street.

    So I would say if you wish to publish your works and make money from it best talk to the guys at Bethesda first and see what they say. Not only would it be polite to do so and show a mutual respect towards them, but could also save a lot of grief.

    I know some people are trying to change this law saying that big companies are strangling the creative ideas of the masses by doing this with copyright and with some companies they have changed their policy towards this to allow authors to publish their own works and make money from them.

    Not sure where I stand on this though, if you spend the time and passion to create a world as rich as Tamriel would you want random people showing up and injecting their own drivel into it?

    Or would you let them create and publish their own works about your world freely and let them get paid for the stories they create?

    Bottom line we all know how much Bethesda likes to throw their weight around in the court room just look at the company who made Mojong Scrolls This case was just silly to the extreme as Bethesda tried to copyright a word. This is something you can not do if it is in the Dictionary. I mean you could make a story up about Harry Potter who was a Soldier in the second world war. There would be nothing J.K. Rowling could do about it, unless that characters started to cast spells and fly on broomsticks.

    And Interplay game developer who was trying to make a Fallout MMO.

  • Serjustin19
    Delte wrote: »
    Gelmir wrote: »
    Content = IP (intellectual property) created. It just means IP you create mentally and physically based on TES/ESO, isn't yours legally.

    It would be very difficult to uphold though, and here is the reason behind it.

    Yes the world of Tamriel and the Elder Scrolls belongs to Bethesda/Zenimax without a doubt, right down to the characters and places within said IP.

    This is where it gets sticky.

    Anything you create within that world i.e. new characters and places along with new story ideas would belong to the author of that fan fiction.

    The court though would most likely rule in Bethesda favour due to them having way more money and better solicitors than the average person on the street.

    So I would say if you wish to publish your works and make money from it best talk to the guys at Bethesda first and see what they say. Not only would it be polite to do so and show a mutual respect towards them, but could also save a lot of grief.

    I know some people are trying to change this law saying that big companies are strangling the creative ideas of the masses by doing this with copyright and with some companies they have changed their policy towards this to allow authors to publish their own works and make money from them.

    Not sure where I stand on this though, if you spend the time and passion to create a world as rich as Tamriel would you want random people showing up and injecting their own drivel into it?

    Or would you let them create and publish their own works about your world freely and let them get paid for the stories they create?

    Bottom line we all know how much Bethesda likes to throw their weight around in the court room just look at the company who made Mojong Scrolls This case was just silly to the extreme as Bethesda tried to copyright a word. This is something you can not do if it is in the Dictionary. I mean you could make a story up about Harry Potter who was a Soldier in the second world war. There would be nothing J.K. Rowling could do about it, unless that characters started to cast spells and fly on broomsticks.

    And Interplay game developer who was trying to make a Fallout MMO.

    Thanks you 2 in quotes. This really did helped me, so I think I will be alright with my character names then. However all my stuff I haven't sold. Most of stuff I wrote on a 3Rd party site was before ESO came out.

    However Princess Justine story Part 1. I wrote on 3Rd party site since I didn't had access to ESO forum at the time. ( I also changed name and race. But once I got access to ESO forum.

    In order for me to post my story on forum, I left my character name. In which I also, made them appropriate class. Plus ever since I had access to ESO forum post. I quit using 3Rd Party site and used eso forum more.

    But there lies my problem even further. Who really owns the rights? Yes my characters are based of my toons. I agree ZOS does own that. But I also changed many stuff. From 3rd party site originally, due to no access to ESO forum,. But also change it appropriate (I think) To ESO Forum.

    But could I be sued and do they own the rights for class and race names? I mean look at Lord of the RIngs/ The Hobbit and Terry Brooks The Shannara Series. They both have "Orcs" as does ESO.

    Even I believe ESO Templars, are based off of Knight Templars. What about High Elves? They are in so many games and again The Lord Of the Rings. What about Imperial Name? The name Imperial is way older than ESO. Not to mention an automobile. Especially Dark Elf. Even Famous Character whom I love. Is a dark elf. again much older then ESO.

    Not sure If I can post name of a certain Dark Elf name as an example. But it's by R.A. Salvatore.

    High Elf:


    But what If I said I originally was writing a book in Highschool, even my breaks while volunteer my time at A hospital from 2 years. Mostly because I love books. Also because my Librarian at High School Said I have a gift at writing. Even thought my grammar is horrible and spelling.

    But I was told I should keep practice and that I have really good imagination. Sadly i quit writing book, quit writing honesty. least currently :( It’s one of my reasons why I want to be a Library Page. Maybe hopefully I could start writing more, I really love books to.

    but getting Back to subject. My Dark Elf name currently. Is originally from that book I wrote in Highschool and my break in Hospital. It’s way before ESO.

    In which my Dark Elf character name for EP is. (which forced to kinda change due to console have no letter matching for book and tablets)
    Asonema Nuel Demona. Which translate in my book. "The Demon Of The Mountain"

    simple image host

    Also the name for Princess Justine. I wasn't sure what to call my one and only original DC Toon. When I originally moved from NA PS4 (AD) To PS4 EU.

    Until I decided to call her Princess Justine, since I was keep getting called that in Highschool... Also Emily, (Hight Priestess Emily) I knew someone with that name in Middle School "Emily" But something bad happened i not wish to talk about. However I wanted to honor her name. So I thought it was best idea to name my character name there.

    In conclusion and in a way I believe, I do have a right to own those character names. Even more so due to my examples above. I agree also zos in a way does own some of It to I think. But who really owns the rights is up for question.

    Is it more my rights or ZOS? Or. It both of us? I just wish there was someone to contact ZOS directly. But given my stance is it possible I still own majority of rights to my character names?

    I'm going to flare (Wrong word) one of Forum administrator. Hopefully @ZOS_JessicaFolsom could point me to write direction. I'm really more interested in this now.

    I'll be really grateful to really know If I do own character names as well some part of story from 3Rd party site originally. Then moved in to ESO forum once I got access.

    But part 2 and 3. I believe ZOS does in fact own the rights since I originally posted on ESO forum. THE Life Of Princess Justine. (Think right name?)

    but if say If I wanted to post story from ESO forum and change everything that resembles ESO and I want to publish or add to my book. If I do want to continue writing.

    Could I still keep my character name if I work something out with ZOS? Or Do I need written permission.
    If it is written permission I need @ZOS_JessicaFolsom whom do I contact?

    Thanks OP again for writing this thread. Not mean to steal. But I got so many questions as you could see.
    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • Nestor
    With all doubts, reach out to ZOS or Bethesda and ask them. We are arm chair lawyers, and mostly know how we would like the law to work not the gritty details of how it really goes.

    Zenimaz as a whole encourages fan created art influenced by or based on their games. But like any company, once dollars become involved things change.

    There have been books written based on the TES universe before, no reason why it couldn't happen again. But, please, don't try to do this in a vacuum, and not based on any advice, that appears in a Forum. While the advice may be correct, is it really admissible/applicable in your local court under your State and National Laws?
    Edited by Nestor on October 12, 2017 12:34AM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Storymaster
    Unless something is in the public domain, the typical answer about using intellectual property owned by someone else is no, whether its for profit or not. George R. R. Martin wrote about this very subject on his blog a few years back. Legally speaking, owners of an intellectual property have a legal obligation to defend the unlicensed use of their intellectual property, whether or not its for profit. He did say that some authors publicly admitted to not caring about this, and for him it wasn't a matter of caring or not, but the legal precedent you could set for someone being able to use your IP without your permission if you've established an acknowledged pattern of allowing this to happen.
    Character Profiles:
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  • Serjustin19
    Nestor wrote: »
    With all doubts, reach out to ZOS or Bethesda and ask them. We are arm chair lawyers, and mostly know how we would like the law to work not the gritty details of how it really goes.

    Zenimaz as a whole encourages fan created art influenced by their games. But like any company, once dollars become involved things change.

    But there have been books written based on the TES universe before, no reason why it can't happen again. But, please, don't try to do this in a vacuum, and not based on any advice, that appears in a Forum. While the advice may be correct, is it really admissible/applicable in your local court under your State and National Laws?
    Unless something is in the public domain, the typical answer about using intellectual property owned by someone else is no, whether its for profit or not. George R. R. Martin wrote about this very subject on his blog a few years back. Legally speaking, owners of an intellectual property have a legal obligation to defend the unlicensed use of their intellectual property, whether or not its for profit. He did say that some authors publicly admitted to not caring about this, and for him it wasn't a matter of caring or not, but the legal precedent you could set for someone being able to use your IP without your permission if you've established an acknowledged pattern of allowing this to happen.

    Hi you 2, Thanks for responding. It's really helping me out.

    But before I begin. 1. Should I make my own thread and copy and paste to all ofthis to my thread? 2. Sorry Nestor, I totally forgot about you community ambassadors. Forgive me, I'm also glad you respond to.

    @Nestor and @Storymaster Thanks again.

    I'm thinking it's better for me to write both Zenimax and Bethesda. As well send copy of this post and should I send copies of the stuff in question I wrote?

    I was hoping maybe someday if I do start write a book again, in future. all my stuff here I wrote would give me ideas. In future. But seems unlikely unless I contact them.

    But I kinda worried I might get sued It my fault. Hopefully I could work with them. However since I'm going to write both Zenimax and Bethesda to there mailing address. Does Zenimax also own Bethesda? since Bethesda is ZeniMax Media Inc.

    Now for my local court I got 2. 1 court is in my City I live and another Court is a County Court. Would the County Court be better for the city/county law? For the National Court I have no clue to contact. Supreme Court? I live in Washington State United States.

    City Court (I Live) Wapato, Washington (Website Say "Contact Attorney")

    County Court (I live to)


    Thank you also or your info. You also gave helpful ideas to. As of know I quit using Storywrite and allpoetry. for about 1 yr, maybe more. Ever since I use ESO Forum now Both sites are free. I also don't sell anything as well as making no money, Including ESO forum story I write directly.

    But in future I was planning to use all the stuff I wrote and write a book. Possibly selling(Probably in 15 yrs) But for the safe side I will contact both Zenimax and Bethesda in writing (Mail)

    I will also read what George RR Martin had wrote to. I have to find it though. All this info has also helped me to. Thank you both for wonderful responses. :smiley:
    Edited by Serjustin19 on October 11, 2017 11:32PM
    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • Serjustin19
    Nestor wrote: »
    With all doubts, reach out to ZOS or Bethesda and ask them. We are arm chair lawyers, and mostly know how we would like the law to work not the gritty details of how it really goes.

    Zenimaz as a whole encourages fan created art influenced by their games. But like any company, once dollars become involved things change.

    But there have been books written based on the TES universe before, no reason why it can't happen again. But, please, don't try to do this in a vacuum, and not based on any advice, that appears in a Forum. While the advice may be correct, is it really admissible/applicable in your local court under your State and National Laws?
    Unless something is in the public domain, the typical answer about using intellectual property owned by someone else is no, whether its for profit or not. George R. R. Martin wrote about this very subject on his blog a few years back. Legally speaking, owners of an intellectual property have a legal obligation to defend the unlicensed use of their intellectual property, whether or not its for profit. He did say that some authors publicly admitted to not caring about this, and for him it wasn't a matter of caring or not, but the legal precedent you could set for someone being able to use your IP without your permission if you've established an acknowledged pattern of allowing this to happen.

    Hi you 2, Thanks for responding. It's really helping me out.

    But before I begin. 1. Should I make my own thread and copy and paste to all ofthis to my thread? 2. Sorry Nestor, I totally forgot about you community ambassadors. Forgive me, I'm also glad you respond to.

    @Nestor and @Storymaster Thanks again.

    I'm thinking it's better for me to write both Zenimax and Bethesda. As well send copy of this post and should I send copies of the stuff in question I wrote?

    I was hoping maybe someday if I do start write a book again, in future. all my stuff here I wrote would give me ideas. In future. But seems unlikely unless I contact them.

    But I kinda worried I might get sued It my fault. Hopefully I could work with them. However since I'm going to write both Zenimax and Bethesda to there mailing address. Does Zenimax also own Bethesda? since Bethesda is ZeniMax Media Inc.

    Now for my local court I got 2. 1 court is in my City I live and another Court is a County Court. Would the County Court be better for the city/county law? For the National Court I have no clue to contact. Supreme Court? I live in Washington State United States.

    City Court (I Live) Wapato, Washington

    County Court (I live to)


    Thank you also or your info. You also gave helpful ideas to. As of know I quit using Storywrite and allpoetry. for about 1 yr, maybe more. Ever since I use ESO Forum now Both sites are free. I also don't sell anything as well as making no money, Including ESO forum story I write directly.

    But in future I was planning to use all the stuff I wrote and write a book. Possibly selling(Probably in 15 yrs) But for the safe side I will contact both Zenimax and Bethesda in writing (Mail)

    I will also read what George RR Martin had wrote to. I have to find it though. All this info has also helped me to. Thank you both for wonderful responses. :smiley:

    OK so, Wapato City Court won't work. Say contact attorney, I'll edit that out. But nothing for Yakima County Court. So I should be fine? @Nestor
    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • Nestor
    Yep, should be good as long as you get the details up front.

    Just to be clear, Zenimax owns Bethesda Softworks and Zenimax Online Studios. Those are the companies involved with TES.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Serjustin19
    Nestor wrote: »
    Yep, should be good as long as you get the details up front.

    Just to be clear, Zenimax owns Bethesda Softworks and Zenimax Online Studios. Those are the companies involved with TES.

    Thank you again Nestor also with the correction :smile: It's going be a lot of pages and postage. But for safe side It will be worth it just to be safe side and of course in writing. To both companies.

    Just to be on more safe side I probably should use tracking also. For both packages, hopefully I would be alright. Especially before I actually use the stuff I originally planned on using. For book later sometime in future. That is If I want to later on in future. (My grammar and spelling horrible still)

    Thanks again. Very helpful :)

    Now I just need to fix my printer. Keeps saying paper jam. But no paper in way then red error....
    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • monktoasty
    I always wondered why there are no legit elder scrolls novels written. I did find one on amazon digital and it really sucked I couldn't finish the first chapter..I don't think it was legit

  • Rosveen
    monktoasty wrote: »
    I always wondered why there are no legit elder scrolls novels written. I did find one on amazon digital and it really sucked I couldn't finish the first chapter..I don't think it was legit
    There are two: The Infernal City and The Lord of Souls. They aren't top tier fantasy, sure, but I still enjoyed them.
  • newtinmpls
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Serjustin19
    newtinmpls wrote: »

    Hey, thank you for posting these 2 links. It’s really awesome that there are other websites for these. Thanks again, I bookmarked both.
    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • Ruusa
    As others pointed out there are thousands of people writing Elder Scrolls fanfiction, I doubt any of them have official permission from ZOS, and no-one has gotten sued. Other than which was already mentioned another big site is AO3: Scrolls/works

    While ZOS / Bethesda has legal rights to sue you, the worst thing that could realistically happen is that they send you an angry letter telling you to stop. Only if you dont stop after that angry letter then you may get sued.

    Other companies, such as Disney, do send these angry letters a lot. Never heard of Bethesda / ZOS doing it despite internet being full of Skyrim fanworks of all sorts.

    There are things you should never do though and that will likely get you sued: Dont sell your TES story for money, and dont claim its official TES content by Bethesda / ZOS.
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    Erweka - altmer magicka sorc DD
    Varona Uveth - dunmer DK tank

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